My Supra was short lived


New Member
Feb 18, 2008
Well my enjoyment of driving a supra was short lived...I bought an '88 Turbo Targa last year, searched for a while to find one in good shape and low mileage. The MKIII was my dream car when I was younger and I just had to have one. Well driving home from work I got caught in a 7 car pileup...the cars in front of me were braking hard as I could see their cars nosediving...I hit the brakes and hoped for the best, I was amazed the car got stopped, I really didn't think it would...well I looked up in the rearview mirror to see the grill of a Chevy heavy duty truck coming on me...I thought maybe I could move foward more to give him room to stop but as soon as I got my foot off the brake I was hit. Well the Supra didn't fair too well...the front got plowed into the car in front of me, hood bent, both fenders banged up pretty badly and the entire front... bumper, fog lights, and such were trashed...the front got pushed back enough to break the fan blades of the radiator fan. The rear had hardly any damage, a spot in the paint where the bumper was hit...and the sides were bowed a little showing where it gave but not much damage which seemed odd since that was where hit came from.

The insurance company doesn't seem to value Supra's much...they are not offering much for the value of the car and wanting to total it. I'm fighting it and going through the appraisal process but it's dragging out.

From going through this it would seem that when owning such a car it's recommended to get an apprasial before having an accident. I've never owned something like this so never had run into problems like this with insurance before and thought I would share my experience and suggest people to go and get their babies appraised with their insurance company before something like this happens to you.
Apr 10, 2008
South East USA
Too bad you couldn't swerve to the shoulder. I've learned to never depend on an insurance company. Geico is real cheap about paying out but they make you feel better by saying things like "so sorry".


New Member
Feb 18, 2008
I added some pictures to my user album. I wish I could have gotten out of the way. There was a full lane of traffic on my right and a guard rail on my left, I hugged the left side as much as I could but it was the beginning of a bridge so there wasn't any shoulder to speak of. Yes my car was pretty clean and I had just had a shop put a new metal head gasket on the engine and replace a bunch of gaskets and hoses about 3 weeks before the accident. The car only had 68k miles on it when I bought it and at the time of the wreck I think it was approaching it still had a lot of miles left in it.