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naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I accept your apology for mistaking me with someone else..........but there's not excuse for not watching Tombstone. There's just something communist about that.


New Member
Mar 1, 2010
Greenfield Indiana
Here is some eye candy for you!!!

Here is a version for you guys/gals to down load, and pass around for us. Front and back side here, but as long as you get one side out, that's cool for us!! Thanks so much!!



Flyer is coming up soon, just thought you would like to see the Poster. Thanks to Jon Brewer Photography for these, and we will discuss more soon, but Jon is making this poster sized, and we will pull out a couple photos in this poster, and put pictures of your car in here, for a "Personalized Keepsake". Flyer is eqaully bad ass, and will be up tonight hopefully!!! More on that later, but here it is...


---------- Post added at 10:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 PM ----------

suprahero;1524075 said:
I accept your apology for mistaking me with someone else..........but there's not excuse for not watching Tombstone. There's just something communist about that.

LMAO. I better watch that then over the weekend....

Whats new: Rallyx and we HAVE THE OVAL for Drifting!! Plus I am renting state fair trams/tractors to make continuous loops around the track, so we don't have to walk that far. lol. Lots of fun stuff!!! Media Shootout returns, (Deuce of X103 won it a couple years ago driving my evo) so this will be HUGE this year!! The track moved their dates, so we don't have to compete with Pole day weekend, so the peeps will be headed out our way!! Lots of fun stuff!!
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Happy go lucky......
Jun 18, 2007
Southwest MI

Count me in for Indy2010. Should be able to come down Friday night after work. Supra still the same. Survived the 7 month layoff. See everyone there.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Scott, that is AWESOME!!!! Just made my day!! :)

Jay, that Youtube link has me on my toes ready for Family Video to open so I can go rent this!
It's been years since I watched this movie - Better yet, I may just purchase this. I'll take one on Blu-ray, please. ;)

Kevin, I LOVE the flyer!!! Thank you for posting.


New Member
Feb 9, 2008
Lafayete, IN
yay, I guess I have my deadline for the Cressida this year. 2JZ-GE goes in next weekend, so I'll have around a month to wire the thing up and finish little details. If I still have the supra I may bring it too, since the Cressi serves as such a great child-taxi :-D


Apr 1, 2005

i appreciate you coming on here. helping organize some small local events around here, i know how hard it is. i had a good time last year, in fact i think that was the last meet my supra made it to lol.

that being said, i think what supraman was referring to has been over the past couple years.

i may be mixing it up some of the years, but here goes.

one year, it was next to impossible to figure out where and when it was. did find some info and planned on coming. being a big drag racing fan, that's what i looked forward to the most. at the last minute, the drag racing was cancelled. then it was going to happen somewhere else maybe, but never knew where. don't know if it even happened.

another year (which i think supraman was talking about in particular) there was a big domestic vs import teams. there was a form you could fill out to apply for the team. everyone i knew that applied got turned down. then when the teams were announced (or i think they may have already been partially posted as time went on) almost everyone was a "buddy" of the organizers/big players and almost the entire import team was an evo. discrimination is a strong word, but it felt like that. unless you "knew someone" you had no chance, but it was portrayed as being "for everyone".

lastly, i did not know the event was open to anyone who wants to participate. so i can just show up and race? i dont care about prizes and trophies or anything like that, i just like to race, hang out and have a good time.

thanks again for your hard work, i know it isn't easy!



New Member
Mar 1, 2010
Greenfield Indiana
Great Points Dave! Let me clarify some points you made, and I agree and respect what you said.

The race at WWII (First event before we secured ORP/IRP) we did autox/slalom/skidpad at Anderson Airport on Saturday, and Friday, we held the drags up the street at Muncie. That was confusing. Yes, the website was lacking in the "Where and When" the event was, and I think just this year, we corrected it on the front page. JUST TO LET YOU KNOW OF WEBSITE ADDRESS CHANGE: is where you will find us now, we got rid of the .net.

It was, and still is an Import vs Domestic shootout, so the combined points of all classes on Team USA are tallied, same with TEAM IMPORT to decide who the "Team" winner is. I think it has been 2 wins more for Team import. Even thought there are more imports, the scoring is considered as far as how many cars on each side, as to make it even.

I had an evo, so I promoted it on Evom site, and yes, there were alot of Evo's there. It wasn't favoritism, we just put the cars in that registered. Just so happens there were alot of Evos. If you look at the line up so far, there are still alot of Subarus/evos in there. We tried to level the playing field, to negate the AWD factor as much as we can, ie: NO TIGHT/SMALL autox course, so the bigger V8's can catch up the AWD starts/cornering. It works, if you look at the autox times. Pretty damn close. I am the one who HATES picking people who you know as first pick!! I welcome EVERYONE the same, and welcome all to come out if they want to race.

