help changing steering rack ends


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Slocan Park, BC, Canada
Well I am replacing my inner tie rods also known as the steering rack ends. I've been looking at a few things online including the tsrm. So how do I remove the claw washers, or do I have to even remove them? And would it matter if I scuffed up the rack end by using a pipe wrench on it instead of the specialty remover tool? It seems to me that it wouldn't make any difference in it's operation if it had a couple marks where the teeth of my wrench bit into it. Replacing these is a must as my original ones are junk.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
By this, you won't regret it.


You will need to grind one of the adapters to fit the supra nut, but this makes everything much easier. The claw washers need to be replaced, they are single use only. Without this wrench its pretty near impossible to get a torque wrench on the inner nut.

The rack is made of hardened steel, your wrench won't scratch it, just slip.


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Slocan Park, BC, Canada
That's exactly the tool I was trying to avoid buying. Thanks for the info. I might try and use a pipe wrench to remove the already crappy ends. I'm a plumber I love using my pipe wrench lol. Of course you also make a good point about not being able to torque it to the exact spec. I was planning on using thread locker though for the reinstall of the new ones.