Is it worth to raise ti back??? ----> MK3...


New Member
Jul 23, 2012
Hi guys. I'm new here. I don't know where to start. so here it is.

I've had MKIII supra turbo before but needed to sell it. now i'm looking for another one. why this one (will see in pictures)- because i don't want to let it just die there. I'm talking about 1990 7M-GTE targa top automatic... been sitting for 7 years but is in good condition (body not rusted). have only, if i can trust my matematics, about 85 000miles. car was running 2 years ago as i was told by owner. he wants 1600$ for it. whitch is 800Ls here in Latvia (Europe) :)

I know that is waay to much for car that's been sitting for that long time. but in here i wanted to know from u guys, is it worth to raise it from death? what should be changed to have all done and what should really be price of the car? all work would be done by me exept some specific jobs. I'm not in hurry to search for parts so i'll aim cheap and good (yeah yeah i know there is no such thing like cheap + good. but like i said, i'm not in hurry. project would be for about year or so. )20120429_110201.jpg20120429_110208.jpg20120429_110224.jpg20120429_110235.jpg20120429_110244.jpg20120429_110257.jpg20120429_110309.jpg20120429_111205.jpg [video=youtube;cizdhBHg7ow][/video]soo. what do you think?!?!?
P.S. it actually have very nice dark red colour. :) needed to make video like 1000times smaller.
waiting for reply :)



Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Not a terrible looking car for the price, and you seem to have an understanding that you have a long, uphill road ahead of you concerning the restoration of this car to proper condition.

That said, it seems you're driving an Eclipse or Talon? I didn't know those were exported. Also, what is with the little white bits on this car's front bumper? Reflectors required by law?


New Member
Jul 23, 2012
Yes for now i have 2G DSM eclipse. Maybe you can see my previous 1G in these pictures.

those white reflectors. there is more stuff on drivers door lol..... this car camed from Denmark about 7, 8 years ago. maybe they had a law for things like that.

but can you please tell me how much could i have to spend on it??? cause there is MK3 for about 5k $ in LV modded up to 340hp + NOS. that's why I'm asking about the price of the parts. and one more for ~2k $ in good condition. 1991 targa, turbo, automatic... If I could spend no more than about 1k $ in parts it could be ok.

:) little bit messy english :D


Apr 26, 2011
Does the car run now? If it doesn't run, does the previous owner know what happened to it cause it to no longer run? In my case, I spent more money on a motor that was in good condition, but I ended up doing a rebuild anyway. In retrospect, I wish I had found one where the engine was in good condition (to the point where it was rebuildable), but wasn't running so I could have saved some since I would've ended up going through the build process anyway. The prices you are suggesting are in American dollars, correct?


New Member
Jul 23, 2012
Yes prices are mentioned in American dollars. it's easy for me because Latvian lats(Ls) is 1000$ = 500LVL :)

car runes 2 years ago just perfect. owner said he started car very easly and drove it around. he's not using it because he bought ir for he's wife for 3500 Eur. She just didn't liked it and made about 3000km on latvian roads. So i believe engine should be running with no problems. why shouldn't ???

I would also spent little more time on engine because would aim higher that BPU. It still have the original HG whitch needs to be changed so will probobly change everything else too.

how do you think i could drop the price of the car while mentioning that it needs to change HG???

Can automatic be towed?


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
HG would need to be changed. I would just pull the engine and do a full rebuild on it. New piston rings, new bearings, new head gasket, new head bolts, and torque it down good and tight and you will be ok. As far as the auto goes, yes it can be towed. You could always put it in N and drag it behind you, or just remove the drive shaft. Also if it has been sitting that long might want to look into a new fuel filter. $1000 for a project is not a bad price. A little low for one that needs some work, but if the motor runs like the PO said it does, then no worries. Just drive it like that for a few more Kms and then do a full rebuild later on the motor.


New Member
Jul 23, 2012
There is like million things for different countries that they upgraded and for some they didn't in some countries in different years. like gaugecluster. i believe it has 85 000miles because car looks like it hasn't made more miles. it looks very good.

I red the topic about year to year modifications. I think this one is just like it was 22 years ago.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
To the OP, if you have the spare cash, and foresee that your life will stay stable enough to support a car hobby along the lines of restoring/maintaining a Mk3 Supra, I say go for it.

If however, you doubt that you could afford it if something came up, I'd say walk away and find something else to play with. :)