How do you beat depression?


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
So how did anyone beat depression before it beat them? The kind that seeps through the cracks in every inch of your life, including your relationship.

I used to scream my heart out, sleep the night away and wait for it to pass, this time is hasnt gone away and Im not happy nearly anywhere...


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
phoenix6 said:
Wont turn to alcohol, Im depressed, not fuckin stupid.

CK, thanks I needed a laugh.

Alcohol is a way to get over it short-term.
Long-term, if you're on here asking supra owners....You really do need to see a psychiatrist.


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
I was curious, I know theres alot of adults on here and some had to go through this, I went through it back in high school, but now I dont know exaclty what to do. My mom is trying the herbal method, I have a problem swallowing pills so its shitty as hell, but she thinks if I balance my day with like 4 of these herbal methods, Ill even out. I heard Centrum works well to balance, I might try that.


Beach Bum
Mar 2, 2006
Cheatham County, TN
Lately, I band-aid it by spending money :1zhelp:

Last time I beat it, I took on a project that I immersed myself in for a couple of months & when I was done, I had something very tangible that I couldn't help but be proud of. (And of course, it cost a lot of $$ :icon_conf )

*edit* ... no it wasn't a Supra !!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Alcohol is a depressant, so there's no way it can help you fight depression. I hardly ever get depressed. I'm just naturally a happy person. I have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous little girls. It's hard to be depressed when your family life is great. I don't tell you this in a bragging manner. I'm merely stating that I can't see it through your eyes. I hope you find something that makes you happy though. Driving my car always makes me happy, and if I happen across an unsuspecting is awesome.

I hope you get your life straightened out Phoenix. Life can be awesome if you find the right balance. Just keep searching and you will eventually find something or someone to make you happy. I hope you find it sooner rather than


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
phoenix6 said:
I was curious, I know theres alot of adults on here and some had to go through this, I went through it back in high school, but now I dont know exaclty what to do. My mom is trying the herbal method, I have a problem swallowing pills so its shitty as hell, but she thinks if I balance my day with like 4 of these herbal methods, Ill even out. I heard Centrum works well to balance, I might try that.

Why would you resort to pills? There's something that's making you depressed. You have to address the problems first and foremost. All anti-depressants will do is cover up your depression.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
phoenix6 said:
CK, thanks I needed a laugh.

whats funny?

i kid...
I dont know..I was kinda depressed like 10 years ago.. i just found friends who were always positive (one was my youth pastor) and just hung out with them.. it helped.. i guess?


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
I had a balance, but lately Im losing it. I had my supra (love it) and my beautiful fiance, were not getting married for another year but this is bringing her down too, its affecting us. Im trying to get out of it. Spending money for me is a HUGE help, but unfortunately I dont have much right now and everythng I get goes to the money I need to fix my supra, its been out for 3 months and I was carless for 2 of them. I HAD another car, I hated it but it worked, that corsica, it ate itself and then this all started again. I feel like I have NO freedom. My GF was getting hurt so bad by my attitude lately that she kinda backed off a little and now that hurt like hell. Were talking about that though, should be fine.

I know the beautiful feeling of balance, its jsut really hard to find it right now. Im not boasting, but I have ALOT of talents, but I cant apply any of them to a job i WANT bc they all want degrees, which I cant get due to lack of money and credit. I can whield photoshop better than some "pros" and no one will hire me, even after seeing my portfolio, due to no degree. Its stressfull. I get paid shit for working a hard ass job that I learned some cool shit in, but its getting old. I wanna make enough to support me and her when we wanna get married, I know it means Im not ready, I have ideas and TOGETHER we make plenty, but alone its a problem.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
phoenix6 said:
I had a balance, but lately Im losing it. I had my supra (love it) and my beautiful fiance, were not getting married for another year but this is bringing her down too, its affecting us. Im trying to get out of it. Spending money for me is a HUGE help, but unfortunately I dont have much right now and everythng I get goes to the money I need to fix my supra, its been out for 3 months and I was carless for 2 of them. I HAD another car, I hated it but it worked, that corsica, it ate itself and then this all started again. I feel like I have NO freedom. My GF was getting hurt so bad by my attitude lately that she kinda backed off a little and now that hurt like hell. Were talking about that though, should be fine.

I know the beautiful feeling of balance, its jsut really hard to find it right now. Im not boasting, but I have ALOT of talents, but I cant apply any of them to a job i WANT bc they all want degrees, which I cant get due to lack of money and credit. I can whield photoshop better than some "pros" and no one will hire me, even after seeing my portfolio, due to no degree. Its stressfull. I get paid shit for working a hard ass job that I learned some cool shit in, but its getting old. I wanna make enough to support me and her when we wanna get married, I know it means Im not ready, I have ideas and TOGETHER we make plenty, but alone its a problem.

