Alabama Open Carry question?


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Childersburg AL,
I've been doing a little research on open carry laws in Alabama, this is what I've come up with so far.
Alabama is an oc state. Everyone refers to state vs Reid (1840)
the only time it is illegal is while in a vehicle, cc permit required.
I have a talladega county issued pistol permit unrestricted.
Number one on the permit states.
This pistol permit does not permit you to carry a gun openly.
??? I'd rather cc but sometimes it would be nice to oc with out being harassed by LEO's
What should I do? Cops in Alabama think there the only ones who should be able to oc so asking them would probly be a waste of time.
I don't think they know half the "Laws" there supposed to be enforcing.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
To be quite honest, asking people on here is a waste of time. Unless someone on here is an Alabama Court Official. The best thing to do is to call a gun shop. Or where you got your OC permit. They would know better then 99.9999999% of the people on this forum. All you need is for someone to give you the wrong info and then "click" you are in cuffs.


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Childersburg AL,
kinda hoping supra central will chime in, and i know theres a handful of alabama supra owners who are gun enthusiats.
unfortunatly most people in the system aka cops and clerks dont know, so they automaticly say no.
and all the local gun shops are owned by cops so im sure I will get the same response.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
jetjock;1739373 said:
Frankly I think open carry is dumb but whatever...

Like I've said before, it depends on where you live:

Supracentral;1739364 said:
Honestly it really depends on where you live. I walk around with a .45 (Hammer back, safety on, round in the chamber) on my hip all the time, and no one gives me a second glance. The difference between living in California vs Georgia is about as different Ontario vs Baghdad. I very rarely leave the house unarmed, nobody ever gives me a hard time or even second glance about it. Californian's gave up their rights to their liberal masters long ago. Yea, that sucks, but it's very true...

I wouldn't do it in a place that is openly hostile towards gun owners. Where I live, cops are used to it and plain old just don't care for the most part...


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Childersburg AL,
jetjock;1739373 said:

Frankly I think open carry is dumb but whatever...

wow, that site is just a bunch of people who oc, know there probly gonna get arrested for disorderly conduct and already have laywers ready to sue.
apparently alabama frowns upon OC even thought its legal.
im not trying to tie up the court systems and waste my own time and money.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Then what are you trying to do? Other than comfort and a slightly faster draw than from concealment there's little advantage. All you'll do is attract attention from a certain type of LEO and scare the sheeple. CCW and avoid the grief. Unless of course you're compensating for something...


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
I'll ignore that low blow attempt at stereotyping except to say no explanation is needed and there are plenty of Californians as upset as I am about what the state has become in regards to not only gun rights but a myriad of other issues.

I remind you most Californians are not representative of those in the three large urban areas. This is a mostly conservative place that happens to be run by crazies kept in power by an even crazier minority. Not to mention the vast majority of counties here are effectively shall-issue.

I was talking about hard core open carriers, those who do it more than occasionally. They're little more than attention whores. Simply because it's legal to do something doesn't mean it should be done or that doing is practical.

You're talking to someone whose been around guns all his life, has carried for years, and does so in places very few can. I'm not anti-gun by any stretch of the imagination but hard core open carry nuts make me queasy. Like all gun nuts they do a disservice to the majority of firearm owners who're not. Imo they do more harm than good to the overall 2A cause.

Btw my off duty carry is the tiny Kahr PM40, selected to compensate for my enormous pecker...


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Childersburg AL,
Comfort is my biggest goal, it's fuckin hot and humid in Alabama.
This makes dressing to CC a pain.
I own a Glock .40 not a gold plated desert eagle.
If I wanted attention I would carry my 500a pistol grip.
JetJock thank you for the link but I'm amazed how fast you turned my thread into a Dick swinging contest with your unneccesary comments.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
jetjock;1739538 said:
I'll ignore that low blow attempt at stereotyping except to say no explanation is needed and there are plenty of Californians as upset as I am about what the state has become in regards to not only gun rights but a myriad of other issues.

I remind you most Californians are not representative of those in the three large urban areas. This is a mostly conservative place that happens to be run by crazies kept in power by an even crazier minority. Not to mention the vast majority of counties here are effectively shall-issue.

According to the laws, political results and the most recent studies, your statement is inaccurate.

