7m consuming oil. no idea why


Boost Addict
Jun 17, 2007
I'm having the same problem as this and noticed that the port on the accordian hose that the PCV system links to has oil all around it, and the hose going to the PCV hardline is the same.
I was just gonna check those, didn't think to check the port on the TB! I'll check the entire system asap.
So cheers jdub, you've also pointed me in the right direction :)


Seeking high numbers
i still have the same problem but i have checked and double checked everything jdub recommended and have had no luck. my car is in the shop now(the one that built my motor) so that maybe they can figure it out. if they let me know something different ill be sure to let everyone know


Toyota Love
Nov 9, 2009
South East Qld
okay i installed all the gear as per Jdub's recommendations with the 1 way valve etc. It was rainy and dark and foggy so i couldn't see what was going on in terms of smoke etc but the car "felt happy" :p Ill keep an eye on smoke and oil levels over the next few days. although i dont think ill get the chance to really drive it for a while. Ill report back as soon as i have findings.
I understand that the factory system is well set up. It was ignorant of me to change it in the first place.
With all the mods ive done to increase the hp of the car I like the idea of the one way valve as not loosing any of my charge air back to accordion hose will alleviate some of the work my turbo has to do... i think ;)
That and the pure suction of my gt35 on boost should compensate for the lack of venturi action of the boosted air making its way back to accordion hose


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Is your GT35 a ball bearing turbo? What AN size is the oil feed and does it have a restrictor fitting attached to the turbo? What size is the turbo oil return?


Boost Addict
Jun 17, 2007
I had the same thought that my turbo might be drowning in oil, so I called the manufacturer and he said I shouldn't have a restrictor in the braided line I got with my turbo - which is just how I have it set up (I think it's -4AN?). My current oil drain is far from ideal (crappy rubber oil hose that leaks...), so I'm replacing that with -10AN braided line asap. I'll post up if that helps my issue too.


Toyota Love
Nov 9, 2009
South East Qld
yeah ive got a little flow restrictor for oil feed on my gt35 i think its a -4 an feed line and it has a big 1/2inch oil return line. was all custom made for me by reputable turbo shop that specializes in garrett turbos. What could possibly be going wrong there? excessive oil pressure in turbo with no restrictor would force oil out of seals?
ive driven too few clicks with this new pcv setup to know for sure if its solved the issue but things are feeling nicer. there is still a little puff on first start when cold but it could also be fuel smoke. ill have to get a mate to follow to see if its blowing oil smoke when taking off from lights and whatnot.
if its still consuming oil im going to replace ALL the valve stem seals as the head work was the only part of the build that i didnt take care of assembling personally.
i know the rings are good by fresh rebuild, careful run in and excellent compression.

---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

7m kdl yeah id say it would be a faulty valve stem seal. i has the same thing happening on pot 3 as mentioned earlier in this thread


Seeking high numbers
turbo goes bad, fins break off compressor wheel, get sucked through the intake, go into cylinder, hit wall, exit exhaust. right? or is this not possible? ill try to get a pic of my bad turbo. although, it doesnt have any shaft play the fins are really chewed up


Seeking high numbers



Toyota Love
Nov 9, 2009
South East Qld
well if the comp and leakdown are good id go so far as to assume that the turbo is responsible for oil leaks. im pretty sure u can have bad seals without much shaft play as thats reliant on the roller bearing condition. She looks pretty screwed. how did ur fins get like that?

---------- Post added at 08:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 AM ----------

my issue isnt resolved by the pcv system change. i might do another compression check now that i have another 2000 km on the clock but i dont think it will be any different. im going to assume that if one stem seal was bad the others might be also. will post ongoing findings


Mad Scientist
Jan 2, 2008
Gainesville, Georgia
You are overlooking the fact that a leakdown test does not test valve seals, when the test is done the valves are closed so no air should get past the valve. I say should because closed valves wont pass air unless its there bent. So really you have not tested the valve seals yet. This does mean the rings are good and valves are not bent. Also valve seals have nothing to do with compression test as during the test there is really no pressure on them, pressure builds when valves are closed.

If you can pull the elbow off the turbo you can see if there is any oil residue showing leaking exhaust side of turbo. Otherwise I would say valve seals. Are the ones you took off really hard like plastic if so replace them all.

I got a set of cometic valve seals for $30. They are blue and appear to be silicone so hopefully they will hold up. But on first glance they have fixed the oil leaking into cyls.


Seeking high numbers
i know valve stems dont deal with compression but i thought that was what the leakdown was for, guess i was wrong. thats good, im hoping its the valve seals. also, the turbo i posted pics up is the old one not the one that is on there now. thanks for the help. also beafy,did you replace all yours valve seals? if not maybe that is your problem too. meta: i cant remove the elbow, i have a bic ddp so that requires taking the whole dp off. maybe beafy can try using that advice though. i also cannot do it bc i dont have the car, the shop that built the motor has it but ill let them know.

another question, will valve seals affect how much oil my pcv sucks up? i have oil in my intercooler and stuff and some in my catch can. im thinking since the can isnt baffled its letting too much go right by and into the intake. thanks in advance


Toyota Love
Nov 9, 2009
South East Qld
i do the compression test as a way of determining that the rings are good. and via a process of elimination determine that the oil leak must then be in the stem seals. stem seals shouldn't effect blow by i wouldn't imagine. my dump pipe is clean of oil i only just took it off and did some work in that area not long ago :)