Anyone in the mk3 community into drifting?


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
i think the main reason why majority of us don't drift our cars is most areas don't really have a nice sanctioned place to drift at. and as we all know the cops aren't to happy when they see you boiling the tires in a parking lot, through an intersection, or on a onramp. ive done some pretty decent drifts in my supra and they are definitely capable of doing it. im always on 200 or below tw tires though so it can be a little violent cause they bite and transition pretty hard. but through some narrow shit all seasons on the rear and it will slide like you're in snow lol

also something with drifting that keeps a lot of people away i would say is cause its harder on a car than drag racing or autox/roadracing. much more of a chance with slamming into a wall too unless the location is huge or cooking a motor.


Life's too short for N/A
Dec 18, 2011
I drifted mine constantly until the 7M recently popped. It makes a decent drift car. Mine has a welded diff, coilovers, rack spacers, lock stops and stabilizer removed. I wouldn't recommend trying it on the stock suspension and lsd, very unpredictable.