Lip service and battery issue


New Member
Jun 27, 2009
Hi guys I have a issue and I have a question. I guess I will start with my issue first. A few days ago the battery died in my car. I couldn't jump start it so I scrapped it for a new one. Upon placing the new battery in the car it wouldn't start howeve I had a friend jump start it and it ran fine after that. I only ran it once since then. I come back today and I try and turn it on however it dosnt turn on and it dosent turn over. No clicks or anything. I have my friend try and charge it but no luck only alarm goes off an I can't even turn off the alarm by remote. So I give up on it seeing as how I can't stop the alarm, can't pop start it and the charge start won't work this time. I was wondering what should I do?

Here is my seconed question. Since I have a pre 89, I have a factory lip. I want to keep it and do the side skirts and rear. The only issue with that is the lip isn't straight and and has a slight crack on one side. Is there any way I could restore and reinforce the lip with out replacing it. Or at least reinforce it so that it doesn't get out of shape again? Any suggestions are welcome and thank you in advance. Sorry for no pics, I am posting from iPhone....


Now you know
Sep 9, 2007
Baltimore County, Maryland
The lip has a system of brackets that hold it on and hold it on strait. If those brackets are warped then the lip will be the same. The only way to fix it is to remove it and try to straiten the brackets up and then reinstall it. I think there is a way to fix cracks in rubber components but I'm unaware of the process, search around the web for info.

As for the electrical problem, get a multimeter and test everything per the TSRM.

Good luck!


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
Sounds like you have an aftermarket alarm. I'd start there checking it. The stock alarm has a few sensors here and there, check them also. If it's manual, check the switch on the clutch.