Headlight problems


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
Lafayette Louisiana
Ok so I've searched and after found a problem similar to mine...

Ok from what I know the headlights havn't worked since my friend Paul took the GE out and swapped in the GTE. I bought the car from his dad two days after Paul died, so I can't ask him what happened...Now my friend Logan wired the driver side headlight to the parking light. That brought both headlights on, but after I had to wire the the light straight to the battery to drive 10 mins home my left turning signal turned on and stays on. You'd have to turn the lights off just to turn on the turning signal and the lights blink with it. Same with the hazards. Anytime the left turning signal is on, the lights are on. Oh and I think it's wiring into the brights, because they are the only lights that work. Now I switch the wiring to the passenger side and put it on the low beam wire. Now the low beams only work, but the left turning signal stills stays on, but it blinks now without having to turn the lights out or makes the lights flash.

Now I have two questions.

1) Does this happen alot? Can it be fixed to work like stock (Not having to wire the lights in)?

2) If it can't be fixed, Can I make another curcuit or something to run a PNP HID kit. I have some housings I can put them in, but can I make a new curcuit or something to run them off a seperate switch. The parking lights and turning signal act normal when the lights aren't wired in, but I'm afraid if I get it working like stock that the turning signal would still be messed up.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
How about wiring it according to the Toyota electrical wiring diagram. The book color codes the wiring to match the car, and shows pin out locations. Then don't let Paul do anymore wiring.


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
Lafayette Louisiana
Well I can't let him, he wrapped a Prelude around a pole doing 80...That's why I got the car...

But really it looks like everything is wired correctly, just not getting power..That's why it's wired into the parking lights to get power..It just takes wiring one headlight into turn both on.