Thinking of selling the Supra


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Well, thought about it today, was doign 140mph 200+kmh.....I have a heavy foot...real heavy. I thought after beating a Golf Gti to death I was over my speeding, slaloming, hard lauch craze...but...I find myself doing 130-140mph regurlarly...on long bridges often where no cops can hide..and now with a full 3inch straight lauches on red lites are loud as its bound to get me in the crapper soon. Sometimes im real smooth with the car, i keep it super clean, mecanics wise and body...but on the road..I just needd to unleash it...its begs me too :evil2:

Anyways....think ill be making a mature decision my selling 22...maybe ill wait another year or 2 before getting another one :nono:

I suck :3d_frown:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
the mature thing to do could also include garaging it, and getting a HUNDUH.
cause in 2 years it might be really hard to find a supra.:3d_frown:


just put a rock under the gaspedal for two years or until you feel mature enough to handel the rpessure... :naughty:

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
Actually the mature thing would be to just slow down a bit.

Most cars can do 100 mph. I clocked my 91 ford explorer 4wd 4 door doing 110 mph once, buried the speedometer, but a friend with said he was doing about 110 according to his speedometer.

I know 150 is alot faster than 100, but still. Keep the Supra and just slow down.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
I agree with R2D2 there (sorry your name has too many numbers and letters for me to type here - yes I do realized that I've typed a far larger number of letters trying to explain myself here but I think you still get the point). :)

I'm getting a new car as my daily driver. When I looked at what I would get for my 89T I quickly realized that it wasn't even worth selling - of course not that I ever had any intention of selling the Supra.

Look at it this way:

You know the condition of your current Supra. You know the weak points that need attention and you know what you've already taken care of. That has to be worth something.

I had a friend with a classic Mustang - he was a total Mustang head since I met him and he had a 77, a 93, and finally a classic (sorry Scott I forgot the year). He spent a few years working on the Mustang trying to work out the bugs. When he found out his wife was pregnant he sold the 'Stang for a couple of G's and bought a Minivan. Want to know how much he saved on his monthly payments by selling the Mustang? $35 (OK... yes I do know that $35 over 5 years is $2100).

But when the time comes to get another Mustang he will have to start ALL OVER AGAIN with an unknown.

On another note.... <SMACK!> DUMB@$$! You should never be going that fast on public roads. That's just a death wish waiting to happen. If you aren't mature enough to take it to the track you just need to have any cars taken away from you and try pedaling your @$$ around on a bike.



New Member
Mar 30, 2005
I know its dumb, I know its wrong...but the 1/4 isnt open every day here...i really get this urge in my stomach to just floor it. Ok I dont beat the shit out of it on every corner...I think im like everyone else....fuck you dont have a Supra just for the looks...we all know and love the 7m turbo and its rwd :D. Think what ill do is get me a daily beater....winter is coming in Canadda anyways...guess Ill store the Supra...maybe next year if my beater is ok, ill keep the Supra for week ends and going out nights (movies, see friends, drags)

And If I sell it, chances are some kid will beat it for real..or turn up boost not knowing what boost is lol and blow the damn ya in 2 years there probably wont be any Supras left lol.

Illl think about all this...for now, im putting a brick behind my gas pedal :( ive got problems lol


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
KeithH said:
I agree with R2D2 there (sorry your name has too many numbers and letters for me to type here - yes I do realized that I've typed a far larger number of letters trying to explain myself here but I think you still get the point). :)

LOL u talkin about me. hahahaha, its just 1337 for DeadCell:biglaugh::biglaugh:
damn that was funny.


T-virus infected
garage it buy another car for daily driven sakes. I have a DD and drove the supra on the weekends. I must say having the supra as a DD got me use to its capabilities and power. So it felt a little slower then usual. Although it didnt get slower i just got use to it. Every weekend i drove it, it was like driving it for the first time all over agian. The handling was alot better then some boat of a Tbird(DD) and the power was awesome! I just say slow it down and take it easy


Supramania Contributor
meh, this is easy. disconnect your boost controller if you have one.

what the heck is a year or two? just keep it. put it away for a year or two then.

i've been supraless for almost four years now. i'm going insane. ...and with the way things are going - i'm not going to own another one untill i'm 25. i'm going to have to buy a second mkiii and beat the piss out of it so i don't ruin the real nice one i buy. you know, just to get "it" out of my system.


