Hi everyone, got an 87 with the N/A 7M and auto trans and am looking to swap to a non-vvti N/A 2jz and a w58, I’ve tried to search all around here and the other forum but can’t seem to find a direct answer to what all I will need. I have the engine with harness and I have the trans, I know i will need to order the engine mount brackets from drift motion, I’ll need a clutch pedal and brake pedal setup for a manual car, what else do I need to make it work? May be going N/A-T in the future with it pushing low boost (I know I should go R154 but w58 will work for now.) my main questions are, will my current driveshaft work? Or at least the front slip yoke? Will I be able to mate the 2jz engine harness to the rest of the car without it being a huge PITA? What master/slave/lines will I need? Any mk3 manual one will work or need to be a specific? Will my current trans crossmember work for the w58? Would I just be using a 2jz manual clutch/pressure plate/flywheel? Etc. TIA. I’ve been able to find little info here and there but I can’t seem to find anything for sure.