At the close of registration for the June 2010 primary election, 17 million of the 23.5 million eligible adults in the state were registered to vote: 44.5% as Democrats, 30.8% as Republicans, 20.2% as decline to state or independents, and 4.5% as other parties. The number of registered voters in the state has grown by 1.3 million since June 2006. The number of registered Democrats has grown from 6.7 to 7.6 million, and the number of independents from 3 to 3.4 million, while the number of Republicans edged down from 5.4 to 5.2 million. Compared to the partisan gap among registered voters, the gap among those most likely to vote in our surveys is narrower (44% say they are Democrats, 35% Republicans).

Overall, you're a minority out there, and a shrinking one at that. You're fighting an uphill battle. When looked at objectively, your state government is so intrusive it's not even funny. California is one of the handful of places in this country that I will not live or do business. I've turned down excellent jobs and business opportunities simply because they would subject me to the legal, tax and regulatory jurisdiction of that government. I refuse to subject myself to, or help feed the monster you folks have allowed to grow out there.

jetjock;1739538 said:
I was talking about hard core open carriers, those who do it more than occasionally. They're little more than attention whores. Simply because it's legal to do something doesn't mean it should be done or that doing is practical.

You're talking to someone whose been around guns all his life, has carried for years, and does so in places very few can. I'm not anti-gun by any stretch of the imagination but hard core open carry nuts make me queasy. Like all gun nuts they do a disservice to the majority of firearm owners who're not. Imo they do more harm than good to the overall 2A cause.

And I'll try to ignore your California-centric narrow view of this. In GA there's no such thing as a CCW. It's simply a weapons license (applies to knives as well). Here you carry however you want, concealed or not. I conceal when it's convenient for me and I don't when it's not. As I've stated, I open carry nearly daily in the summer, nice to know that classifies me as attention whore that makes you queasy.

And since we're talking about advancing 2A rights, I'll take my local carry organizations track record with removing restrictive legislation from the books over yours any day. With the recent Cal-Gun/Ben Cannon debacles, your largest "rights" organization (CalGuns) outside of the NRA has done a lot over the last 2 years to discredit itself. Hell, even a lot of very pro 2A people outside of California don't take it seriously anymore. I'm sure going forward the liberals will just chuckle, shake their heads and go back to stripping away what few rights you've got left.

Meanwhile, down here, we attention whores are down to quibbling over minutiae with our government. We're chipping away at the last few restrictive laws that slightly limit our 2A rights. (Right now it's the law that prohibits carry in churches even if you are licensed.) We've already gotten restrictions against carrying in malls, mass transit, public gatherings, bars, etc removed from the books.

I do understand where you're coming from to an extent, but in this case I think you're applying your local circumstance to all places and cases, many of which where it doesn't apply. I wouldn't open carry in California, but then again I do my damnedest to avoid even setting foot in California. Same goes for NY or IL.

jessemkiiis;1739557 said:
Comfort is my biggest goal, it's fuckin hot and humid in Alabama.
This makes dressing to CC a pain.

Same here. Like I said, I CC when it's practical and/or less than moderately uncomfortable. I'd follow that link and work with the locals to determine what you can/can't do down there.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
I won't get into this with you Mike. We'll just have to disagree on this one. I do agree where you're coming from about local influences though. For example, and not to defend this state in any way, while Cali still allows open carry (contrary to popular belief, loaded in most of the state in "freer" places like Texas and Florida, where the carry revolution began, it remains unlawful.

You wouldn't set foot in a place simply because of such things? Thats like me saying I'd never set foot in Georgia because of the humidity or abundance of rednecks. Seriously, I think you're a very intelligent guy but that tin hat tends at times to cloud your thinking rather than clarify it.

As for Calguns I quit going there long ago. Not because of their effectiveness or lack of it but because reading it, along with other gun forums, began to make me feel control might actually be a good thing. The old saw about gun fanatics being their own worst enemies couldn't be more true.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
jetjock;1739603 said:
I won't get into this with you Mike. We'll just have to disagree on this one. I do agree where you're coming from about local influences though.

We agree on most things, I think we can differ on one or two points without wanting to kill each other... :drink1:

jetjock;1739603 said:
For example, and not to defend this state in any way, while Cali still allows open carry (contrary to popular belief, loaded in most of the state in "freer" places like Texas and Florida, where the carry revolution began, it remains unlawful.

