multi capable maintainers tool kit question...

Puppy Eater

from the rooftop...
Mar 31, 2005
in your dreams....
alright so right now i am doing an inventory of my army issue tool kit that i fell in on because my unit (when we deployed) did not see fit me bringing my brand new tool kit. so long story short, i fell in on the previous units "extra" tool box.

now this is the tool box that they plundered to refresh their toolboxes (so they didnt have to order new parts) but now the time has come for me to refresh my tool box. most of the stuff im missing is sockets and stuff and the box has an NSN guide on the lid. but, the sockets and a few other pieces dont have NSNs. instead they have some crazy number.

since i feel giving this number out wont compromise government security (opsec first!) here is the strange number


this number is in place of the nsn. now, im assuming this number refers to a kit of some sort, but i really dont want to order an entire kit just because i have 4 or 5 sockets and wrenches missing. i need to figure out how to just order these few pieces...

so, halp supramania, waht duz i dooz??

Puppy Eater

from the rooftop...
Mar 31, 2005
in your dreams....
yeah, i thought it was a pn but i did some googling and it came out to be a government service contract number. i may just need to look at the gsa catalogue and find the single nsn's that i need.. but yeah i think ill try fedlog too.