Another 1j getting fuel but no spark


Formerly jz240kouki
Jul 18, 2009
New Jersey
Been looking for a few days what my problem could be but nothing is helping. So i took my car apart for a two months to paint my bay and do body work now car wont start. Before i took it apart car was running fine. I installed an safc2 prior to taking it apart and car started up fine. Even drove it around a few times. Only thing is i forgot to reset the safc to run for my 1j(had it on my sr20 in my s13 hatch. Maybe fucked up my ecu??). The other day i put everything back together and now the car just cranks and cranks. I also noticed that the safc wasnt turning on.. I removed the safc and put all the wiring back together on the harness as it should. Still no start.. Just cranks.. So i took apart my ecu and everything is good. No leaking caps or any visible damages. I then took coilpacks off. Put a long screwdriver in the coils to see if there is spark and found that there is no spark... I know these could be a number of things causing it but i replaced everythig and made sure my timing is straight before i dropped the motor in it two three years ago. Ive drivin this car everywhere so i dont get why it would just start these problems out of no where. So im thinking right now that my map sensor, my ecu or my ignitor chip is bad.. If those arent the problems ill look into the coilpacks. What do you guys suggest it is?
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New Member
Sep 10, 2007
If the AFC wouldent power up, and it gets power from the same place as the ecu.....

Is the ECU getting power?


Formerly jz240kouki
Jul 18, 2009
New Jersey
mkiiichip;1936065 said:
If the AFC wouldent power up, and it gets power from the same place as the ecu.....

Is the ECU getting power?

Seems like AFC shit out on me... Im getting power evrywhere else. Geetting power at coil connectors, fuel is going in all cylinders and power is getting to the ignitor. I have a friend coming with ecu and ignitor to test out. Hopefully its just the ignitor chip..