Cops love our cars


Dec 15, 2010
Cullman, Alabama, United States
I just got pulled over for a cover over my tag. If I'd been driving a Mini Van or some white sedan the cops wouldn't have given me a moment's notice. I just thought I'd start this thread so we can all share stories of being pulled over almost completely because of the car we drive.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Only times I've been pulled over because of my car are because of my lack of self control and restraint when driving them like they can be driven haha... Have yet to be pulled over just to talk about the thing, if that's what you're getting at.


New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Socorro, NM
Same thing happened to my fiance. She drives a convertible 350z and she had a cop pull out beside her, then slow down and follow her for about a half mile before he pulled her over for having the registration tags covered by the license plate cover. its pretty obvious he just saw the car and tried to look for a reason to pull her over.


New Member
Feb 6, 2011
Me and two buddies (s13 and ae86) are parked in a safeway parking lot after hours since we were just meeting to hang out, as were parked a cop car rolls in, parks behind us then turns on flashers. Basically looks through all our windows with flashlight, then gives friend with ae86 warning about his license plate being bent.


Dec 15, 2010
Cullman, Alabama, United States
Not so much because they like our cars, but just that they grab their attention. I know the guy was just hoping I didn't have insurance or something. If I'd been driving a car that looked like less of a "crazy driving deathtrap" he wouldn't have even looked at my tag lol.


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Childersburg AL,
I live on a high traffic corner in town and I love to park my cars out front for everybody to see.
Well that was a mistake. Cops drive by my house very slowly on a dailey basis. I guess to see what's new?
Last week I bought a jdm turbo Integra type r, I thought they were gonna pull in my driveway!
Now I can't think about driving a fun car without a cop driving by or parking down the street.
Maybe they think I'm a F&F drug dealer.
But I guess that's what I get for showing off.


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
I have certainly had this happen... on a couple occasions in the Supra...

One time I got pulled over because of my 'tints' (which are completely VA legal)...

I was cruising down the road at around 10pm, and happened to pass by a paddy wagon being tailed by a police cruiser... As I continued a bit further down the road, the cruiser all the sudden flew up on me, then swerved into the left lane and slowly passed me... He then slowed down, dropped back a bit, switched into the right lane and fell back a ways...

A couple seconds later, I saw blues coming up on my quickly, so I pulled over (anticipating them to drive by)... The damn paddy wagon pulled up behind me with his spot light in my face and lights glaring, and I saw the cruiser pull up behind him...

The cop came to my window and asked me if I had ever been pulled over for my tints... I said no, and explained that there has never been any reason for me to be pulled over considering that all my vehicles are at the legal limits... The cop then proceded to quiz me on the limits, asking what the VA law was and what the tints on my Supra were... I answered promptly that the VA legal limits are 50% light allowance for the front, 35% rear, rated at the film with leniency to compensate for factory darkened windows up to 85% light allowance, which breaks down to about 7% front and 5% rear (it's good to know certain laws)... He was a bit shocked that I actually knew the law and asked me again if I had ever been pulled over for my tints... I told him no, and explained that the reason I know is because I used to work on show cars... He went ahead and metered ALL FOUR of my side windows and concluded that they were all within legal limits... So after about 10-15 minutes of this dude wasting my time I was finally on the road again, and all the cop had to say for himself was 'alright, drive safely'...

The other time, the cop pulled me over, walked slowly around my car twice, came to my window and glanced around inside, then basically said "oops, I thought your registration was expired"

I also had the license plate cover 'issue' in my Celica a while back... A cop pulled me over and told me it was illegal to have tinted covers over your license plate... I insisted that it wasn't tinted (it wasn't), and he kept bantering me that it was, and it needed to be removed... I finally got out of the car, walked back with him, took my finger and rubbed it down the cover (removing a layer of dirt) and said 'it's not tinted, just dirty'. He just nodded and said he'd just give me a warning this time... What a damn relief to be let off with just a "warning" for doing nothing wrong...


New Member
Jun 14, 2010
We have the two supras, a 350z (nismo 2 stuff on it), and a.. lets say.. extremely noticable.. del sol

the z has been pulled over once... by a friend who was showing his new 'light bar'

so i have never agreed with the notion of cops pulling people just for their 'cars'.. normally there is another reason.. i'm not saying it 'cant' happen but the people i know personally who complain about being pulled over because of their car are not known for following speed limits, driving 'nicely', etc


Irish Cream
Mar 5, 2007
Centreville, VA
Dude, in all three instances I referenced above I was doing absolutely nothing illegal, or to draw attention to myself other than driving what I was driving. It also depends on the area you live in - the more cops on the road sitting around twiddling their thumbs, the higher the chance of getting pulled over for nothing, or over nitpicking details. The fewer the cops, or the busier they are, the chances are greatly reduced. I live in a county where cops are plenty abundant (not to mention there are often overlaps of City/Town, County and State cops all on the same stretch)...