Damn, kid, you're 22 and already ready for a mini-van??? As someone who's been there, lemme say this YOU WILL REGRET GETTING RID OF THAT CAR. I had a faster n hell Civic when I was about your age. After I wrecked it, I decided to buy a 4 door Accord. Then I got a frekin Hyundai. When the Hyundai got totaled, I found a Supra for $1000. Now I realize how much I MISSED having a cool car. See, driving sucks. 'Specially when you have a wife and kids. Family trips over 1000 miles, forget it, you're screwed. One day, you'll be there. The older I get, the more I realize that the only point in one's life is to be happy. If I have to drive 70 miles (each way) to work everyday, then by god I'm gonna at least enjoy it. What I wouldn't give to have this car at your age, still single with that great single kid disposable income to pour into it...


The Juggernaut has my old
keep the car and slow down..... in two years it might be hard to find one and then if you do you might not want to pay what people want for them..... just garage it and buy something slow and economical for a while then you can pull it out when you feel like it...

im 25 with a 4yr old and one on the way and im not ready to get rid of mine dont think i ever will.. yes i do have a suv for the family but i still got to have my supra.. Just because a car will go 150 plus doesnt mean you have to do it. just learn a little self control...Trust me as soon as you sell it you will kick yourself over and over if your a supra fan at all.....

just my 02.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Makavelli said:
still single with that great single kid disposable income to pour into it...

single kid income, ahahhaha, srry i had to. I pay for college and not much gets to go into the poopra so, single kid "disposable" income is a little off. im sure there is a lot of other "single" kids on this site too that pay for college also.
o yea and college isnt getting cheaper, i go to a public college and i pay close to $16k, way to much IMO. I hear its free in Germany.

KeithH, its coo i just couldnt stop laughing for a while it was funny as hell.


"The Duck"
Mar 30, 2005
Knoxville, TN
Think about it this way, the average person spends something like 50% of their concious life in a car (or some relatively close figure). It might as well be in something you enjoy! ;)

So, do yourself a favor and keep the car. Just tone it down a little, learn some self-control, and don't speed. :nono:


D34DC311 said:
single kid income, ahahhaha, srry i had to. I pay for college and not much gets to go into the poopra so, single kid "disposable" income is a little off. im sure there is a lot of other "single" kids on this site too that pay for college also.
o yea and college isnt getting cheaper, i go to a public college and i pay close to $16k, way to much IMO. I hear its free in Germany.

KeithH, its coo i just couldnt stop laughing for a while it was funny as hell.

Well, let's see...if you're payin outta pocket, that means you make to much money to qualify for a Pell Grant. So, you're obviously not doin too bad. Plus, why pay outta pocket anyway? Take out a loan or two, trust me, it's worth it. You can either pay for college now outta a small income or later out of a larger one. The 2% tax deductible interest on these loans is nothing compared to the portion of disposable income you save by financing your education. Plus, any leftover funds can go into your pocket. I average about $14 grand a year left over. I get little 6 and 7 hundred dollar checks every semester. It's nice.

But anyway, when I was a kid I made $10/hr. I had a one bedroom apt for $350 a month. Everything else was mine. Now I make $65k/yr, have a huge mortgage payment, car payment for the wife, the end of the month, I have less than I made as a kid, go figure. You think you're broke now, just tack on a wife and kids...that'll really show you what broke is. I just spent $400 on my oldest daughters back to school wardrobe, and she'll need more clothes in about a month or so.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Makavelli said:
Well, let's see...if you're payin outta pocket, that means you make to much money to qualify for a Pell Grant. So, you're obviously not doin too bad. Plus, why pay outta pocket anyway? Take out a loan or two, trust me, it's worth it. You can either pay for college now outta a small income or later out of a larger one. The 2% tax deductible interest on these loans is nothing compared to the portion of disposable income you save by financing your education. Plus, any leftover funds can go into your pocket. I average about $14 grand a year left over. I get little 6 and 7 hundred dollar checks every semester. It's nice.

