List of parts needed to swap 1jzgte into mk3


New Member
Dec 21, 2009
Just wanted to repost this to see if anyone has any more info

I looked at the stickys that are posted above. What I like about them is all the information is awesome, but I want a straight forward * what parts do I need to drop a 1JZ into a MKIII and go down the road * That is what this thread is for. I hope this will help everyone wanting to do the swap. I will make suggestions that helped me, and I assure you they will do the same for you.

This is if you already have a 5-speed car you're swapping the 1JZ into, if you do not you will need more 5-speed swap parts. I would like to add though if your car is an auto, you will have to cut the tunnel where the shift comes up a little bit, for perfect fitment.

To start I will begin by breaking down everything into 5 sections Body, Engine,Electrical, Drive train, and miscellaneous parts.

Safety comes first! So always make sure you check your surroundings!

Where to buy all of these things?

I used a number of places to buy the parts? Seriously Ebay is where I got most.

Advance Auto


Complete 1JZ out of a JZA70 with a R-154, harness ECU, ect. attached ..............................$2300.00 ---------------Serious I have a very nice reputable company on *EBAY* (100%) Feedback as well.
Swap mounts for Pre '89 or '89 + .......................................................$120.00
Oil line so the stock 7M oil pressure sensor will adapt.............................$20.00
Rubber mounts for the swap mounts, or fluid filled if you have a '89 + .....$50.00
Stock 1JZ inter cooler and piping..............................................................$150.00
New Timing belt...................................................................................$35.00
Serpentine belt, Advance auto, if you run without A/C Part # 745K6............$22.00
2JZ Water pump....................................................................................$60.00
I would suggest a new Thermostat..........................................................$21.00
1JZ Water pump pulley, Hydro Fan pulley will not work..............................$20.00
If you do not want the hydro pump, you will have to get a 2JZ water pump and
LS400 Clutch with fan............................................................................$65.00
Stock 1JZ Down pipe...............................................................................$70.00
Stock Intake..........................................................................................$50.00
Oil filter.................................................................................................$5.00
Suggest engine oil- I used Castrol Edge Full Syn 5w-20.............................$50.00
Toyota Red Coolant...............................................................................$24.00/gallon
2JZ Coolant hoses..................................................................................$60.00
Hose Clamps, I would suggest getting a fair number of these. I had an issue with the water hoses that go to the oil filter housing. I used the stock Toyota clamps and they leaks, so I put some new hose clamps on there. Just as a safe guard...............................................$15.00
Heater hose, and vacuum lines to make it through the engine bay...............$30.00
I would suggest New Spark plugs Advance auto Part # NGK 4644, BKR73.....$14.00

Exhaust work will have to be done with a welder, so if you do not have one, find a place and bring the car there. We paid 100.00 to make everything fit.

Here is my suggestion though when a motor comes in. These JDM motors sit for years, maybe 5-10 years. These have a build up of gunk inside, and they have not been ran in years. I like to take the whole 1jz apart, and clean everything with a tooth brush. I then went ahead and got a new Toyota gasket kit for the 1jz and re-gasket the entire motor. I added ARP head studs as well to the mix just to be certain.


For the electrical, the harness will need to be modified to fit your car, I will make a post on how to do that. Now the 1jz's alternator is WAY over to the other side. I used 2 gauge wiring and ran it under the core support all the way to the location where it mounts on the body harness. It was not that hard. If you want the stock Boost pressure gauge to work, run vacuum line off the intake manifold to the sensor and it will work. There is really no other wiring besides the main harness which you will have to do.

Note: when testing the electrical, always make sure all (+) positive wires are not grounded out.

Your Car's 7M harness or connectors if you don't have it............$150.00
2 Gauge Wire 6 feet I bought................................................. $13.00 Advance Auto
Connectors for the wire to the battery, and to the Alt. ..............$4.00 Advance Auto
Extra wiring to extended the harness.......................................$40.00 Hardware store, or buy spare cut wiring harness

Grounds: Head to body, Transmission to body, Attach the ground at the fuse box, Ground near the A/C relay.