If I were doing wrong in any of those instances, wouldn't I have at least one ticket to show among the three (especially considering that the cops around here don't play around or give warnings very often)? Only one of them did I even receive a 'verbal warning', and that was sketchy..


fixer of all things !!
Sep 18, 2008
north dakota
only had one "run in" with a cop in the supra....i did not get pulled over but he obviously was picking on the red sports car in the left lane....
i was on my way to one of the suprasport meets a couple of years ago... and passed the mn state trooper sitting in the center median. i was going the speed limit(cruz was set) and had to pass a slower car. i think the cop noticed my radar detector then. as i passed he pulled out and immediately got right on my ass.. i thought for sure i was gonna get pulled over.... id did not get pulled over....all the sudden my radar detector goes off... mine chirps until i acknowledge it i soon as i moved my hand goes off again....cop still in my mirror, i reset it goes off i unplugged it... the cop followed me for a few more miles until the next turnout in the median. as he pulled off i looked in my mirror and he was flipping me the bird!

only one word describes this guy....prick.... but at least he didnt pull me over. probably watched supertroopers before running into me...


Dec 15, 2010
Cullman, Alabama, United States
It really does depend on your area. Where I live we have tons of cops riding the roads with absolutely NOTHING to do the majority of the time. So when they see a lowered, and loud sports car driving they just have to find some excuse to pull it over in the hopes of giving some unlucky driver a ticket. As I said before I guarantee the cop that pulled me over was just hoping I was without insurance. Then they kept us there for 10 minutes while they looked up my girlfriend(passenger) up in the system, both of them just itching to find she had a warrant. Obviously she did not as we got outta there.


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
Austin, Texas, United States
fixitman04;1744808 said:
only had one "run in" with a cop in the supra....i did not get pulled over but he obviously was picking on the red sports car in the left lane....
i was on my way to one of the suprasport meets a couple of years ago... and passed the mn state trooper sitting in the center median. i was going the speed limit(cruz was set) and had to pass a slower car. i think the cop noticed my radar detector then. as i passed he pulled out and immediately got right on my ass.. i thought for sure i was gonna get pulled over.... id did not get pulled over....all the sudden my radar detector goes off... mine chirps until i acknowledge it i soon as i moved my hand goes off again....cop still in my mirror, i reset it goes off i unplugged it... the cop followed me for a few more miles until the next turnout in the median. as he pulled off i looked in my mirror and he was flipping me the bird!

only one word describes this guy....prick.... but at least he didnt pull me over. probably watched supertroopers before running into me...

This is one of the time you wish you had one of the scramblers that can send back any speed you want his gun to read... you set it for the speed limit, then keep resting your hand on it so he thinks he's messing with you and wen he's laughing you slowly pull the e-brake (with his gun still reading the limit) and he rearends you giving YOU the right to sue the crap out of him LOL


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
In 22 years I was stopped once, when I first bought the car. Since I was let go with a warning and based on the comments he made I suspect he just wanted to look at it. I've also noticed the older I got the friendlier cops became. Funny how that works...


New Member
Jul 23, 2010
North Idaho
I find it funny when my car was white i could speed all over and nobody seemed to notice, Now i have a slightly more visible color and i swear i have given a few cops whiplash as i went by, I also now seem to stick dead on the speed limit. My buddy in a 3rd gen RX7 and his son in a 240sx get pulled over a lot but they run the big spoilers and loud exhaust. I have been waiting to get a mod exhaust ticket but sofar so good, When i do i am going to fight it in court, when they quiet down the Harley's i will set my car back also.


Mar 31, 2005
Troy, MI
88 Hyundai Excel, maroon 96-98:
3 speeding tickets

85 Celica GTS Liftback, black 98-99:
0 speeding tickets
Pulled over for no seat belt. The cop had me get out of the car and walk around the back to talk to him. Had been to a rave the night before and had just dropped a buddy off at high school. My hair was halfway down my back then and I was wearing Doc Martins with striped soccer socks, cut off denim shorts, and a ripped up NIN t shirt. We had a quick talk, he ended up complimenting me on the car (he used to have one...), got a ticket, and on my merry way. Real nice guy.
Got pulled for 'wreckless driving' one time. The way I had to go, left out of the side street onto a 4 lane and then a quick right onto another side street. Had a 2nd car show up and they decided to shine lights in the window. They didn't find anything and just wanted to be pricks.

