taking a break from SM


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
My only experience from stuff like this...

My wife was all bitchy about something when she was pregnant and told me to go sleep on the couch once. I told her it was our bed and I was sleeping on my side, and that if she had a problem she could go find somewhere else to sleep because I had noooo problem sleeping in my bed. She stayed in bed and I had an extra foot or so to spread out. Was kinda nice... :biglaugh:

There is nothing short of a court order that would get me out of my home.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
You can never really love someone, until you love yourself. Living in your car is not really loving yourself too much. Be true to yourself, and concentrate on the bad things. Open your eyes, there have been plenty right before your eyes that you have let ride, because you love her. Man up, and get back in your house. Sleep on the couch if you have to. When she's there, be cordial, but not so loving. Give her some space, as if you weren't even there. If you know her schedule, be gone if that's what you have to do when she gets there. Don't beg her back, let her run wild. She'll either love the single life, or learn to miss what she had. Either way, you can't change her mind no matter what you do. If you are still somewhat around, she may realize that the space is not all she wants. But don't let her order you around!


Apr 4, 2005
Mesa, Arizona, United States
Sounds to me like you need to man up kid, grow a pair and get the fuck out of that scene! what would be best for you is to go somewhere you can get a fresh start and start over!

You say your a kid, well start acting like a man and take care of yourself.

It seems to me that she is already over you so you might as well return the favor, and just be thankful you dont have kids or you would really be floating down shit creek and you would really know the feeling of what it is to be depressed and sad!