This is where the confusion can come in as far as racing. To RACE, You must register the car on the website, from Jan or Feb, UNTIL 1st week of APRIL. then RACERS REGISTRATION CLOSES!! We then we pick the teams. We need to get all the racers data over to the Autox timing people, so they can enter it into their computers for race day. So, in the past, if you showed up at the track and wanted to race, we wouldn't let you, as we needed to put you in the computer, and that could cause a delay. HOWEVER, the last 2 years, I said we should do "Walk on" racers. For those who were under the impression they could race when they showed up. I TOTALLY understand how this could be confused as you arrive and drive, so we added the "walk on" racers a few years ago. So, if you want to race, you must register in advance. And by "Race" you are signing up to do autox/drag/slalom, as a "TEAM" Member. For those who ONLY want to do the carshow, you register at the gate. For those who ONLY want to drag race, we open the strip during "Grid changes", to allow for this. Jeff usually calls me, and says the Supras want to make some passes, and Jeff and I line you guys up for some runs against each other, till we are ready for the next "Run group". we have the Promax 1/8th mile shootout with us now, so squeezing in fun runs, gets bogged down a bit. I want to try and open up the strip for everyone once we are done with our event, and tabulating the scores. that would be prime time for you guys to have at it. more on that soon, but that is where I stand. all the lumps in the past are fixed for the most part, and I welcome everyone with a pulse and a car, and I don't care if its an evo or a ford focus!!! Hope that helps. Were not pro's at doing this, just a bunch of yahoos trying to make it fun for EVERYONE who shows up!! If you have any more questions, please ask. Thanks again Dave, and i understand some of what Supraman was saying now. Thanks for the kind words, and constructive critisisms, all is welcome.

dbsupra90;1526032 said:

i appreciate you coming on here. helping organize some small local events around here, i know how hard it is. i had a good time last year, in fact i think that was the last meet my supra made it to lol.

that being said, i think what supraman was referring to has been over the past couple years.

i may be mixing it up some of the years, but here goes.

one year, it was next to impossible to figure out where and when it was. did find some info and planned on coming. being a big drag racing fan, that's what i looked forward to the most. at the last minute, the drag racing was cancelled. then it was going to happen somewhere else maybe, but never knew where. don't know if it even happened.

another year (which i think supraman was talking about in particular) there was a big domestic vs import teams. there was a form you could fill out to apply for the team. everyone i knew that applied got turned down. then when the teams were announced (or i think they may have already been partially posted as time went on) almost everyone was a "buddy" of the organizers/big players and almost the entire import team was an evo. discrimination is a strong word, but it felt like that. unless you "knew someone" you had no chance, but it was portrayed as being "for everyone".

lastly, i did not know the event was open to anyone who wants to participate. so i can just show up and race? i dont care about prizes and trophies or anything like that, i just like to race, hang out and have a good time.

thanks again for your hard work, i know it isn't easy!



Apr 1, 2005
thanks for the reply kevin. still a bit confused, but i'm a slow kid.

you can pre-register, then out of that group a team is selected. what about the people that register but not picked as part of the team? can they still participate in the full event, but doesn't count towards the "score"?

you mention you have walk on racers, which you now allow, but they aren't participating as part of the group? only drag racing during changes and car show?

i ask just because i have a couple friends that may come, and they are more confused than i am lol.

for me, i will probably just participate in the car show and drag race when it is available. at this point, i believe my truck would do better in auto-x than the supra with the mods it has now.

i know typically ORP tech is pretty strict, how is it during the event? i was failed last time because i didn't have a drive shaft loop. i thought it was a bit silly because i had a 2pc drive shaft and running drag radials, not slicks. they also picked out a few other things, but it was moot.


New Member
Mar 1, 2010
Greenfield Indiana
Ok, It was a bit past my bedtime when I replied, so confusion still is on my trying to explain it so late. I will try it again, as I have my coffee in me.

If you want to race, be on TEAM IMPORT or TEAM USA, you HAVE to preregister for that on the website. then you will be picked to do autox/slalom/drags/rallyx. Your car will be classed into classes of cars like yours. If you don't want to do all this, you can just register for the carshow at the gate on May 8th. You all park together, and when we do a grid change, we will be announcing on the Track PA, or you find one of us board members and tell us you want to do some fun runs. Then we take you, and line you up to do some fun runs. This is DRAG ONLY fun runs, and NOT part of the TEAM USA or TEAM IMPORT portion.

It is like Tuesday Night Drags inspections for this, so we can just leave it at that for now. Trust me, if there is a supra in the lineup, you will be chosen to race (If you preregister) Hope this helps, if i further confused you, say so, and I can get more coffee in me. lol

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Thanks for being so thorough in your explanations, Kevin. I greatly appreciate it! :)

Also, while I'm thinking about it, did you have a response/answer to the PM I sent you on WW about a week ago regarding volunteer help?


Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
smokedmustang;1528130 said:
Didn't get the email/PM. So I will go look. Thanks Hollywood!

I sent it on 2/28 at 2:40 PM. :) No biggie, I'll shoot you the PM here. Let me know what you think. :)

IndyMK3;1530203 said:
SO! late night bump..... jeffy whats going on sunday?

Sunday...... Believe it or not, I might need some help with. I'll call you shortly with some details...



I Hate Godzilla Too!!!!
May 15, 2008
Indianapolis, Indiana
Sunday...... Believe it or not, I might need some help with. I'll call you shortly with some details...


Jeff I may have found something..... Im going to call and get some more info and see if we have to reserve a spot..... call me for more info:evil2:


Jan 4, 2007
turlock, calif
how are we lookin for this event? im assuming weather will allow my travel's to the far unknown to indy? lol. ive got 8 days off, PAID!!! and im taking them to go there.

do i need to call anyone, sign up...pitch in ect.??? anyone can text me if ya like, 209-534-4518 and names cory. but as it looks right now, im going.

---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

HOLY SON OF A........

i just map quested it... 33 hours!! lol. oh well, ill be triple digets where ever i can, hahaha


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
33hours? If you make it there, I'll be very very impressed. I'm hauling mine up there just in case I do some racing. I only have to drive about eight hours if I remember correctly from the last time we went.
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