95 Celica ST Liftback, black 99-04, Greddy SP exhaust and rims:
?? speeding tickets (couldn't tell you really, had a stretch where I got 5 in 3 months)
One time I was cruising down 24 between Nashville and Chattanooga. Probably doing 95 in a 65 or 70. My el cheapo detector blows up, I look up to see he already has someone on the side of the road so I just keep cruising along. Didn't realize he had JUST FINISHED with the other guy and was back in his car. I saw him start to pull out and as luck would have it came around the next bend and had an exit just out of his sight. Ducked down the exit ramp, heard him go by, and got back on the highway. I was a smoker and didn't smoke in the 'new' car then (2000) so I stopped at the next rest area to pee and grab a smoke. The cop was there looking for me. He drove off when he saw me pull in behind him.
Another time I was picked out of a pack of speeders just so the cop could check out my car. 'I'm looking for something for my daughter...' Talked about the car for 20 minutes, thought I was off the hook, and he STILL gave me a ticket. F'n AHOLE.

87 Supra Turbo, blue 04-??:
1 speeding ticket, nicest guy, I KNOW I was doing 70+ in a 45. He told me I was doing 65. The ticket said 55. (if it had said 70 it would have been 2x+ the price and points)
Got pulled over because my tail license plate bulbs were out. He pulled up behind me at a light and must have run my plate. I ended up being held (in my car, having cigarettes) for almost an hour because my plate matched someone who had a suspended license. Turns out they transposed an 8 and a 2 (mine starts F28, his was F82...). They were checking my VIN, plate, and generally just checking the car out. Still got a warning for the light being out. For the most part they were nice to me but I was at the point of calling a lawyer.

Overall with all my tickets I've noticed one very important thing. Even if the cop is a prick just be respectful.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mkiii222;1745219 said:
Overall with all my tickets I've noticed one very important thing. Even if the cop is a prick just be respectful.

If there's anything to take away from this thread, it's this right here^.


fixer of all things !!
Sep 18, 2008
north dakota
TRDownShift;1744947 said:
This is one of the time you wish you had one of the scramblers that can send back any speed you want his gun to read... you set it for the speed limit, then keep resting your hand on it so he thinks he's messing with you and wen he's laughing you slowly pull the e-brake (with his gun still reading the limit) and he rearends you giving YOU the right to sue the crap out of him LOL
does such a device exist?


Aug 25, 2010
Arkansas, United States
Only once in my life i been pulled over & it was in the MK2. I was just heading to the lake & i saw the officer had someone pulled over by the entrance of the parking lot of the lake... & out from the back seat i hear "Go straight" so i did & i drove for about a minute & then i see the same police vehicle coming up from behind so i simply get in a driveway & turn back. Well im driving back & i see him speeding to catch up to me.. i was just about couple yards from the entrance of the parking lot when he flashes the lights. i pull in, stop & wait while all the girls are freaking out. He pulls his car next to my car & from his window he said "Oh sorry to bother i just thought your taillight was out, its just dim. You have a nice day" SERIOUSLY? you chased me back & forth for a tail light? WOW..

& seriously around here. ive gone 45 on a 25 & there were two patrols & they seriously just turned their heads & watched me go by... what can i say? the speed limit comes up too quick... & i need to start using the damn speedoemeter


New Member
Nov 17, 2010
Clackamas, OR
Ive been pulled over twice but got off with a warning each time. The first time I was going 65 in a 45 and I didn't have my front license plate on. and the second time I was going was going 55 in a 20 (had to get some girls home before five lol) and I made it all the way to their house and the cop rolls up behind me after the girls are at their front door. The cop asks why I was going so fast and I told him "I had to get these girls home by five" lol and I didn't get a ticket or anything. guess it was my lucky day


New Member
Mar 31, 2011
Pocono Lake, PA
After I registered my 89 I was waiting on a friend to pass my car for inspection, because of my exhaust. The DMV gave me the usual 10 day pass for inspections and go figure I get pulled over. I put it in the window where the sticker goes so they could see it. The cop questioned me for about 10 minutes because he's never heard of them giving those out and swore up and down I made it myself. Yes I agree you should always be respectful but if someone is yelling in your face calling you a liar you'd get pissed too. So I said " go fuckin call it in if you don't believe me" , which he did, and was sour about... So he gave me a ticket for 40 in a 35. Yes I took it to court and won
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