Fix for Error Code 42: Speed Sensor Error

I have had issues with the darn speed sensor for about a year now. It only acts up randomly, but really sucks on long trips. My car does have ABS installed, but because my tranny is JDM, i dont have the sensor in the tranny for the ABS to function.

Anyways, the cruise works fine sometimes and then it totally tweaks out.

So is there a fix for the error code 42? I could not find any posts that were answering the issue.

I have a 1jz with a 5-speed. The car was originally an AUTO. I rigged it up to work with Cruise last year. I am going on a 2 week road trip in about a week and i would love to make this work properly.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Does your speedometer work? I have a 1j/r154 setup, and I've broken two speedo cables since I've owned the car. Pretty sure that code 42 is what my car has been bugging me about forever...
My Speedo works great! It is about 5-7 percent above what is says. So When i am going 60 on the speedo, it is really about 64. Never bothered me. I have 18" Rims and i never adjusted it when i went from Auto to manual.
Anyone have any ideas? I have a 2 week roadtrip that i will be driving about 1400 miles and i would love to have my cruise working. I tried it tonight, it ran for about 4 minutes and then it shut off and gave me a cruise control error. Most of the time the check engine light pops on, but tonight it did not. I reset the computer last night before i posted.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
I'd double-check the speed signal output wire that comes from the speedo... It feeds several other components, but should be fine as long as you're using the regular cable from the tranny. The ABS may be a factor, but I would not think so.

I think I had a JDM tranny and just moved/installed the ABS and all the other USDM stuff to it. Just a small metal cap (like a mini freeze plug) that has the port shut. I "gently" tapped a hole into it and screwed a long screw into it, so that when I tapped with a screwdriver, the cap would not fall into the tranny. Plugged the ABS senor in and fastened with a bolt (10mm or 12mm). wired back to the dash as it normally would've gone.

Good luck!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Satan;1685028 said:
I'd double-check the speed signal output wire that comes from the speedo... It feeds several other components, but should be fine as long as you're using the regular cable from the tranny. The ABS may be a factor, but I would not think so.

I think I had a JDM tranny and just moved/installed the ABS and all the other USDM stuff to it. Just a small metal cap (like a mini freeze plug) that has the port shut. I "gently" tapped a hole into it and screwed a long screw into it, so that when I tapped with a screwdriver, the cap would not fall into the tranny. Plugged the ABS senor in and fastened with a bolt (10mm or 12mm). wired back to the dash as it normally would've gone.

Good luck!

Good info man, I kinda figured that's all that little plug was, but wasn't sure of a good way to remove it. Thanks! :)


New Member
Nov 24, 2007
I have this same issue.. Speedo works.. im pretty sure it gets thrown off in the later MPH range but it throws the code even at a 30mph cruis regardless...
I am going to post a few videos of my boost gauge going nutz from last year. I think it is related to the issue. I cant get my cruise to work at all now. I have tried like 2 or 3 times in the last week since i reset my ECU. It turns on for appx 20-30 seconds and then shuts off and the cruise blinks i think 6x and then goes solid again. Then it wont turn back on unless i turn the cruise button off and then back on.
tomorrow i am going over to my buddy mikes house and we are going to try and swap out the speed sensor. He has 2 other dashes and so i am guessing we will find a good one.

---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------

I might have found a fix from a MKIV website: Code 42 Fix

Ok had code 42 speed sensor prob .flashing o/d light ,warning triangle,and engine shaped light top right {mil light}
FIX:Take off the top part of dash and remove multi-plugs .On the one that goes into the odo you will see a pink wire and a blue/ red wire. r/h side of plug. join the pink wire from the multi plug to the red/blue wire , and the other end of the pink wire that comes from behind the dash just blank off .
just took her for a blast and woohoo no more flashing lights.

Here is the original Post: