Houston Toyota Club meet (3/1) @ 8PM


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
Once again, HTC has come around to host another meet for the Toyota/Lexus/Scion lovers and their associated friends in hopes to meet new people and bring more people together.:biglaugh:

WHEN: March 1, 2008 @ 8PM
WHERE: Hooters at 290 & Hollister (next to Joe's Crab Shack and in front of Tinseltown.)
WHY: To have fun! WHOO!!

Same rules apply here as to other meets.
Cliff notes ver. of rules: DON'T DO STUPID SH*T!:biglaugh:

The roll call thus far is:

-Death - TRD GT2 Badness
-Spacepanda - the new cornering monster
-Monkey - Broken down beastie
-D-man - 5S-FTE Vert in progress
-Politicsareevil HTC OG
-Stephenlee [maybe]

If you plan to attend, please do add your name to the roll call. Hope to see you guys out there!