But anyway, when I was a kid I made $10/hr. I had a one bedroom apt for $350 a month. Everything else was mine. Now I make $65k/yr, have a huge mortgage payment, car payment for the wife, the end of the month, I have less than I made as a kid, go figure. You think you're broke now, just tack on a wife and kids...that'll really show you what broke is. I just spent $400 on my oldest daughters back to school wardrobe, and she'll need more clothes in about a month or so.

i got loans, i pay around 4k out of pocket and 12k with loans this is 2nd year of college and ill be in debt for 24k, i got around 3 years to go.
also, its mandatory to live in the dorms here at tech for 2 year,4 semesters.
im glad i make money to pay for college, just that much more for me to spend when i have a good job. i do see your point tho, but it makes me feel good when i payed for my education, parents cant pay for it.
im not complaining tho.

also, foolish falls under spending $400 on clothes. <<thats FU CKIN DUMB, how old is ur daughter?
fashion(sp?) isnt that important, if ur daughters is old enough to date 16+ and she is trying to impress the guys(us), then tell he she doesnt need to wear ambacromie and fitch bullsh it, tell her to be her self and wear what she thinks is good, not what the high school jocks think fit her. I think its way more of a turn on when a girl speaks her mind and not follow the in crowd and the jones.
not to flame you man, but $400 for clothes is stupid, u be the man and tell her that you dont work 40+ hours a week for her fashion trend she needs to follow.
just my $0.01 tho.

(GOD im in for a FLAME war after i post this, *zips up flame retardant suit)


D34DC311 said:
i got loans, i pay around 4k out of pocket and 12k with loans this is 2nd year of college and ill be in debt for 24k, i got around 3 years to go.
also, its mandatory to live in the dorms here at tech for 2 year,4 semesters.
im glad i make money to pay for college, just that much more for me to spend when i have a good job. i do see your point tho, but it makes me feel good when i payed for my education, parents cant pay for it.
im not complaining tho.

also, foolish falls under spending $400 on clothes. <<thats FU CKIN DUMB, how old is ur daughter?
fashion(sp?) isnt that important, if ur daughters is old enough to date 16+ and she is trying to impress the guys(us), then tell he she doesnt need to wear ambacromie and fitch bullsh it, tell her to be her self and wear what she thinks is good, not what the high school jocks think fit her. I think its way more of a turn on when a girl speaks her mind and not follow the in crowd and the jones.
not to flame you man, but $400 for clothes is stupid, u be the man and tell her that you dont work 40+ hours a week for her fashion trend she needs to follow.
just my $0.01 tho.

(GOD im in for a FLAME war after i post this, *zips up flame retardant suit)

I'm not gonna flame ya. It's just obvious you don't have kids. $400 for a kids back to school clothes is nothing. And, btw, we shopped at JC Penny's and Old Navy. Kids grow outta everything over the summer, including shoes. Jeans run $20-30 each, tops run $10-15. Shoes run about $40. Jackets (this is Colorado) run in the $50's. Abercrombie and Fitch?, please. She's goin to 6th grade (1st year of middle school) so she's gotta be somewhat fashionable. The kid's got enough on her plate without bein laughed at. Also, the $400 included school supplies, which seem to go up round this time a year. I'm just thankful my 2nd kid's only 13 months old. If I had to do this for 2 kids every year, I'd lose my mind!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Makavelli said:
I'm not gonna flame ya. It's just obvious you don't have kids. $400 for a kids back to school clothes is nothing. And, btw, we shopped at JC Penny's and Old Navy. Kids grow outta everything over the summer, including shoes. Jeans run $20-30 each, tops run $10-15. Shoes run about $40. Jackets (this is Colorado) run in the $50's. Abercrombie and Fitch?, please. She's goin to 6th grade (1st year of middle school) so she's gotta be somewhat fashionable. The kid's got enough on her plate without bein laughed at. Also, the $400 included school supplies, which seem to go up round this time a year. I'm just thankful my 2nd kid's only 13 months old. If I had to do this for 2 kids every year, I'd lose my mind!

well tell your kid she is lucky as hell,
shit my parents havent spent $500 for clothes on me, in my 19 years of life.
shoes no more than $15
tops $3 max
bottoms $10 max.
and i still wear a pair of shorts i had sence freshman year of High school.


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
I drove my supra like this when I first got my licences nearly 3 years ago... Yeah I matured up quick.. I wouldnt wanna see you on a bike lol 140 on demand will make that supra feel slow as hell, when I can get my Bike to 140 before I can get my car to 70ish death wish ha.

Keep the supra.. your 22 Grow up.