"Exhibition of *excel*eration" ticket question...


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
If your state is anything like mine (minnesota) they call it excessive acceleration here, it a very gray law and its a joke. in my experience (iv been writen 27 offences in the last 3 years and have 3 on record) you can almost always get a stay of judification or get it droped to something lower, and iv never had a lawyer. in mn it depends if you "squealed" your tires. if you didnt then your in the clear. even if you did i would go in and talk to your prosecutor. On the other hand i got a exhibition of speed in phoenix arizona and that is one above reckless driving and rite below DUI. that i went in and got the fine dropped from 900 to 500 and had it not go on my record. read up on your states laws and figure out what hey define your offense as. and i dont think the whole car color thing is gonna matter personally. what were you doing to get this ticket anyways? sorry if you answered this latter in this thrread i onyl read to page 1 lol.


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
Spangdahlem, Germany
te72;1716215 said:
Wast this in a Subaru? If so I think I read a post you had made... if not disregard that.

no, no subaru, it was in a 2000 Mustang GT, it was about 10pm at night and Jen was next to me in her Supra at a light, i took off really fast but she didn't, and there was a cop behind me that i didnt see. so that was alot of fun, but havent gotten a ticket yet, and ill be goin to germany after korea anyway....


New Member
May 3, 2011
mecevans;1710263 said:
Get a lawyer. I got pulled over for acceleration and got it plead down to a fix it ticket for a sticky throttle.

OMG This alone was worth reading the whole thread. That's fantastic stuff right there.

No but really there are some great points made here. You guys are like pros at this stuff. Supracentral makes a good case for getting representation regarding the social network aspect of the whole system. I got a ticket the other day for going underneath flashing trolley lights, specifically that I went through a yellow light and was already in the intersection heading toward the tracks but the trolley arms were already lowering. I basically had 2 choices... stop in the middle of a busy intersection and block oncoming traffic... or hit the gas and make it under the trolley 'arms'. Right as I was passing over the tracks, the arms started to lower. Motorcycle cop appeared out of thin air: "That was really stupid".

Anyway I am trying to decide if I have a good case and if I should get a lawyer. This thread was really interesting to read through. I dunno about the $2000 lawyer fee quoted though. That seems extremely excessive for a simple ticket.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
fixitman04;1716226 said:
where are you in wyoming? i was in rock springs when i got mine... it was easy to talk the prosecutor into reducing it.

im not sure but i dont think wyoming will report to az. as long as the ticket doesnt go unpaid
Same here, Rock Springs. When was this? I only have until the 8th to decide what to do with this.

mnracer550;1716345 said:
If your state is anything like mine (minnesota) they call it excessive acceleration here, it a very gray law and its a joke. in my experience (iv been writen 27 offences in the last 3 years and have 3 on record) you can almost always get a stay of judification or get it droped to something lower, and iv never had a lawyer. in mn it depends if you "squealed" your tires. if you didnt then your in the clear. even if you did i would go in and talk to your prosecutor. On the other hand i got a exhibition of speed in phoenix arizona and that is one above reckless driving and rite below DUI. that i went in and got the fine dropped from 900 to 500 and had it not go on my record. read up on your states laws and figure out what hey define your offense as. and i dont think the whole car color thing is gonna matter personally. what were you doing to get this ticket anyways? sorry if you answered this latter in this thrread i onyl read to page 1 lol.
Definitely answered the question, it's in here for ya. Wyoming (at least around here) appears that this is one of those entirely gray laws as well, unfortunately.

Pokey2301;1717068 said:
no, no subaru, it was in a 2000 Mustang GT, it was about 10pm at night and Jen was next to me in her Supra at a light, i took off really fast but she didn't, and there was a cop behind me that i didnt see. so that was alot of fun, but havent gotten a ticket yet, and ill be goin to germany after korea anyway....
Word of advice, don't follow Jen in a burnout contest, you'll drive away with a lot less tread on the tires. Blue Stang, if I remember correctly?

VegaSupra;1717098 said:
Anyway I am trying to decide if I have a good case and if I should get a lawyer. This thread was really interesting to read through. I dunno about the $2000 lawyer fee quoted though. That seems extremely excessive for a simple ticket.

