
Mar 30, 2005
This thread is for TECHINCAL information only reguarding the MAFT-PRO. If you post B.S; i will delete it.

This is what i'm looking for..

-version of software
- settings for the version
- issues you are having
-postive feedback
-negative feedback
-tuning experience

and anything else that can related to your personal experince running the MAFT-PRO

I think we can all benift from talking to one another and really get the most use out of this great item.

This thread will be constantly updated.


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
malloynx said:
This thread is for TECHINCAL information only reguarding the MAFT-PRO. If you post B.S; i will delete it.

This is what i'm looking for..

-version of software
- settings for the version
- issues you are having
-postive feedback
-negative feedback
-tuning experience

and anything else that can related to your personal experince running the MAFT-PRO

I think we can all benift from talking to one another and really get the most use out of this great item.

This thread will be constantly updated.

-version of software:- Not sure but It doesn't have timing control yet

- settings for the version :- Default 440 settings per the sheet

- issues you are having :- Car starts good, idles great, but Goes rich and tries to bogg down under load. Also a Hesitation when gas pedal is first pressed say at Traffic lights. Gas consumption is a bit higher then Lex AFM.

-postive feedback :- Overall good product, Havn't messed with it much.

-negative feedback :- Small hesitation at takeoffs, Runs rich when throttle is applied under med/heavy loads.

-tuning experience :- Totally stock per the book, havn't done anything to it b/c I havn't really readup on it.


Mar 30, 2005
chris that is a super idea. however at this time i'm only a mod and i'm very limited.

now back on subject..

i'm running 4.20 as my car likes this the best. I had 4.65 in there but i also had wiring issues and my car ran like crap. I did have the timing monitor working and it was working pretty damn good.

for some reason i just decided to keep 4.20 as my car runs really good with that version.

with the AFR TRACKING i'm having some issues. it will work OK; however in the upper rpms it seems to be chasing it too much and it's not holding my 11.5.

can some contribute a detailed write-up reguarding the AFR TRACKING?


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
I am running the 4.65 version and am wondering if my crazy idle problems have to do with the PT page settings (part throttle).

It idles fine and will run pretty good for a while then the idle goes haywire--sweeping 14.x to 18.x back and forth.

Running out of things to try, thought maybe the PT page settings might be causing a conflict since I don't know where to set them so the will not be enabled as I am running with the narrowband still plugged in.

So if anyone can share the PT page settings or render some information concerning them I sure would appriciate it.



Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
Pioneer, newer software (4.63, 4.65) fixes the hesitation, sounds like you need to lean out with the mainscale, and read up........and read up some more.


Mar 30, 2005

IF your running the 4.65 it's best to do a system reboot. hold right 2 buttons till system is clear... i have found that will fix most problems..

also this post will be overhauled this weekend


New Member
May 11, 2005
Rockford, IL
Sorry if any of this is re-posted but some stuff I've captured and saved. Hopefully some of it is useful. My Supra is still down so I haven't any first hand exp to give on 4.65 but it's run great on 4.4 (SD & BC) and hopefully soon will be on 4.65 w/ timing control.

what "FE" does... Found this:

FE = Flow Error, and is the % difference between the Speed Density tune and a MAF sensor if you have one installed.

FE Smoothing just smooths the data to make it easier to analyze.

If you have a MAF on the car, then you can export a log to a CSV, open it in Excel, and use the Flow Error data to help tune the VE table.

I am working on a better way to do this, but for now its a manual process..
I don't think you need to worry about the Flow Error stuff.

A higher number in FE smoothing causes *less* smoothing. Its a 1st order lag filter coeficient (if you were curious of the technical detail)

If the idle was stable with a MAF then you should be ok in speed density. When the plenum gets too big, idle stability gets worse.

You can unplug the stock O2 and tune the unit based on the wideband. Once we get your wideband figured out we can get the tracking working. With the stock O2 disconnected, your tune will be a lot more consistent.

Found a bit of info on the 'other response page settings - ver. 4.65+':

"MAP and Boost enrichments are extra airflow/fuel that are triggered by changes in MAP (vacuum) and Boost.

Generally for driveability, the TPS enrichment will do most of the work. Add some MAP enrichment is you notice a lean spot when holding the throttle steady and letting the clutch out.

The boost enrichment is for adding fuel as the boost rises, most noticable after a shift at WOT. If you are too lean as the boost rises quickly, the boost enrichment will help here.

Don't worry about the MAF limiter, its there to help on drop-throttle richness, but is adjusted last.

The MAP TPSmin and RPMmin are for shutting off the MAP enrichment at idle. Choppy cams can trigger teh map enrichment at idle. Set the TPS min to .1 above your idle TPS, set the RPM to 1500 or so, it needs to be above your cold idle speed.


There's supposed to be a good thread posted about parttime AFR tracking on 3si but I have yet to find it. :3d_frown:


Mar 30, 2005
found some PT tracking info


Idle Tps...just set it around .05v above your actual tps value at idle
Idle RPM...set it like 500rpm above the idle speed of your car(when it's at normal operating temp.)
Idle A/F... set to the desired AFR at idle
Cruise TPS...max voltage that the Cruise AFR tracking will be enabled before going to open loop or WOT afr tracking.
Cruise RPM...Max rpm where the Cruise AFR will be enabled...
Cruise MAP...Max pressure where the Cruise AFR will be enabled...
Cruise A/F...put here the desired AFR for cruising
Lean Delay...the time it will take for the lean cruise to kick in(after the cruise tracking is enabled...0.01 would be 10 seconds)
Gain...the speed that the maft pro will try to correct the changes in AFR
Lean A/F...desired AFR for lean cruise.


