Highway patrol

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Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Police enforcement is very strict on I-90 out here(The Mass Pike)
They use car's no-one would suspect. My friend's have stories of 5.0 Mustangs, '02 Camaro SS's, and Turbo Honda's, pretty much any impounded vehicle worthy of turning into an interceptor.
They pace the road by helicopter normally. Luckily I rarely have to drive on it unless I'm going west, but it's such an empty easy road to speed on at night. The toll prices are ridiculous too.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
TOMA70E said:
LA's one of the places I wouldnt run. Too much traffic to contend with, and those damn microwave guns they were testing out a while ago...Are those in service there yet?

Running up heres fairly easy though. I only see a police helicopter fly up the freeway once in a blue moon, and the only police cars I have to worry about are Chevy Tahoes and Crown Vics. I live just outside of the city limit so I never see any PD cars, Just sherriff and highway patrol. Neither have proven capable of keeping up with my NA and knowledge of the backroads, or I've just been lucky.

I'll never run inside of a town/city though, or roads I'm unfamiliar with.

Key word: NA (definiton: Slow and don't gimme crap about you know the roads, so do police and supras aren't on rails)

I think TOMA70E should be added to the ban list. Actually this thread is a great way to weed out the dumb kids, there inner Fast and Furious makes them post up.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
^^ Calm down there. I think you need to take a break from threads like this rather than waving a ban-stick.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Sorry just adijtated (SP) with some people's posts that make no sense and won't admit they're wrong, the thread should be locked though I think we both can agree on that?


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
7Mboost said:
Sorry just adijtated (SP) with some people's posts that make no sense and won't admit they're wrong, the thread should be locked though I think we both can agree on that?
Most likely it will be.

I agree on the dangers of running from the police, but keeping this thread alive/locking it will not change any of that. Some people just need some maturing, hopefully they learn before it's too late.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
I dream, it would be so much easier on car enthusiasts if kids mainly would take it easy and take it to the track at least till they learn their car well.

EX: I think I saw it in OT here, kid drifted his Caviler off a parking garage 4th story and killed him and his 3 friends.


Finally a Senior
Mar 22, 2007
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Okay, the best thing to do hands down is pull over and then FIGHT THE TICKET!
There are so many loopholes in our justice system for something as minor as a speeding infraction. I got pulled over for going ten over last July. I went to court a few weeks ago and the officer didn't show up. I motioned for dismissal and the charges were dropped. I'm only 17, so if I can figure out how to get out of a ticket, then anyone can.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
In my state the officer no longer has to show up.
They have a county representative sit in the whole day and your appeal is issued on a day where your county rep will be there. that used to be the easiest way to fight them. Most officer's would even tell you they weren't gonna show up for a minor infraction.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
2543arvin said:
^^^What happens when youre running and you kill an innocent driver on their way home from work one day.....then what?

Was it worth it?

Or if someone else was running from the cops and hit and killed your mom or dad or son or daughter........would you still feel that as long as it was not in the city limits that it would be justice?

Luckily the backroads I use arent used much on the weekdays, other than by a few people who live out there. The only time its bad is on the weekends with people heading up to the local lake. Which is when I stay away since its nothing but drunks in SUVs towing 30 ft boats.

I hate hypothetical questions, But if something of that sort did happen...eh.
To me its no different than if they were at an ATM and got held up and killed, hit by some bitch talking on her cellphone, hit by a meteor, AIDS?
They're still dead, and theres nothing I could have done about it. Thats the way life is...Shit happens.

7Mboost said:
Key word: NA (definiton: Slow and don't gimme crap about you know the roads, so do police and supras aren't on rails)

I think TOMA70E should be added to the ban list. Actually this thread is a great way to weed out the dumb kids, there inner Fast and Furious makes them post up.


Your post made me laugh. Thanks.

Its not like I go out running from cops every day.

I've been pulled over 3 times (1 misdemeanor, 2 warnings) and ran 5 times in my 6 years of driving. And I have'nt had an incident in 4 years other than a parking ticket for street sweeping day.

When I feel like running from something I go to the mall late at night and make mall security chase me with their Ford Rangers.


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
TOMA70E said:
I hate hypothetical questions, But if something of that sort did happen...eh.
To me its no different than if they were at an ATM and got held up and killed, hit by some bitch talking on her cellphone, hit by a meteor, AIDS?
They're still dead, and theres nothing I could have done about it. Thats the way life is...Shit happens.

Okay, so if you hit and killed another driver because you were running from the police, you wouldnt see that it was something that couldve been prevented? And youre right it is the same as some dumb bitch talking on their cell phone.....Its all related to being careless. But heres the difference, if I hit and killed an innocent bystander and there was nothing that I could do to stop it, then it would just be fate(if you believe in that sort of thing), but if I was running from the police, not paying attention to the road, driving drunk, talking on my cell phone, falling asleep at the wheel, etc.....then it would be something that I would have to live with the rest of my life, and have to explain to the victims' family why their family member was killed.......BECAUSE OF ME. Just seems like a big cross to bare....


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
MassSupra89 said:
Police enforcement is very strict on I-90 out here(The Mass Pike)
They use car's no-one would suspect. My friend's have stories of 5.0 Mustangs, '02 Camaro SS's, and Turbo Honda's, pretty much any impounded vehicle worthy of turning into an interceptor.
They pace the road by helicopter normally. Luckily I rarely have to drive on it unless I'm going west, but it's such an empty easy road to speed on at night. The toll prices are ridiculous too.

I used to take 90 a bit last summer, from 12am-6am it is dead, but mass cops are assholes, so i tend to slow it down to 5ish miles over the limit.

I have also never run from a cop and have never recieved a ticket.::knockonwood::.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
foreverpsycotic said:
I used to take 90 a bit last summer, from 12am-6am it is dead, but mass cops are assholes, so i tend to slow it down to 5ish miles over the limit.

I have also never run from a cop and have never recieved a ticket.::knockonwood::.

Same here.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
2543arvin said:
Okay, so if you hit and killed another driver because you were running from the police, you wouldnt see that it was something that couldve been prevented? And youre right it is the same as some dumb bitch talking on their cell phone.....Its all related to being careless. But heres the difference, if I hit and killed an innocent bystander and there was nothing that I could do to stop it, then it would just be fate(if you believe in that sort of thing), but if I was running from the police, not paying attention to the road, driving drunk, talking on my cell phone, falling asleep at the wheel, etc.....then it would be something that I would have to live with the rest of my life, and have to explain to the victims' family why their family member was killed.......BECAUSE OF ME. Just seems like a big cross to bare....

I'd look at it as wrong place, wrong time.

The way you're saying it is that if you killed someone and there was nothing you could do about it you would just call it fate (But would you still bear the "cross"?). But if you believe in fate would'nt you also believe its some peoples fate to be killed by people running from cops...Even though thats a pretty retarded fate. :biglaugh:

Just a question for you...
When a deer crosses the road and a family swerves to avoid it and goes careening off into the ravine does that deer feel any remorse?
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