Been here awhile


New Member
Mar 29, 2010
Mountain City, Tennessee
Hello to all,
My name is Ronnie. I live in NE Tennessee and own an 88 MKIII turbo targa that I found sitting in a barn with chickens living in it. The head was off the car and the turbo had sometime been dismantled and welded up in an effort to drive the car without it. I bought the car for $400 in 2002, but didn't get around to reviving it until 2006. I have been reading and searching Supramania for the last 5 years without signing up for membership. I have read many, many posts advising people to search for the info they seek before asking. I am proof that searching before asking does create positive results. Since 2006 I have rebuilt my 7M without seeing it come apart and with many parts missing. I've been through one BHG in 2008, and done alot to my car that I don't think would of been possible without Supramania.
All right then. I've got pics.. somewhere.


New Member
May 11, 2010
Hey Ronnie. Kingsport native here....You said you are from NE tennessee so maybe you live close by. I bought my second '88 n/a supra a couple weeks ago. If there's something I can help ya with give me a holler :)