buying a new supra


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
This is to anyone buying a used supra from someone that tells you its "done right"

Just helped out a new supra owner tonight that bought a 90 targa turbo, Anyways the po told him it ran perferct yata yata yata........ come to find out the wiring was jacked mainly to the cps. got that fixed started to fire off but not run. checked cps alignment, internal wiring and air gaps all good. Reset cps 18 times, honest lined up but looked odd. Come to find out po had reinstalled cam gears on outer right hole, kept backfiring through intake. found problem and car is running good now. What was odd was that all timing marks lined up crank and cams. can someone explain that?

By the way that saved him money on buying the new igniter he thought he needed. where would any supra owner be without this forum thanks guys