What The F$#K is wrong with the youth these days?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm

On Sunday night, Allen Haywood was randomly and viciously attacked by two kids on the platform of the L’Enfant Plaza Metro station. Dozens of people witnessed it. Several people filmed it. Nobody helped.
Haywood was trying to transfer to the Yellow Line around 7:15 p.m. when the assault happened. He was headed home to Fort Totten after working out at Results on Capitol Hill, a gym bag slung over his shoulder and a book in his hands. As he read with his back to the station wall, “all of a sudden someone whacked me on the back of the head really hard,” he recalls.
Haywood turned around. The boy looked to be about 11 or 12 years old. Baffled, Haywood asked, “What the fuck are you doing?” The boy stood there laughing. Then someone else cracked Haywood from the other side. He turned around again. This time it was the girl in the video above. She didn’t stop swinging for more than a full minute, chasing Haywood around the platform as other kids egged her on.
As seen in the video, Haywood repeatedly asked the girl why she was attacking him, pleading with her to end it. “Stop it! Stop it! Goddamn it! You stop this shit right now! I did nothing to you!”
Haywood looked to strangers for help, but all he saw were other kids with their cell phones out, recording the scene and laughing. Judging from his voice-over, the man shooting the YouTube video above doesn’t appear to be part of the group. The video showed up yesterday on Unsuck D.C. Metro, which posted an anonymous account of the attack Tuesday.
“I can understand people not wanting to get physically involved,” says Haywood, who’s 47 and works in a Friendship Heights flower shop. "But nobody pressed the emergency button or went to the booth,” as far as he knows.
Haywood tried grabbing hold of the girl but she squirmed away. She grabbed his book, which had fallen to the ground, and threw it on the tracks below for no reason. All the while, the cell phones kept rolling.
“That may have been the whole point, if there is such a thing: 'Let's make a video,'" says Haywood. “They held them high, a pack moving together.”
Haywood finally got free and sprinted to the station booth. He banged on the glass and told the station manager to call 911. With gashes and blood on his face, he ran back to the scene of the attack, hoping the kids would be detained. The ones who’d delivered the beating were gone, but the kids who’d filmed it were still there – and they still had their cell phones in Haywood’s face, taunting him.
“How are you doing, sir?”
“Any comment, sir?”
One of them said if he paid them, they would give him video of the attack.
A Metro worker arrived on the scene and told Haywood to go upstairs. Haywood said he didn’t want to leave, because the kids had evidence of the attack and he wanted them questioned. The worker kept insisting, and Haywood relented. He still doesn’t know what happened to the kids.
A transit police officer arrived and took Haywood’s statement and photos of his damaged face. They tried to fish his book off the tracks but it was too close to the third rail. Haywood declined an ambulance. By the time he got home he had bruises all over his face and a knot on his head, though the bleeding had stopped.
“I was angry and I was shocked and I was hurt,” he says.
A detective assigned to the case told Haywood he’s trying to pull video of the attack from Metro station cameras. Haywood is hopeful they’ll be able to make a few identifications between the surveillance footage, the already-posted YouTube footage, and any other video that might spill out. A Metro spokesperson confirms that transit police are investigating the attack.
Haywood’s sister, Laura Haywood-Cory, says the video that surfaced disgusts her but she appreciates it as evidence. “I am both gratified and furious all over again, after having watched it,” she says. “I hate everyone who stood around and did nothing almost as much as I hate the people who did this to him.”
Yesterday afternoon Haywood returned to L’Enfant Plaza. He’s convinced the kids have attacked people before and that they’ll do it again – “or maybe worse,” he says – and he wanted warn people. Though he never thought he’d do such a thing, he drew up a sign. It read:
Haywood held up the sign at the Metro entrance in silence for about 45 minutes during the afternoon rush hour, hundreds of strangers spilling past him and onto the escalators. He got a lot of sad looks, plenty of kind words, and even a few hugs.


