87 7MGTE No Spark; In desperate need of help in NORFOLK

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Mueller87;1929222 said:
So to sum it all up, I am illiterate when it comes to wiring any more complicated than an early chevy, and I know this is something I've got to work to improve, but right now I need help.

Any suggestions?

You do know if you do this to an 87 Camaro or early HEI, it will also not run.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Mueller87;1929898 said:
So I didn't have a chance to get a picture of everything interesting about the car but here's what was going on with the floorpan in the back.

Classic MA70 ownership right there. He probably has threads on SF over what a POS the car is, and how he is smarter than their engineers.

SC61 MK3

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
he obviously never heard the term "drop the tank" instead he goes with "rip that fucker open"


New Member
Mar 10, 2013
Norfolk VA
Nick M;1930039 said:
You do know if you do this to an 87 Camaro or early HEI, it will also not run.

I said early though thats the thing. To me 87 is pretty late considering the LT1's came out and my blocks were small journal 327 and 283 blocks.... I mean I had 69 Z/28 heads I guess they are kind of fancy...

SC61 MK3;1930056 said:
he obviously never heard the term "drop the tank" instead he goes with "rip that fucker open"

Yes he did indeed, But I'm not sure if it was the guy I bought it from or not. When I got to the car the tank was lying on the ground beneath it. I mean by the looks of it, for the beginning of this cars life it was garage kept but I cant say anything about the past 10 years or so... So the weekend I first looked at it I started looking for a fuel tank and bought myself a new pump anyway. I can't explain how terrible the tank was. I should have taken pictures but I took it apart at night and tossed it so it was dark the whole time. It looked like the inside of a five-million year old rust cave.. it smelled like the bottom of a pile of smashed rust buckets soaked in automotive fluids for decades. anyways, the new one was absolutely perfect inside, and the car it came off of had some kind of 'rhino lining' done to it so the bottom isn't even touched.


New Member
May 9, 2011
Madison, Virginia
Oh man, I thought my previous owner was a tool. I'd almost be scared to hear that engine run to be honest..

Have you pulled the plugs and looked inside the cylinder? What about pulling the dipstick and checking the condition of the oil?

If the owner did that to it, I'm almost expecting more damage/rigging else where.


New Member
Mar 10, 2013
Norfolk VA
jetjock;1930426 said:
Now that I've seen pix I have to say 900 was a steal...

You know If I really wanted these kinds of responses, maybe someone making some smart ass remarks here and there but offering a really minimal amount of advice or help, well I wouldn't have needed to join the forum for that now would I?

Like I said if I could have found one in better shape for less money trust me I would have bought it. Its my money, what is getting you so upset? There is nothing wrong with this car that can't be fixed.

As far as the condition of the spark plugs... I didn't use the spark plug to troubleshoot the ignition system, but there are 6 brand new plugs in it. Also the oil is new, bright gold. new oil filter. even the radiator is full.

I talked to the previous owner a good bit and It was a little unclear which things he did or didn't do but someone was at least a little bit determined to get it to run, he at least went through and bought some of the really important things in the hopes that he'd get it to run. But the more I look at it and think about our conversations I have to assume this is the work of the 'kid' he got it from before he sold it to me. The guy who had it before me didn't have it very long, he gave up quick. He had another supra and really wasn't doing anything with this one, it was just sitting beside his home with a cover on it.

"troubleshoot the wiring!"

"check the fuses!"

"read the manual!"

this is all great advice. but I'm still coming up short. Got a day off tomorrow and saturday so I'll get back into it. If it starts up I'll let everyone know, because at this point I'm just fishing for some kind of ignorant comment from one of these 'know-it-alls" around here.


New Member
Mar 10, 2013
Norfolk VA
Nick M;1930266 said:

well as far as small blocks go... 1987 and HEI is not early. The only feature any of the engines I put together that came about after say... 1970ish time period was the electric fan. Where are you going with this? I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to get everyone and Idea of where my computer controlled engine knowledge level was.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Mueller87;1930462 said:
Like I said if I could have found one in better shape for less money trust me I would have bought it. Its my money, what is getting you so upset? There is nothing wrong with this car that can't be fixed.

1) You must not have looked very hard at all if that's the best you could do.

2) Not upset. Just don't understand why people buy such junk when they know in advance they have not the skills to repair it.

3) True about anything but most people will account for how much money and aggravation it'll take before buying.

As for your comment about the kind of advice you're getting, it's all you need. After all this is a mid 80s EFI system. They don't come much simpler and the EWD is very good.

SC61 MK3

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
If reading and following directions is too difficult your best bet is to cut your losses and sell


New Member
Mar 10, 2013
Norfolk VA
jetjock;1930499 said:
1) You must not have looked very hard at all if that's the best you could do.

2) Not upset. Just don't understand why people buy such junk when they know in advance they have not the skills to repair it.

3) True about anything but most people will account for how much money and aggravation it'll take before buying.

As for your comment about the kind of advice you're getting, it's all you need. After all this is a mid 80s EFI system. They don't come much simpler and the EWD is very good.

I know the new manual I'm using is great... and I did look. I started looking around july in this area and the area I'm froom. Even a few bigger cities in between. I'm not asking for better advice I am satisfied with what I got. I dont have a problem reading directions I was only letting everyone know the car hasnt started. Still dont have a multimeter. I'm going to try to wire the car up according to the link I was just given.

The only problem is in the diagram the difference is instead of blue I have green and instead of black I have 3 white wires. Also the 02 sensor wiring was involved in the hack-job repair.

One more thing- I am not under the impression that this thing is terribly complicated. I started off saying I dont know much about what is going on with the electronics. That was how many days ago? When you guys bought your cars did you already know everything about them? Did you ever run into a single issue you ever needed help with? And if you did, did you belittle yourself because someone else knew more? Come on... We're all "Car people" why all the rude suggestions and subtle insults? I asked for help because I have respect for the guys who know this stuff and i knew this was the right place to come. Don't prove me wrong.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Stick to fixing your car, and don't take it so personally. This is the internet after all.

Your green and 3 white wires are what happens when colored plastic sits next to a hot manifold for 25 years. The colors have faded away. You will need to trace the wires back inside the CPS to figure it out. The CPS is just three coils, so this is not that hard.


New Member
Mar 10, 2013
Norfolk VA
SC61 MK3;1930526 said:

This is for the 87. Read and follow the troubleshooting instructions.

The secret to getting good help here is read, troubleshoot, than read again and come back with legitimate questions.

Gotcha. I do appreciate the help but I dont want to put out any signals that I'm a moron, Although it might already be too late for that. Anyways, I have 2 Cam position sensors and BOTH of them have green, blue, and yellow wires. theres no doubt about it, nothing is faded that bad, its most definitely green plastic. I'm working on it now...

Also, I have the CPS taken apart and I can tell you that the green wire goes to the bottom-most terminal or pole ( as it sits on the head) which is marked with "G 13", the yellow wire goes to the top-most pole, marked "G 9" and the red wire goes to the sensor or module nearest the gear on the bottom of the inside of the CPS...
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Mueller87;1930527 said:
Anyways, I have 2 Cam position sensors and BOTH of them have green, blue, and yellow wires. theres no doubt about it, nothing is faded that bad, its most definitely green plastic. I'm working on it now...

Well, its possible the wires were changed, but I doubt it. You're not the first person to have 3 CPS wires that look the same color. Usually the colors are preserved for the piece of wire shielded inside the CPS (assuming the CAP wasn't lost by the PO), so that is one way to figure it out.

G1 and G2 are the two diametrically opposite coils. The NE coil is the different looking one between the other two. See the attached photo.