If for some reason you motor does not come with this, you will need them.
Map sensor....................................................................................................$90.00

Drive train:

I would suggest a new clutch.....................................................................$400.00
Drive shaft...............................................................................................$100.00
I would suggest a new slave cylinder..........................................................$40.00
I would suggest a new braided clutch line.......................................................$50.00
I would suggest new Transmission fluid.......................................................$50.00
If you want ABS to work you will need to buy a ABS rear speed sensor...........$90.00
The 1JZ cars in Japan didn't have ABS on all models, or maybe at all.


Braided Power steering line...................................................................$65.00
Power steering res...............................................................................$35.00
Power steering hose - low pressure.......................................................$20.00
2JZ-GTE Throttle Cable.........................................................................$65.00

Miscellaneous Parts:

I would have *The Good stuff* For any sealing purposes, oil pan, cam caps around the valve covers, oil pump housing, rear main seal. It works great, and I can say that because I use it on all the motor I do.

I always have a box of spare bolts, I have 1000's just in case you loose a couple and can't remember where they want.
A drill always helps make things easier.


I've done alot of research so for because I am planning on doing a 1jz swap to a 89. my first one. but I been talking to alot of great mechanics I know and they mentioned some things that you didn't. Or maybe what I want to know is getting more into the technical stuff. Just wanted to get a second opnion on some things since it seems ya know a good bit.
all comments welcome
Here is a list of some things that you didn't mention(please correct if you fell I am wrong)
-MK4 HIGH pressure power steering hose (you said low pressure)
-need 2jz power steering hose banjo belt (maybe)
-you mentioned to buy a new abs rear speed sensor if I want abs to work. can I remove the 7m harness containing ABS sensor plug and progressive power steering then remove the 1jz harness to replace it
-for a/c to work I would need to take the lines/block off of the 7m a/c pump and swap it over to the 1jz engine
-swap hydro fan from 1jz to 7m radiator cause I was told by a few that it can move more air but the bolt holes will not line up
-Not really important= switch from r12 to r134 freon when changing a/c line
-use dash panel connector from old harness and wire into 1j for dash lights and control
-Also I was told that I would need to buy a new housing for the tranny by some, but some said that a turbo 7m comes with a r154 tranny already so wouldn't a r154 tranny from a 1j fit right in?
-I read somewhere that the oil pan for the jdm 1j sit in towards the rear of the engine and I would have to buy a domestic oil pan to sit in the front so my engine would fit.

I know thats a lot of questions and I may be wrong or heard/read wrong somewhere but all comments and help welcome

I'm buying 89 targa top 7m-gte this weekend and hope to get a complete 1jzgte engine by next week with all the internal components, ecu, wiring harness, r154 tranny and all the other regular goodies that come with a jdm engine


Going for broke
Mar 30, 2005
The 94 Nissan Maxima power steering pressure line is a better fit than the mk4 one, and the Maxima one works with the stock banjo fitting (it also comes with new crush washers).

I've had 1jz ABS sensors work fine with the stock US ABS system, but that may be limited to swaps where the engine was originally from a JZA70.

As for the AC, what you need specifically is the plate on the top of the compressor where the lines bolt to, this comes off the 1jz and 7m compressors, and needs to be interchanged. However, you will find when you do this the AC lines will be a very close fit against the power steering pump bracket, and some adjustment/grinding may be necessary.

You need a new bell housing for the transmission, which is the forward section around the clutch. It is a separate piece and much be one which matches up with the JZ block, so the bellhousing from a 7m will not work. From there back you can use an r154 from a 7m or 1jz, doesn't matter.

Some 1jz oil pans are rear sump, and will need to be swapped, it depends on which car the engine comes from.


New Member
Sep 17, 2012
Some 1jz oil pans are rear sump, and will need to be swapped, it depends on which car the engine comes from.

So ur saying only the front oil pan wrk on the supras?
Was wondering cuz I'm doing mine n not sure which pan I need.