Fuel System/Delivery & Wiring Door Harness Issues


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
New York City
Hello All,

I have 2 specific issues & for the sake of not having two threads going @ once, I tried to make this as concise as possible.

1.) Walbro Upgrade
About 5 yrs ago I upgraded the fuel injectors on my 86.5 NA to stock turbo 440 injectors, Aeromotive FPR w/Earl lines & Walbro 190Ltr, and bypassed the J-Tube as well. Set-up was running fine for 1 yr, then because of bad Rack & Pinion & low funds garaged it for 2yrs. A few weeks ago, put the battery back in & she started up right away, had her on for two hours, extremely giddy. Next day didn't start because while she was running the previous day, in my excitement I totally forgot that most cars need gas to run and unfortunately needle was way pass E. Hiked a mile, put the gas in, pumped a bit to get the gas running started her up & engine was fine, but felt like fuel system was clogged. Trip to Autozone, ordered Fuel Filter, next day get fuel filter, jack car up, PITA getting old fuel filter out, then PITFA wrong fuel filter (@%#$#!!!!)
Get correct fuel filter start her up, same problem.

Therefore, my huge dilemma, could fuel pump be clogged, could fuel pump have gone bad? Should I get new fuel pump or possibly just change the fuel pump strainer?

2.) Wiring Harness Issues
3 yrs ago, both doors on 86.5 rusted thoroughly, purchased both 1990 doors from fellow SupraMania member (You guys are all awesome, btw), thought it was easy plug & play, connect wires & presto! ehhh wrong. Now have two doors that do nothing but close & no power. Therefore, my question is would removing the 1990 door wiring harness & replacing it with the 1986.5 door wiring harness (for both doors) solve the problem, or is it an issue relating to the factory theft deterrent system?

As Always any assistance would be greatly appreciated as i'm trying to get the car out of the garage by Monday, or I have to pay for another month of parking which will set me back financially since I recently got married & recently moved from NY to NJ and the car is in NY.
Also, I tried to check the reference/Tech-Tips section but I couldn't find anything, probably because i'm still a novice and maybe not looking for the correct thread title or am just basically an idiot which wouldn't surprise me.


Hugo A.
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New Member
Jan 20, 2008
New York City

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Any assistance would be truly appreciated. My apologies if I offended anyone with my description of the problem or if I just sound too completely idiotic & mechanically dumb. This is the first vehicle I have ever worked on so I just might be that dumb! Anyways, enjoy your hollidays..



creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Since I was born and raised in Plymouth I'll ignore the Thanksgiving comment ;)

Fuel pump: Assuming the pump runs you need to check pressure being delivered to the rail. Flow can be checked by putting the supply line into a container and timing how much you get in 30 seconds.

Harness: No power at all should be easy to find but lacking skills with a meter you should try the 86.5 harness and go from there. Whatever the problem is it's not associated with the factory alarm.

There's no need to apologize btw. Although your post is long it's polite, fairly coherent, provides detail, reveals you searched, and isn't written as if you're a 12 year old. That's more than I can say for many here...


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
New York City

Thanks Jetjock, I'll get started Monday morning, the wife stated I'm not allowed to work on the car this weekend, lol. Geez, it's already begun :(
& Thanks for your comments as well, been part of this community since I first purchased my mkiii & everyone's been very helpful & I've learned a ton. However, in reading some of the posts & threads I've noticed members getting offended for words that I would never find offensive &/or just inexperienced weekend mechanics like myself asking stupid questions so I just try not to sound foolish

Enjoy your weekend!

Hugo A.