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
I'm posting up my settings here, of course my setup is different, so......

I have dual walbros, -8 line, afpr @32, 680cc injectors, ar3923's @ .027, ported/polished head, 1mm o/s valves, hks long runner, t-61, big I/C, built auto, 32-3400 stall, q45 (the diff here is my tps reads .41- 4.9x v)

veh sel -0
airfl mode- speed density
map source- gm 3bar
load srce- use map
baro mode- sea level;
f-out- supra mkIII
v out 1- use setpoint
v-out 2- use setpoint
afr srce- dynojet
f-in mode- 20 (for timing monitor) Chriso you should do this!
aux1 mode- trig off

mainscale- -23.0
v-out 1- 2.5
v-out2- 3.6
after start 2.2
lo load pt- 36.4
mid load- 100.1
hi load- 143
f out max- 0
fe smoooth- 30
use ve table #1
spk base- 15.0
tm base- 1.9
tm correct- 1.27
af tr delay- 0.0

boost control:

tps spool-1.90
rpm spool-2494
tps start- 2.50
psi start- 16.0
dc% start- 55.2
psi set-20
psi aux-22
gain- 10
dc% aux-50

afr tracking

Min TPS 2.50
Min RPM 2400
Min MAP 166.4
Lean Lim% 17.5
Rich Lim% 25.0
Gain 5.2
AFR2000R 13.6
AFR3000R 12.5
AFR4000R 11.5
AFR5000R 11.5
AFR6000R 11.5
AFR7000R 11.5
AFR8000R 11.5
Aux % 0.0

Air Temp
-40.00 0.0%
13.00 0.0%
41.00 0.0%
62.00 0.0%
82.00 0.0%
103.00 0.0%
129.00 0.0%
173.00 0.0%
212.00 0.0%

Aux Triggered
All 0.0%

RPM High Mid Low
400 0.0 0.0 0.0
800 0.0 +14.0 +15.0
1200 0.0 +15.0 +10.0
1600 0.0 +10.0 +5.0
2200 +5.0 +10.0 +5.0
2800 +5.0 +10.0 0.0
3400 +3.0 +10.0 0.0
4000 0.0 +10.0 0.0
4600 0.0 +10.0 0.0
5200 0.0 +10.0 0.0
5800 0.0 0.0 0.0
6400 0.0 0.0 0.0
7000 0.0 0.0 0.0
7600 0.0 0.0 0.0

Tune Response
TPS Enrich 0.40
TPS Delay 0.60
TPS Size 6
TPS MAP Max 104.0
MAP Enrich 0.1
Boost Enrich 0.1
MAP TPS Min 0.800
MAP RPM Min 2560
MAF Limit TPS Threshold 0.00
MAF Limit 0.00
MAF Limit/KRPM 0.00

Timing Monitor
Spark WOT Spark Aux
3500 all at 15.0

PT Tracking - not using but this is what I tried
Idle TPS .44
Idle RPM 1088
Idle A/F 13.9
Cruise TPS 1.90
Cruise RPM 2208
Cruise MAP 91.0
Cruise A/F 14.5
Lean Delay 5.0
Gain 5.0
Lean A/F 15.0

I am running and idling and cruising fine, not much to complain about other than boost creep, which Mike has had the same prob and gave up on the boost control. I think it may have to do with the gain, when I get time I will tweak some more. I hold real close to 11.5 at wot in 1/4 mile, it creeps a little leaner at 6000+ so I will richen that up. My main issues I had were b/c which I am almost good now, The throttle response used to suck ass, but its great now with 4.65, I havent used timing control, and wont til i see what other people do and whats safe. I occasionally hit fuel cut under certain conditions, passing on highway mostly, never in a straight 1/4 mile pull. I do get a little lean idle miss under hotter conditions in closed loop when a/f is leaner than ~ 14.5. I dont believe thats a maft pro issue, it did it b4, but Id like to tune it out, even though it wont hurt any thing. I will post this in your FAQ thread also Mike. These settings would not benefit someone to copy unless the same setup, but at least we can look at each others and say "hey, why do you have that , what did it do for you". Start helping each other out, I have been frustrated at times I admit, but I still love it.


Dec 1, 2006
got her going i dont no if this log will help.

To late to be reving it up so this is it with it idleing and a little bit of revs


Dec 1, 2006
-version of software-4.65(speed density+boost controller 4 the Mpro)

- settings for the version-Basic+ Playing with settings a bunch

- issues you are having- cant get the thing to boost my turbo to 13,14,15 psi. (13psi before stupid crossover now 4,5,6,7)

-postive feedback(works well with laptop)

-negative feedback(cant get boost out of it. Lack of knowledge doesnt help)

-tuning experience(headach)



Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
the motor city
gsx750r93 said:
-version of software-4.65(speed density+boost controller 4 the Mpro)

- settings for the version-Basic+ Playing with settings a bunch

- issues you are having- cant get the thing to boost my turbo to 13,14,15 psi. (13psi before stupid crossover now 4,5,6,7)

-postive feedback(works well with laptop)

-negative feedback(cant get boost out of it. Lack of knowledge doesnt help)

-tuning experience(headach)


take a few hours and READ the manual. don't just skim it, READ it....the only way you are going to wrap your head around the function of the MAFT pro (or any device...) is to take the time to understand how it works....there is a mountain of information available to you, time to access it instead of just asking for people to tell you what to do.

either that or it's time to take it to a shop to have it tuned for you.