Recent content by topguncam3888

  1. topguncam3888

    Indy 2009 meet pictures !!

    Looks like a good turn out.
  2. topguncam3888

    New Color

    3E5...Amazing color
  3. topguncam3888

    OEM Body bolts?

    I've never found spare body bolt in any of my 3 supras...hmmm. Could sure as hell use some though.
  4. topguncam3888

    MkIII front end on a MkIV

    Idk can't say I'm a fan. The MKIII is angular and the MKIV is rounded...the line don't really flow.
  5. topguncam3888

    Power steering Rack Question

    Whenever I had PS rack questions nobody answered my thread either haha. EVO component is (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the progressive power steering. There is a solenoid on top of the area where the column connects to the rack on evo/pps units. If there is one on your current rack then it...
  6. topguncam3888

    Concerns about Pupra

    If your car is running well I don't see the need to sell it. If you get another car you don't know the history and such. Keep the supra in good shape and you ought to be fine. That's coming from a fellow college student who is quite poor.
  7. topguncam3888

    Mk III and 1/2.

    Wow...that's pathetic.
  8. topguncam3888

    Who's drunk right now!?

    I'm drunk right now! I spend most my time on the other forum because keeping up with 2 forums is difficult.
  9. topguncam3888

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    More pics of girl and car? lol...your story inspires me though. A few miles from where I live is an abandond pre-89 turbo 5spd.
  10. topguncam3888

    You know you're a Supra owner when...

    When your vice grips slip off your hood supports and the hood latch smashes you in the back.
  11. topguncam3888

    Tuning ECU

    I remember on ebay about a years ago a Mines ECU went for north of $500...not worth it.
  12. topguncam3888

    Ever had a bad day working on the supra?

    Replacing calipers, rotors, and pads out by the curb (no garage) in February in 20 degree weather. Maybe I'm a pussy, but I just hate sitting my ass in the cold and wind working on a car, I'd rather shovel snow. I live for May-Oct.
  13. topguncam3888

    The Moonroof Goes!

    I don't know if it's been discussed already, but could you just buy a targa top (like the actual roof peice) and just weld in the metal skin from the targa. I don't know how big the sunroof is or if it would would even work but I'd check into that. Certainly sounds easier than cutting a roof off...
  14. topguncam3888

    Baller 2J Pistons.....

    Damn...and I thought your car was hot shit before. Can't wait to see the finished project.