AFM, Turbo problem. HELP!

Mk3 TurboS

No not a "Turbo A"
Mar 31, 2005
I rebuilt the turbo a few days ago, all went well. It didn't spin quite as easy as it used to but still spins nice and easy. Now I have a big problem. I reinstalled it and went to start the car. It will start and idle BUT as soon as I give it any gas at all it goes to die. I can't rev it what so ever. It has trouble starting but when it does idle's fine. It's like it wants to die or something.

My two ideas: I cleaned the AFM with a tonne of degreaser. Maybe too much?? Could it have gotten in the sensor and messed with it? Could it cause such problems?

Or could the turbo not be sucking? it spun easy and all went together perfect but it was just a tad stiffer then before.

Any ideas, help would be much appreciated as this is an urgent problem! I need the car on road now!

EDIT: I just undid the AFM plug and there was absoulutly no change in condition what so ever. Should there have been?
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New Member
Jun 19, 2005
If you cleaned the AFM with the degreaser while the electronics were attached, odds are you burned up your AFM. Big no, no to do that, you should be getting a trouble code to back up what you already suspect. Always take the electronics off before cleaning the housing. There are also procedures in the TSRM to test your AFM. Time to start shopping for a used on. GL.

Mk3 TurboS

No not a "Turbo A"
Mar 31, 2005
Thanks guys, slapping forehead with hand as we speak. When you say remove the electronics you mean that black box that sits on the housing right? We live we learn. I'll let you know how it goes. Anyone know where in the TSRM is the test?

Mk3 TurboS

No not a "Turbo A"
Mar 31, 2005
OK so theres nothing worse then a thread with no outcome or conclusion! So here goes. If you are EVER going to clean your AFM you MUST take off that black box. Before you all say dddduuuuuurrrr, well you should really ddduuurrrr, but anyway that was the problem. I picked up a Lexus AFM (its actually of a V8 crown but has the same serial numbers) and swaped the black box and it ran like a dream! Now before you all say why didn't you stick the housing in as well, the housing wont fit the accordian hose? Whats with that, is there an adapter? The good news is she runs like a jet and my DIY turbo rebuild was a sucess. :biglaugh: BOOOOSSSSTTTT Thankyou All for your help with this and a few other threads!


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
Good to see you got it solved. The accordian will fit over the lex with some coaxing. A little oil and alot of sweat, but you must have a fairly pliable accordian hose. Don't try it with a really old one, you'll just tear it. Order a new on from Toy and you'll see, once you get it on once it will shape itself to the larger opening so it's not as difficult.