Helluva a way to start off the morning...


Active Member
May 19, 2010
NADA has a value guide for our cars IIRC.

You're going to want to value it using autotrader.com, completed ebay auctions (completed sale prices carry more weight), and craigslist ads though to be sure you're getting an amount that will be enough to actually replace the car. Even if you plan to buy something else you should emphasize to the insurance company that you need enough to replace the car, because otherwise they will try to pacify you by waving lesser amounts of money at you.

This is why it's always a good idea to be that ass that stops 20 feet behind the car in front of him. You may get shit from other drivers, but at least you have a chance to get out of the way if you see a car coming up on you way too fast. My brother in law just avoided this same type of accident, he saw the lady coming up behind him texting and going way too fast to be stopping, and he floored it and drove off into the grass on the side of the road. He got out of the way just in time for her to slam into the guy in front of him, and she hit that guy HARD. He stuck around to tell the cop that she was texting. Stupid ass lady was screaming at him that the accident was his fault cause he drove off the road. The cop told her to shut up or he would arrest her.


New Member
May 20, 2010
^^ What a cunt.

The other night I was the first car stopped at a light. I see some faggot ass high schooler barreling down on me with no signs of stopping. I throw the bitch into gear and get as close to the intersection as I can without going into traffic. This completely saved my ass as the retard stopped just inches from me.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mecevans;1786414 said:
I have on of these.


I have got less tailgaters and people last minute braking.
How much did that run you? Pretty good idea if you ask me. And fuck anyone who would give you grief over stopping short. There is absolutely no reason to park your nose 3" from the next car's ass. I've always thought it would be fun to put a KC light on the roll bar (pointed backwards) for people who tail gate me too long...


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
Sultan, WA
Normally if I feel that I have to stop quick because the guy in front of me has stopped quick, I keep an eye on my rearview mirror. My ex always got on me about now watching infron of me and watching behind me. This time, it was a normal stop and I had no reason to look behind me, that I knew of. I think I was a good 10 feet or so behind the guy in front of me when she slammed me.

Suppoded to hear back fromthe insurance company today. Hoping it comes back in a good way..... I'll let y'all know.


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
Sultan, WA
Alright heard back from the insrance company. At least with my car ingnorance, I think this might work out well.

Came back as a total loss. Figured as such. Gave me two options:

1) I keep the vehicle. They send me a check for $3620.00 plus tax and fees minus the salvage value of the car. Net check to me would be $3650.45

2) I surrender the car and they send me a check in the net amount of $4006.43

The car is still drivable. No engine damage that I know of. The amount of the estimate from the body shop was $3321.74 ON the estimate they had to replace the two fog lamp assemblies. Both of the lamps are fully operational right now. They also had in the est. to replace a pice of cracked interior trim. No big deal. I called the body shop and if those three items are removed, the estimate goes down to $2560.28.

I'm thinking I'm going to keep the car and take it to the shop myself and finagle with them about what needs to be repaired.

Hoping to get your guys expert opinions on this. I can post more/better pix of the damage if needed.

Thanks guys.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mecevans;1786763 said:
Post more pictures. I think it would be easier to find a clean shell and swap over the best parts.
This is what I would suggest. I don't think you've posted up details on the overall condition of the car, pre-incident, that would give us a better idea on whether that is a fair price on the car or not. Personally if I were in your shoes with my car and someone tried to offer me that much, I would likely be telling them to try again, my engine alone has more money into it. But if this had happened before the swap, I think that would have been about right given the condition of my car...


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
Sultan, WA
In my opinion, its a fair value. As far as I know, nothing has been replaced on the car and everything is stock. Even the stereo cassette player. It's what you would expect of a 24 year old car that really hasn't much done to it, except the normal maintenance to keep it running. There's no other body damage except what happened in the accident. The paint job is what's expected with the clear coat wearing away in a few spots and numerous dings here and there.

Here's a few pics:



New Member
Sep 24, 2008
If the car is sitting level all you would need is a new bumper and reinforcement bar check and see if the front rails have bent in Horizontal if they have all you need to do is get the rails pushed stright and new bumper and reo bar but if the rails have bent as far back as the strut towers dont bother!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
barkz;1786974 said:
take the money and run. find another clean car
Looks like my old car... I'd take this piece of advice as well, especially for an automatic. Save up some cash in the meantime, and WAIT until you find a well sorted, clean car that you wanna pounce on. Unless you need something to get you around, in which case get what you can get I guess...


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
Sultan, WA
Thanks for the tips guys.

I did keep the car. At the moment, its my only mode of transportation. I got it from my father-in-law and he had it for almost 20 years. I know he took care of the engine, so I don't have to worry about that with getting a "new" car. The check I'm getting will cover the repair to the body, so I should be fine there. Money is REAL tight for me right now, so I'm doing everything I can to get by.

I'm going to take my daughter's car when she goes off to college next fall, so when that happens, I won't have to worry about having to have this one as a daily driver and do some more resto work on it.

Thanks for all your help in this matter guys. I look forward to asking for more help in the future here. I know where to go to get expert help I feel I can trust with my Supe.


New Member
Sep 24, 2008
great to hear that tonk I would keep espcially since its been in the "family" that long :evil2: :icon_razz please post pics once its fixed....another one save from the scrap heap!