Something I do find baffling myself. When I visit my dad I have to remind myself that concealment is required in FL. Texas is really strange, you'd expect them to be in the forefront, not behind others like they are.

jetjock;1739603 said:
You wouldn't set foot in a place simply because of such things? Thats like me saying I'd never set foot in Georgia because of the humidity or abundance of rednecks. Seriously, I think you're a very intelligent guy but that tin hat tends at times to cloud your thinking rather than clarify it.

It's the taxation, regulation and overall overabundance of government up in people's lives that irks me. This is just more of the same. I find the relationship of government to its people in California one I'm just not willing to live under. It's not just this one issue.

I moved my family out of NY in 1992 for the same reasons. NY is worse than CA when it comes to the whole "police state" mentality.

jetjock;1739603 said:
As for Calguns I quit going there long ago. Not because of their effectiveness or lack of it but because reading it, along with other gun forums, began to make me feel control might actually be a good thing. The old saw about gun fanatics being their own worst enemies couldn't be more true.

I was speaking more about the CalGuns foundation and their senseless backing of Ben Cannon during the whole GPal debacle. But is an even bigger mess. (And was even a bigger supporter of Cannon, I'd go so far as to say they aided him in his fraud...) Paul (Kestryll) and I don't get along. He sold the integrity of when he realized that if he didn't back Cannon he's lose a lot of money.

As for the rest of the crowd, yea, there are some damned ignorant fools on that site.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Yes, we do agree more than we disagree. I try to remember that even though I'm just a gun "owner" versus a "fanatic" both groups must continue to fight for our rights together. Pissing among ourselves is not productive and is something the antis love.

As for OCing maybe you're right my perception is colored by locale. Then again have you have you ever read The people over there aren't ordinary gun nuts. They're the master race of gun nuts. Google "leonard embody". I'm talking about guys like that.

This clown single handedly just prevented everyone permitted in Tenn. from being able to carry in state parks. He may be an extreme case but there's lots of others out there who think like him. They think they're doing good when all they're doing is 'effing it up for the rest of us.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
jetjock;1739640 said:
As for OCing maybe you're right my perception is colored by locale. Then again have you have you ever read The people over there aren't ordinary gun nuts. They're the master race of gun nuts. Google "leonard embody". I'm talking about guys like that.

Different story than around here. Here, it's not controversial. I'm not doing it to prove a point, it's a matter of convenience and that nobody around here gives a shit.

jetjock;1739640 said:
This clown single handedly just prevented everyone permitted in Tenn. from being able to carry in state parks. He may be an extreme case but there's lots of others out there who think like him. They think they're doing good when all they're doing is 'effing it up for the rest of us.

They should follow the lead of our local organization; - We're successful, and we actually get the laws changed via the legal system without all the grandstanding...


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
OP: I didn't see any dick swinging. Just the usual exchange of opinions. Besides, it was prompted by Theresa and I'm fairly certain she's incapable of said swinging.

I'll second Mike's tip: ask the guys on that forum for help. My advice is to know the law inside out, carry at minimum an audio recorder, and expect to get hassled at least a little. Or move to Georgia :)

Myself, I'll keep it hidden to retain the advantage of surprise...

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
jessemkiiis;1739557 said:
Comfort is my biggest goal, it's fuckin hot and humid in Alabama.
This makes dressing to CC a pain.
I own a Glock .40 not a gold plated desert eagle.
If I wanted attention I would carry my 500a pistol grip.
JetJock thank you for the link but I'm amazed how fast you turned my thread into a Dick swinging contest with your unneccesary comments.

I second the comment on comfort. It gets Damned hot and muggy here, and often times it is more comfortable to OC.

See my attachment. Also, see this site:

Lastly, when somebody tries to tell you "Oh yeah? Well, the state may allow it, but there is a city ordinance against it," just smile and cite Section 11-45-1.1, which is found here:

Remember, I am no lawyer; you are responsible for yourself.

It occurs to me that even though the technical law supports OC, you could theoretically be arrested for one of those vague charges like menacing behavior, etc etc (just check out the political section here, or type in the search bar "disturbing regularity"). If you have ANY trouble with the law for your OC, be VERY careful that you don't GIVE them ammunition against you. Just be polite and compliant and hire a lawyer ASAP.


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