92 Honda Accord problems -___-


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
Caney, Kansas
So, 2 days ago I traded my 99 Ford F150 for a 92 Honda Accord, in an attempt to save some money on gas. Welll yesterday I was driving home from school and it was getting close to low on gas, but the light didn't come on. I was 5 miles out of town and started to lose power, so I assumed I ran out of gas. I put more gas in, and it wouldn't start again. It'll crank and turn over a little, and if I feather the gas pedal it'll keep it from dying but it won't run. I'm about to take it to a shop, but was wondering if anybody had any ideas as to what it might be? I was thinking maybe the timing belt stretched enough to throw it out of time? Either that or the fuel filter got clogged when I got low on gas.


New Member
Aug 16, 2012
It sounds like to me that this is a fuel issue. You might have roached the pump when running it low or possibly the filter. While not as common as other vehicles to lose a pump, a 1992 is 20 years old and I'm sure it's acquired more than 100,000 miles. Also have you checked spark? I'd check all the dummy symptoms before hauling that thing to a shop. Chances are it's something stupid and little as Hondas are pretty built proof in that era.

I'm not sure if it would be a ISCV, as that should only operate during the idle circuit and you can usually get past needing the valve by just throttling the car.

I'd crack the fuel line at the fuel filter and see what kind of flow you are getting.

Good luck.


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
Caney, Kansas
Good news! Turns out i ran out of gas and was just parked on such an incline that a gallon of gas didn't get to the fuel pump -.- i found out after towing it with a chain for close to 2 miles. I feel like an idiot but couldnt have been happier lol


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Glad you got it figured out. One more reason to never let the fuel level get below 1/4 tank if you can avoid it. :)

Edit: When I read "Good news!" at the beginning of your post, I read it in James May's voice. It has been FAR too long since Top Gear UK has been on...


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
te72;1877277 said:
Glad you got it figured out. One more reason to never let the fuel level get below 1/4 tank if you can avoid it. :)

Edit: When I read "Good news!" at the beginning of your post, I read it in James May's voice. It has been FAR too long since Top Gear UK has been on...

No doubt on that one....sad thing is.....I just did the same thing and then scrolled down to read the above comment. I just watched Top Gear UK last night ( the one when they drive across Japan to beat the train system.) so know most of the crap I think about is in a UK accent.