brake noise on my dd


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
my dd is a '95 corolla and i replaced the brake pads about a month ago. every now and then there will be a pulsing grinding noise that the brakes make. its only on the drivers side i believe, you can see some lines on the rotor where the grinding is happening. i took the pads out and wiped them off and put it back together. it was ok when i drove it after but this morning it made the noise again. i don't know what the deal is. any help is appreciated.



Where are my pants!
Feb 27, 2006
St. Louis Missouri
Are the grind lines random or in a 360* pattern. What kind of pads did you buy? When is the last time you replaced rotors (If ever?). Grinding brakes are one of those problems that can be caused by a number of things. Front wheel drive vehicles can be even more problimatic due to the semi-complex design of the wheel assembly. If you can answer my questions, or maybe take a video I can narrow it down for you.(if you take a pic of the rotors that can help as well) :)


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
the marks are in a 360 pattern all the way around the rotor. the grinded area might be about a half inch wide at most. the pads i bought are bendix, they were the "top of the line" at advanced. i'm not sure if the rotors have ever been replaced, but doubt they have. maybe that'll help you help me. haha


Where are my pants!
Feb 27, 2006
St. Louis Missouri
How bad are the grooves? just surface or are they deep? you can have your rotors resurfaced most shops will do it pretty cheap.(you could have a warped rotor)
Now some people say you can reuse the pads after the rotors are machined, I dont recomend it but its up to you. If you have a warrenty on them just get new pads.
If they are the original rotors with 13 years of wear you may just want to replace them all together but do both rotors. :D


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
the grooves aren't deep, only surface. i just went by a toyota dealership and to get a part and i asked them about the noise while i was there. right away the guy helping me said the rotors were warped, at least the driver side. i'll probably get them turned this weekend if i can. thanks for the help.