Egr install


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
Austin, Texas, United States
Hey guys, sorry if this has asked before, but I just got my engine put back together and they forgot to instill the egr and its REALLY TIGHT in there, I got the bottom nut on by forcing my arm down around the intake mani, but I just cant get the top nut on there, I just cant sre anyway other than ripping the whole intake mani/fuel rail off... Do any of you 7m gurus have any tricks you can share to get that thing in without ripping apart half the motor again? Thanks

CPT Furious

Mar 30, 2005
I had a similar problem. Here is what I did:
1. Remove the intake valve cover along with the intake piping over the top of the motor. I didn't remove the TB.
2. Used a magnetic pickup tool to hold the nut in place while I wiggled my other hand into position.
3. Sacrificed a 12 mm wrench by cutting it in half so it would fit between the firewall and where the nuts were to tighten them onto the side of the block. (Also drilled a hole and tied string to it so when I dropped the f'er I could just pull it back up!)

This got it all secure for me. Granted, this is for tightening the bolts for the EGR to bolt to the block. It sounds like this is what you are talking about...


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
Austin, Texas, United States
yeah, thanks, I got the egr in after giving up on the top bolt :p now i've got a coolant leak near the back of the motor.... not ready to pull car apart >.>... *begins the hunt for a sucker to take apart my car for me*