ever think to yourself.."who does that?"


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I hate people that stay in a lane that ends until the very last possible foot, then expect to be let into the other lane.

A road I drive daily has a spot like that it drives me insane. People actually change lanes into the ending lane After seeing the signs about the lane ending.

Then they get all mad like they have the right away Because their lane is ending...

I never back down, if they hit me they hit me. One guy in a mini van was basically behind my driver side door and didnt slow to merge. He just kept inching forward After the lane was ended expecting me to slow to let him in. He was driving on the wrong side of the road at that point and he knew it, but rather than slow to merge into my lane. He drove like that for a good 200ft before slamming his brakes in a panic as on coming traffic got closer.

My mom is crazy too, she loves to slow down at every intersection even if the light is green. She will be going the speed limit and slow to 10-15 under to go through the light. It confuses everyone around too, people coming the oppesite way are confused thinking they can make the turn cause shes stopping. People behind want to pass but cant pass in the intersection, etc.

It should be alot more difficult to get a license in this country.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
MassSupra89;973961 said:
I can't even begin to stress this. Car's should be sold with this quote written on a plaque and riveted to the dashboard.

I do this on the freeway at every chance. On normal surface roads though I dont stay to the right when going slower and dont expect others to.

Surface roads - fair game
Freeways - slow cars should be in right lane


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ and stay in the far left lane... don't forget that. :icon_bigg

Any/All drivers not taking motorcycles into consideration... That's another crappy thing. Does make for a nice little rush while driving though.
Does anyone ever experience the idiots who travel in a lane that is supposed to be for right turns only to get ahead of you (in the correct lane) to gain a few extra seconds? There is this one left turn near my house with two lanes, the right hand lane turns into a right turn only lane about 50 feet after the turn is completed, and the left lane is for going straight (which is where everyone goes, because the right turn goes into an area under construction). For some reason people all decided they need to save 3 seconds and travel at full tilt along the left corner, tires screeching, to try and get ahead of you before the lanes merge into one. I like to stay right next to them and not let them in so they have to stop at the end of the lane and wait for everyone else to pass =) Speed up when they speed up, brake when they brake. Unfortunately the Supra's brakes aren't that great and soemtimes if they really decelerate they can slip in behind me...


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
rtrdpenguin;974143 said:
Does anyone ever experience the idiots who travel in a lane that is supposed to be for right turns only to get ahead of you (in the correct lane) to gain a few extra seconds? There is this one left turn near my house with two lanes, the right hand lane turns into a right turn only lane about 50 feet after the turn is completed, and the left lane is for going straight (which is where everyone goes, because the right turn goes into an area under construction). For some reason people all decided they need to save 3 seconds and travel at full tilt along the left corner, tires screeching, to try and get ahead of you before the lanes merge into one. I like to stay right next to them and not let them in so they have to stop at the end of the lane and wait for everyone else to pass =) Speed up when they speed up, brake when they brake. Unfortunately the Supra's brakes aren't that great and soemtimes if they really decelerate they can slip in behind me...

yes, this happens a lot around here


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ In front of Rally's on 31.

I WILL make someone eat that curb. Thats my mission in life.

I LOVE when people get in the right lane there when I'm in the STI and they think they're gonna get in front of me. Barking all 4s shifting into 2nd.... they have to be thinking 'what in the world....'


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
mkiiSupraMan18;974354 said:
^ In front of Rally's on 31.

I WILL make someone eat that curb. Thats my mission in life.

I LOVE when people get in the right lane there when I'm in the STI and they think they're gonna get in front of me. Barking all 4s shifting into 2nd.... they have to be thinking 'what in the world....'

hey matt, you gonna give me a ride in the STI at the indy meet?


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
mkiiSupraMan18- Do u remember last year when yall came down for the louisville meet, and on the way over to dave's house we had that crazy STI driver pull a u-turn in the middle of the road.Do like 70 passed me to catch up to you. What was that all about, and who does that:dunno:


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
i think "who does that" or "what the fuck are they thinking" to myself, to many times in a day. One thing ive learned is that people will never stop amazing me with their stupidity. Just when i think ive seen it all, some one eles tops that last person, showing me that humanity is losing all hope at a very alarming rate.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Fuzz420;974865 said:
mkiiSupraMan18- Do u remember last year when yall came down for the louisville meet, and on the way over to dave's house we had that crazy STI driver pull a u-turn in the middle of the road.Do like 70 passed me to catch up to you. What was that all about, and who does that:dunno:

lol Yeah, I do remember that. That guy was... weird, to say the least.

rtrdpenguin;975184 said:
Lulz. I'm pretty sure my friends would actually pay me to ride in my car... not very many high school kids with anything faster than an RX-8 around here. Sadly, the thought never occurred to me.

Are you the guy with the really nice 2.5 RS? Did you upgrade to an STI?


No 2.5rs here. Upgraded to an STI, I needed a 'family' car. :icon_bigg


Me pwning a 5.0 w/ nawz.


Soarer Guy
i wanna kick people with cell phones in the face, put your fuckin phone away and drive dumb shit. like today i have my blinker on and im merging left in slow traffic in a 3 lane road. traffic is moving 3-5mph and i start going in the lane and the lady on her phone smiles and drives past while im stuck between 2 lanes and stops and smile at me i was about to punch her in the head. then a while ago there was a sti following me it was getting annoying and it was at night so i drifted a couple of turns then getting on the freeway the retard flys my me with his rice beaters on and tries to drift the circular on ramp and just goes flying off the side into a ditch, dumb shit! it made me LOOL


Boosted member
Jul 5, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I've just learned to ignore bad drivers, I'll live longer.

I was driving down this road, and noticed a guy up ahead, at a crossroads, trying to turn left across the 4 lanes of traffic. I figured he would not bother looking, and of course cut in front of me, so I laid on the brakes well before coming up to him, so I was going slow. Naturally, he looks at the two lanes across the road, and completely ignores me, and the other traffic coming on him, and proceeds across the road, right into traffic. I immediately laid on my horn, which made the situation way worse. Now, instead of cutton off two lanes of traffic making a dangerous situation, he panics, and hits the brakes, completely blocking two lanes of traffic, making a much more dangerous situation. This was winter, at the bottom of an icy hill. If I hadn't started breaking damn near the top of the hill like I did, I would have ploughed right into him.

that is when I vowed to never honk at dumb drivers again. It just makes things worse.

I work on a one way, winding road, with a particular blind corner. The number of times I've come around that corner, and come within FEET of another car, coming HEAD ON to me, going the wrong way on the one way road boggles my mind. I usually chase them down, and give them a piece of my mind when that happens.

My all time favorite story, I was driving on a fairly busy road (6 lanes at the time, being extended to 8), at a fairly busy time of the day. Some old asian driver had taken the wrong turn-off, and had STOPPED in the middle of the lane. Not only that, he was trying to REVERSE back through through traffic, trying to get back on to the road. Made a massive traffic jam. The look on his face was priceless. He was completely oblivious to the DANGEROUS, and ILLEGAL act he was doing.

Around here, they issue veteran plates to all the old war vets. I consider them "Warning Plates"