All sorts of things are excessive around here, buying even a cheap house around here before the crash was a 200k+ proposition. While the oil and gas industry does well for the job market around here, it also inflates things quite a bit...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
fixitman04;1717927 said:
woulda been around 1999/2000

I think they've tightened down on traffic citations since then, I believe they amended the statute I'm accused of breaking in around 2003 or 2005 so that it's more flexible for officers and less defined as to what you actually have to do...


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
I got pulled over for speeding last summer. The cop caught me red handed doing 127 in a 100 zone (kph). I was guilty as sin hauling ass down a highway I knew I shouldn't have been hauling ass down. My V1 did nothing for me, just told me I got nailed.

But, I later noticed that the date on the speeding ticket he wrote for me was wrong: he wrote the right day, time, month, but put 2008 instead of 2010. I called the office listed on the back of the ticket and they said it would likely be "squeltched", I think is the term, if I showed up in court. Long story short, a speeding ticket is a legal document and even an officer scribbling on the corner is considered doodling and defacing the document, making it invalid in a court of law. Spelling mistakes, especially in the charge being laid, will definiately kill the ticket.

The law will argue the intent of the ticket remains the same dispite a spelling error, but an easy and fast recourse is that there is no such charge as "Exhibition of exceleration", and if the officer does not know this, why is he able to write a ticket for it? They say "the letter of the law" for a reason. Anyway, I know for a fact that they hammer into cops in training from day one that precision and accuracy are essential in writing citations.

Don't defend the ticket based on circumstance; atleast here in Canada, any mistake such as spelling, dates, marks, or corrections are serious business and can make the whole document invalid. If you were squealing rubber, who cares. I was speeding like hell, if he had caught me a few km's up the road, I might have been doing double the speed limit. Emphasis on might because I would never do such a thing.

It's not the point:

Atleast, it saved me $180 bucks and a couple of demerits anyway. I know the officer gave me a freebie by writing the date wrong intentionally. I know damn well he didn't make a "mistake", he gave me an expensive warning. He knew I'd notice and go to court and squeltch the ticket, but he knew it'd cost me a day off and gas to drive 250km leaving at 6am to do it... Punishment enough. He teaches me a lesson, I keep my clean record, he doesn't need to show up for the court date (which he did not, so regardless I wouldn't have paid the ticket because you win automatically if the officer doesn't show up for court in Alberta for traffic charges, this is because in traffic stops it's your word vs the citing officer's word, if he's not there, the judge can't hear his story and automatically sides with you).

The kind officer who gave you the "exceleration" ticket may be doing the same. There are some good cops out there but sometimes they help you out in less obvious ways. He has to write you a ticket, it's his job, and he could lose it if he doesn't... but there's no requirement that he has to make the ticket stick.

I would expect the states works the same in spelling on legal documents, and you'll easily win if you haven't already. And if so, I promise that the officer wrote your ticket that way intentionally. So don't throw away the lesson or the intent: it's a cheap warning not to fuck around.

Besides, you don't have a purple car. Who are you, Lance Bass?
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Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Good point Keros... after making me wait for ~20 minutes (timeout for grown ups?), he gave me the ticket... but the last thing he said to me is that "I know you have a fun car, and that you like to enjoy it, but you need to be more careful about how you have fun with it." You could very well be right, but after talking with the lawyer, they suggested that the court will simply correct the ticket for inaccuracies.

As for having a purple car, depending on the lighting, the car can look that way. It's a Dupont (I think?) color called 'black sapphire', can look blue, black, or purple depending on different factors. HOWEVER, it is registered as being blue. It's not a fruity looking purple though, more a royal looking purple, like Crown...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Just to give this thread some closure, I was rather flustered with work (it's always ridiculously busy here), and my mind wasn't clear enough to make proper choices. I *should* have requested a meeting with the prosecutor, just to see what I could work out with them, but, like a dumbass, I merely paid the fine so I could get back to work. Bad news is, AZ might charge my license with 8 points, something I'll find out in a few weeks. Good news is, if I just suck it up and get a Wyoming license, they don't *have* a points system, so long as you don't get more than 4 moving violations in a 1 year period, you're good to go.

Recommended reading, and something I definitely should have read up on AS SOON AS I GOT MY TICKET:
