7mgte rebuild/install issue


New Member
May 10, 2014
crossville tn
Ok so I spun a bearing in my 7mgte and had to rebuild it. I got it compleatly rebuilt and installed and can't seem to get it to fire I have all the timing correct with tdc and cams i aligned the marks on the cps. I'm having a issue remembering what injector plug goes where if anyone has any idea on that and my coil plug broke so I had to rewire them (2jz coils) and not sure if it got the correct ones where they go. Anyone here able to help? I've looked on the online manuel to find wiring diagrams and I've found some but still won't fire I have (on the coils) red/black=lead to all coils, yellow=coil3,blue/yellow=coil2,blue/red=coil1 does this sound correct? And for the injectors (550cc) yellow wire=injector 1/2, red wire= injector 3/4, black wire=injector 5/6? Might there be something else im forgetting to check or plug in? It was spudering trying to fire but now nothing


New Member
May 10, 2014
crossville tn
Awesome thanks for the link I've been liking for that for hours I'll try it when I get home and see if she fires I hope that fixes it.


New Member
May 10, 2014
crossville tn
Ok so I got my wires and injectors in the correct order and wired right but still no fire is there any other major wires I might be missing?? I do know I left my plugs in when I brought my head to the machine shop could they have got messed up when he did the pressure and dye check?


New Member
May 10, 2014
crossville tn
timing is fine and coils are firing but im not getting any injector pulse both wires are showing hot with a circuit probe tester what could be wrong??? how do the injectors get ground to fire


New Member
May 10, 2014
crossville tn
so checked timing again for the 5th time everything still where it should be piston one at TDC on compression stroke with both cam postions pointing up with the marks on the plate and the cps aligned like the instructions say still no injector pulse from what i can see still at 13v on both ends of the injector clips and a code 51 is the only code im getting ??? any ideas?