Cracking door panel arm rests


Old Man
Sep 15, 2006
American Fork, UT
The arm rests of my inner door panels are cracking and I was wondering if anyone had any creative fixes for this? I have already replaced the door panels once and I regularly clean and treat the vinyl with Armor-All. Is there any way to recover them?


Active Member
May 19, 2010
Yeah, I'm not a fan of armor all either, it didn't do shit to prevent aging on my last car's dashboard.

Mine are cracked too. My wife pinches her arm on it every time she gets into the car.

This might just be another part of our cars that can be fixed with the miracle known as "Plasti Dip". Try taping off an area around the arm rest and coating the whole arm rest with it (then peel the tape off after it sets but isn't dry yet). Your elbow will never slip off the arm rest again.

I'll fix mine right after everything else on the car is fixed, sometime in 2037.


New Member
Sep 21, 2010
st. louis
take the door panels off and cut a piece of thin but decently sturdy plastic and glue it to the underside of the door panel where it's cracked. this should fix your problem. if the vinyl is cracked your s-o-l sir


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
Fairbanks, AK
Armor-all dries out the vinyl. It may leave it with a "wet look" but it takes the vital material needed for the vinyl to stay in good shape. Its like lotion in the wintertime on your hands, you have to keep reaplying everytime it gets dry. same effect except for the summertime. you get the point.

There are vendors that usually go to dealerships and do vinyl, leather, seat repair etc. They are usually fair priced. (atleast where im from, they fix repairs like that and it looks great.

My advise, get some lexol leather treatment from advance or autozone and treat your panels and dash etc to give it the nutrients it needs again. Instead of that other shit that attracts dust and crap.

good luck


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
Fairbanks, AK
KMinAF;1746148 said:
Interesting, I had no idea that Armor-All was detrimental to vinyl. I assume the other brands i.e. Turtle Wax, generic are the same?

Yep, Its crap. All of those things that make your car shiny and greasy are junk. Use something to actually treat it. like leather or vinyl conditioner. I would go out there and treat everything immediately especially your dash