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Lima, Ohio, United States
Fucking rediculous. Just plain stupid behavior. I had an encounter like this once, not being attacked, but witnessing it. Security was there and were not doing much to solve the problem of this guy royally beating the shit out of another person. So I waited until I saw an opening, and tackled the mother fucker. Stopped everyone in there tracks. And I just continued on shopping. =]

The world is screwed.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Thats the main problem, in the bleeding heart world we live in how is one going to claim self defence against a kid, especially a girl at that.

Kids arent being put in place like they use to as a result of, ofcourse, more bleeding heart bullshit. Add to that all the laws that make sure anything they do do wrong dosent effect them in any way long term and they get off with a slap on the wrists; and this is what you get. And these swarmings are becomming more and more common these days.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
I would put my foot in that bitch's pussy and stomp on it until she starts to cry and beg. Then take my hand and wrench her fucking nipples off while having my knee on her throat and then hit her head against the ground and then after all of that, leave or wait for the cops to arrive and watch the cameras for proof I was using SELF DEFENSE.

I am sure Mike can voice his opinion on self denfense if that guy would have fought back since he is the most knowledgeable person I know on here when it comes to our government.

On the racist side of things, this is gives whites who hate blacks, proof whey they should hate all black people.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
The inherent problem is that when you fight back, they'll scatter, and take their camera footage with them. Of course, it will show up on the internet later, carefully edited to make you look like a child beating thug. Conveniently producing your own footage of the event that includes the start will likely get you labeled a vigilante by the local law enforcement crew, unless you can provide a damn good reason why you just happened to have a camera rolling.

Personally, I'd have drawn the line between passive defense and actively kicking the shit out of them a lot sooner, and following my rules of combat, I'd have calmly concentrated on the first one to come into reach, broken that one, then smiled and asked who was next. In my experience - with one exception - I've never seen a swarm continue after they've been challenged and lost. The one exception involved a lot of alcohol, and I still came out of it better than the other guys.

On the positive side, I've never found an individual or group of punks that was willing to report to the police even after they'd been seriously beat up. Not saying they don't exist, just that chances are slim.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
IBoughtASupra;1657623 said:
I would put my foot in that bitch's pussy and stomp on it until she starts to cry and beg. Then take my hand and wrench her fucking nipples off while having my knee on her throat and then hit her head against the ground and then after all of that, leave or wait for the cops to arrive and watch the cameras for proof I was using SELF DEFENSE.

I am sure Mike can voice his opinion on self denfense if that guy would have fought back since he is the most knowledgeable person I know on here when it comes to our government.

On the racist side of things, this is gives whites who hate blacks, proof whey they should hate all black people.

that'd make you a molester...

I'd rather be a kid beater than a molester that's for sure..


Supramania Contributor
I carry a pair of these everywhere I go now for a less than lethal option. No, I'm not kidding.



New Member
Dec 4, 2008
The guy in this video wasn't left with a lot of options. Beat this girl and then see all the men finally jump in or just sit here and take it. Both options stink, and one of the options will most likely label you a rascist. I kid, I kid. But something most certain is the media firestorm it would have caused if he had hit her.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
If I lived in the inner city, I wouldn't even be unarmed in some way. Pepper spray, tazer, or gun (or all 3).

Woulda been fun to tazer that bitch and watch her twitch...


Supramania Contributor
Would just like to point out that if any of you ever find yourself in a situation like this you need to, "act more like a criminal - and get away with it."

For example, just like the victim in this video tried to do - loudly announce, "stop hitting me, I did nothing to you," then you can follow up with, "I'm leaving and if you keep hitting me and I'm going to defend myself," or something along those lines. This will render any douchebag prosecutors arguments against you moot. Then! Do your thing - like stomping the little whore with a smile on your face while salivating and staring into her rolled back eyes. Don't stick around to wait and tell the cops what happened. Someone HAS to get arrested and that will be you when all the little disappointments have left the area. Hence, "act more like a criminal - and get away with it."