Accordian hose


Money pit thats worth it!
Jun 11, 2007
Lambertville, MI
I noticed Cooleeze makes a Hard pipe replacement for the accordian hose, but when I checked their website, I didn't see anything... Did I not search hard enough?
Also, what other companies offer such products and does anyone here on SM make them?

thanks, I'm tired of replacing this thing, lol


New Member
May 15, 2007
TargaMK3Turbo said:
I noticed Cooleeze makes a Hard pipe replacement for the accordian hose, but when I checked their website, I didn't see anything... Did I not search hard enough?
Also, what other companies offer such products and does anyone here on SM make them?

thanks, I'm tired of replacing this thing, lol

try this and if that dont work go to and you should find the cooleeze inlet pipe


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
I have the cooleeze pipe and the fit is and finish are poor. Not what to expect with a $200 pipe.

Have one made, it will be considerably cheaper and fit better. To be fair, a portion of the cost goes to ceramic coating, so consider that when you are negotiating to get one made.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
getting sick of replacing them?

I've had to replace my tired old original one once, and I don't see me replacing it again for a LONG time...

It's either getting baked for some reason, or you're buying used...


Money pit thats worth it!
Jun 11, 2007
Lambertville, MI
Poodles said:
getting sick of replacing them?

I've had to replace my tired old original one once, and I don't see me replacing it again for a LONG time...

It's either getting baked for some reason, or you're buying used...

they crack right at the beginning by the inlet on the turbo.. they usually last me about a half year and the same thing happens and I get em new... it started doin this when I cranked the boost up.
its just easier to buy a hard pipe...


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
TargaMK3Turbo said:
they crack right at the beginning by the inlet on the turbo.. they usually last me about a half year and the same thing happens and I get em new... it started doin this when I cranked the boost up.
its just easier to buy a hard pipe...
Just make your own got to this and get a few 3in couplers(since the ct26 inlet is 3 inches in diameter) i do believe the MAF is 3in in diameter also and get some aluminum tubing from ebay or anywhere, then go get some aluminum 1in tubing and have three of those 1-2in long sections welded on top, then just have it polished or doit yourself.... its very simple and in my opinion Cooleeze or whatever that bullshit company's name is dosent have a right to sell a peice of 12in long tubing that is "Ceramic Coated" and a few couplers for $200... you would atleast think it would come with an airfilter and MAF adapter, but it dosent and Cooleeze sucks!!!:thumbsdow i am in welding class right now and its not that difficult to have someone weld it for you...if it helps just pull the acordian hose off and get ALL the measurements and BAM your done, just DONT pay $200 for a peice of tubing that you can make YOURSELF, you would have a product that you built and YOU can be proud of. thats the problem with so called "car enthusiasts" today, no one puts thought into these simple parts, they just buy it already made so it can be "100% BOLT ON"!!! Bolt-ons CAN KISS MY ASS!!!


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
TheNewRed said:

Well, Cooleeze can sell their part for whatever the market will bear. I agree that it is overpriced - even at the $100 I bought it for. In fact, it is overpriced at any level, because it simply does not fit well.

As far as "bolt-ons" go - I see no problem with properly designed/made parts.

I can't make everything for myself, nor do I have the time to pick out bits and pieces and take them somewhere to get made. In many cases, a ready-made part is just the ticket. Even in the case of expensive parts, my time is often more valuable spent working than fiddling around making my own parts.

BTW - it seems like a factory accordian hose will do the trick for many years - if you're breaking them every six months, something is wrong. I will be getting some new IC piping made in a month, and FWIW I asked the guy to make me a new piece to replace the cooleeze (which I will sell to recoup the $100). He said it was going to cost me ~$40 with all the ISC, PCV, BPV fittings welded in (uncoated, of course) - so if anybody was wondering what a competent shop might cost to fab this for you, there you go.


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
doom26464 said:
i bought one off ebay. been 2 months and still havn't recevied anything...Not overally impressed yet......

That's exactly what happened to me when I ordered a DP. I ended up canceling my order.

His auctions seem to indicate the parts are "in-stock". It seems to me that he does not make the parts until after they are ordered. That means you are waiting for them to be built, coated and then finally shipped.

This would not be a big deal if he made you aware of this from the start - but he doesn't. A simple disclaimer that his parts are made-to-order would have ended many headaches for people.


Money pit thats worth it!
Jun 11, 2007
Lambertville, MI
I don't know how to weld, but I want to make my own and have a shop weld it.

so, a 3" piece of pipe, but how long? will a straight piece work?
also, how big do the fittings have to be? I know there 3 large ones and 1 tiny one..
does it matter where the fitting are placed?



Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
If you are running factory PCV, ISC, and BPV hoses, the placement of the fittings is important - those hoses are fairly inflexible.

You can probably grab the fittings out of your accordion hose and measure them and then find them in the same material to facilitate the welding.


Sep 29, 2007
:runaway: I have the hardpipe from cooleeze and it is nice but not worth more than $70. If it came with t-bolts instead of wormclamps, his welds were better and cleaner, and they could ship anything out before the end of time, then I would recomend them. As it stands now I will never do business with those people again. He gave me a free leaky upper rad hardpipe for waiting 3 months for my order that I am highly unimpressed with....he said show quality...not even close.:3d_frown:


Money pit thats worth it!
Jun 11, 2007
Lambertville, MI
dugums said:
If you are running factory PCV, ISC, and BPV hoses, the placement of the fittings is important - those hoses are fairly inflexible.

You can probably grab the fittings out of your accordion hose and measure them and then find them in the same material to facilitate the welding.

Yea, I have an extra one somewhere... I dont have the factory BPV bc I'm running a BOV so I just plugged that hole up. When I make a new pipe, I just wont add that one...

Are the bends nessary on the pipe?


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
Well, the bends are there to route around the PS reservoir and mate up with the AFM bolted in factory location.


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
dugums said:
As far as "bolt-ons" go - I see no problem with properly designed/made parts.

I can't make everything for myself, nor do I have the time to pick out bits and pieces and take them somewhere to get made. In many cases, a ready-made part is just the ticket. Even in the case of expensive parts, my time is often more valuable spent working than fiddling around making my own parts.

I wasnt saying EVERYTHING, i ment overly priced JUNK( Accordian pipes, 90% of intakes on the market, cheap ass headers, intercooler pipe kits for $400 actually the majority of intercooler pipe kits, ect) its all trash and its all bullshit. As of time for picking out bits and pieces to make parts... i wake up go to class from 6:00Am till 12:30PM, then Buss tables for eight hours on top of that, i then still manage to give everyone back in virginia a call, and then i set down and spend atleast an hour or so on the internet and or working on the supra... it just takes a little thought and some work. im not bitching and winning but thats what i do five to six days out of the week doing, and if i can find time to do it and you cant then maybe you should considor SELLING your car and getting a minivan!:naughty:


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
TargaMK3Turbo said:
I don't know how to weld, but I want to make my own and have a shop weld it.

so, a 3" piece of pipe, but how long? will a straight piece work?
also, how big do the fittings have to be? I know there 3 large ones and 1 tiny one..
does it matter where the fitting are placed?
Great, just pull your factory one off and measure it.:biglaugh: