New in Home Defence


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
You also have to remember that I live in a different state. here in texas if they aren't armed and you shoot them, your fucked. They have to have a weapon to warrant "deadly force". Even if they broke into your house, are stealing or you feel your life is in danger. No weapon? too bad.


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
after reading further... hockey pucks and bowling balls are cool to watch but I don't know of too many people that try and break in with those "tools".


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
NastyNate said:
You also have to remember that I live in a different state. here in texas if they aren't armed and you shoot them, your fucked. They have to have a weapon to warrant "deadly force". Even if they broke into your house, are stealing or you feel your life is in danger. No weapon? too bad.

Are you sure about that, I heard quite the opposite when I lived out there. TX has some of the most lenient gun laws from my understanding.


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
That sounds more like what I heard. Isn't TX the only state you can also legally shoot at a repo man repossessing your car. Or is that somewhere else.


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
fstlane88 said:
That sounds more like what I heard. Isn't TX the only state you can also legally shoot at a repo man repossessing your car. Or is that somewhere else.

I didn't get to shoot at the ones that took my car a few years ago!!!


Supramania Contributor
Jul 27, 2007
Athens, AL
fstlane88 said:
AaronsSupraMKIII1, makes some good points, I know all the cops I have worked with, and talked to, say that the likely hood of a jury convicting you for self defense, be it home or you were getting car jacked whatever is VERY slim. But it's super important to have a clean criminal record, which is why they don't give CCL's to everyone. Also like he said, if you truly did feel like you needed to shoot to protect your self. And that does NOT mean waiting until you see a gun on the attacker, or hear a shot. Shoot to kill, otherwise you won't get convicted for the self defense but you may have to spend months in court fighting to not get sued by the motherfucker that broke into your house. It has happened people this is America where you can sue b/c Mcdonalds made you fat....

The guys I talked to at the gun show (FL) said the shotgun I posted wasn't Class III, but the AR-15 definitely is. Hell had I had the money in hand and a CCL at the show, I could have walked out with that shotgun. I still plan to get the Class III anyway, I've always wanted an assault rifle, even if all I ever do with it is shoot money away at the range, just have always wanted one.

Here's to the NRA and the second amendment!!!!

Hmm, well I had an AR-15, two AK-47's, a KG-99 all at the same time. And my AR-15 had the quad fire system in it. None needed a class III. I was going to buy that little shorty 12ga. But the dealer said it takes a Class III, but not the same one as a full auto license, he said it is ALOT cheaper to get for the gauge. My dad has a sweet M-4 I want bad...but can't afford it right now.


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
Like you mentioned different laws I guess. I'm only going off of what the guys I talked to at the show told me.


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
After many years of reading gun magazines of which Lawyers, Judges, Police Officers, and many others in the criminal justice system also read and make editorial contributions to I have learned some good tips.

Never Brandish a Firearm, you could lose your Constitutional Right to Bear Arms from such foolish act.

No one should ever see your gun unless it's the last thing they will ever see.

If you have neighbors, make sure at least the first two rounds are frangible, (they come apart on impact meaning they won't kill the kid sleeping two apartments over), after that let the NATO rounds fly and shoot low to hi again for the neighbors.

If you have children in your home at any time Please only have a semi-auto with no chambered round as your defender under your pillow. Any kid can pick up a revolver and possibly figure out the safety and fire a round; most kids kill other kids with revolvers. At least with a semi auto there’s no round in the chamber and most kids won’t know how to even chamber a round even if they do figure out the safety.

Now here's the key almost everyone in the justice system mentioned in the magazines, IF you have to shoot someone who is in your home and threatening your life or the life of your loved ones. When the police show up, the only thing you want to say is, I thought he was going to kill me. When they ask you what happened, say nothing, say nothing to anyone, repeat I thought he was going to kill me. There is no law that says you have to tell the police what happened, Ask to speak to your Lawyer and tell him what happened. Too many times good decent citizens who have been in excited mental states said the wrong things and the anti gunners in the justice system have used these statements to prosecute them too.

Remember you cant shot someone for stealing your car, your car stereo and the possessions you own outside, BUT if someone’s in your home in the middle of the night they sure as hell ain't there for a cup of coffee.

And for the believers of the gun safe for your home defense, Ya I'll engage in that idea when I see fairies fly out your ass, that probably ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

Although I don't have guns anymore cause of the quantity of grand kids I have coming and going here. These tips will always be used by those with, common sense.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
You forgot one thing...If you do have to shoot a person in your house make sure you kill them.

suprageezer said:
Now here's the key almost everyone in the justice system mentioned in the magazines, IF you have to shoot someone who is in your home and threatening your life or the life of your loved ones. When the police show up, the only thing you want to say is, I thought he was going to kill me. When they ask you what happened, say nothing, say nothing to anyone, repeat I thought he was going to kill me. There is no law that says you have to tell the police what happened, Ask to speak to your Lawyer and tell him what happened. Too many times good decent citizens who have been in excited mental states said the wrong things and the anti gunners in the justice system have used these statements to prosecute them too.

It makes it a little harder for the police to get the story from them.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
There is so much misinformation in this thread I don't even know where to start... I'll just say; if you don't know what you're talking about, please don't post like you do.


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
outofstep said:
There is so much misinformation in this thread I don't even know where to start... I'll just say; if you don't know what you're talking about, please don't post like you do.

Please enlighten us then. Everyone can use the info, apparently.