Ever consider a career change? Seems like most of your problems are stemming from the employment aspect. There's other options out there...


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
phoenix6 said:
i dont know how, I tried but I feel like all I can get are these dead ass jobs, what do I do? thats one of my BIGGEST problems. of the things I'm looking into myself is trucking - Done it before, but downtown runs aren't my thing in this city...And it doesn't require a huge downtime for schooling and the such. It's getting to be a more desirable career nowadays...Otherwise, you could try apprenticeships.

Generally speaking, here it's VERY easy to get a job for $20/hr as a trucker...Which isn't all that much money - But let's face it...Down south, the cost of living isn't like it is up here. - I'd take $20/hr there over $35/hr here any day of the week

All depends...It's something you could do in the interim anyways


Beach Bum
Mar 2, 2006
Cheatham County, TN
My first graphics job had me as a Dept. "helper" at like $10/hr. As soon as the Dept. head saw how I knew Photoshop, I was teaching him how to do his job! After several years of climbing that grueling ladder, I finally did something I swore I wouldn't - I turned to a career in CADD.

Now, nearly a decade after that 'helper' job, I'm pulling down $24/hr doing AutoCAD without ever completing my degree. A little common sense, a fair amount of confidence, and a whole lotta pereserverance will get you where you wanna be ... or at least close enough to it to enjoy the view now & then !!

It seems that if you're the type who CAN get depressed (some will never know the feeling) then it'll always be a few steps behind you, ready to pounce if you lose focus. So set goals, think positive - especially when you catch yourself getting 'down', and DO NOT pull that trigger when it seems all is lost ... things can & will turn around !


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
One special thing about me is I dont know how to give up. I bitch and moan but Id never hurt myself on purpose, break shit, drink, or worst case, try to take my life.

Id love an apprenticeship somewhere, but I have trouble finding these kinda things. I thought I had a job starting at $24,000 a year or so salary as a mail room boy with an OIL COMPANY, didnt go through, least Im about 85% sure its not going to.

$20/hr would be great trucking hell yeah Id do that in a heartbeat right now BUT doesnt that mean I drive around the state or country? If its local then wehre do I sign? My current job sometimes consists of shipping, HEAVY shipping, Im kinda small but I can handle myself and I work HARD.

Heres what I LOVE doing if anyone has any ideas:
Mechanics (Im not a pro, but Im a far step ahead of many people I meet, I learned alot about cars)

Computers (damn near anything and everything, build repair, anything)

Digital media (Photoshop, video editing, website design, ect)

Im learning AutoCAD drafting, I really love architechture and I have plenty of ideas.

Music, I sing, Im not the best around but I know Ihave enough talent, but would rather not a career in this bc I want a solid family.

NOW, problem is, no degrees, all of these, if you believe me, are self taught. I spent and still do spend, nights and days learning all I can. I LOVE to learn how things work if I dont understand how. I just love it. I cant stop. When I got a computer, I tore it apart and put iot back together by common sense, and it worked fine. From there I learned all I could, I soaked it up. Cars too, same with all of it. I find an interest and I run with it.

One last thing Id do, is entrepeneur or whatever, Id run my own business but I dont ever have enouh cash to start it up and no one will invest. I find tons of ideas, and then they have one BIG dead end.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
phoenix6 said:
Id love an apprenticeship somewhere, but I have trouble finding these kinda things. I thought I had a job starting at $24,000 a year or so salary as a mail room boy with an OIL COMPANY, didnt go through, least Im about 85% sure its not going to.

$20/hr would be great trucking hell yeah Id do that in a heartbeat right now BUT doesnt that mean I drive around the state or country? If its local then wehre do I sign? My current job sometimes consists of shipping, HEAVY shipping, Im kinda small but I can handle myself and I work HARD.

Heres what I LOVE doing if anyone has any ideas:
Mechanics (Im not a pro, but Im a far step ahead of many people I meet, I learned alot about cars)

Depends what type of apprenticeship. I'm looking into truck mechanic maybe, need a change...Plus, owner/operator would be that much better if you can fix your own truck anyways.

As for the trucking...It depends if you want to do city or long haul. Up here, long haul(mostly US) drivers get paid around 50 cents a mile...So $250ish a day for 8-9 hour days + expenses...City driving is hourly and will obviously be less...I'm not sure what they pay down there in the south for it though. Still, when you can get homes for under $200k all day long...You shouldn't be worrying too much about it in the big picture.