So, cancer is a bad bad thing... =(


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
On November 1st, my older brother, his wife and two daughters came for a visit from Washington down here to Florida... They were staying at my parents, it was going to be a wonderful vacation for everyone... On November 2nd, my father gets a phone call from his doctor, we're all standing there, he drops the phone, my mother picks it up...

My father has cancer... Prostate cancer... He's 56 years old...

Fast forward to a few months later, he begins his radiation treatments... He has 41 treatments... Four weeks ago, he calls me, he needs my help, he cant work, and could I come help him... Im there man...

The past four weeks have been so emotionally draining... To watch your super hero fall, literally sometimes, to see him suffer, and not be able to do ANYTHING to help, its just so hard... I dont say anything to him, because, lets face it, my "emotional" burden is nothing compared to his... I support him, help when I can, comfort when I can, and just be the best son my father raised me to be... When I feel like this is too hard, I just imagine how selfish I must sound and push that aside, but guys, this is one of the hardest things I've had to deal with... The other thing I think about is how lucky I and blessed I am, I mean, at least I still have my dad... As much suffering as he's going through, at least he's alive, he's surviving... I gotta be strong, for my dad...

He has three more treatments... Thursday is his last... Praise God... I think if it was any longer, it would kill him... Im just so thankful that they found the cancer in time, before it spread, and that he's going to be fine after all this...

Anyway, I wanted to share this, I dunno, maybe I just needed to tell someone... I dont talk about this... But this community is like my extended family... I hope you guys dont mind me sharing... I want you all to know, if you have dealt with this before with a loved one, I know how hard it was for you... Also, I know I havent been as active on here the past couple months, and this is the main reason why, but I see brighter days ahead...

Thanks everyone, for listening, for bein here...



The Pretty Doward
Jan 25, 2008
Alachua, FL
The words "I'm sorry" never seem adequate in a situation like this, but that's about all I have to offer. I don't have any advice or experiences to go off of, so I will send a very heartfelt "I'm sorry to hear what you and your family are going through."

I'm glad to hear that things are looking up though, continue to hang in there!


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
I know exactly how you feel. My mother died at age 59 six years ago. She had small cell carcinoma. We had to watch her slowly deteriorate over a year. After it spread to her brain, she had radiation which fried her neurologically. She couldn't talk, walk or even feed herself for over 9 months before she passed. That was the single most devastating event in my life and I still have trouble with it. I was a huge momma's boy and to loose her at age 33 was hard. My daughter was only 2 then and will never know her. Thank God for every day you have him. I glad to hear his prognosis seems good. It sucks the treatment seems worse than the disease!

God Bless...


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
its so hard to come up with something to say worth saying in this situation!!!! Sometime silence is best thing one can say....very sorry about the situation but I'm glad that the treatments are working!!! I hope after all this brings your family even closer! Sounds like a great dad....with a great son!


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
I am sorry, please know that you'll be in our prayers..Its hard to have a sick parent.. i know.. Luckily it sounds like they might have gotten a hold of things..

My mom died unexpectedly January 9th,2006 of congestive heart failure. She was in the hospital for a week over Thanksgiving 2005 due to having over 100lbs of water weight.. We almost lost that weekend.. but after shedding all that water, the doctor said she should be fine.. My father raced her to the hospital with my brother on the 9th at 5:45am.. They said they stabilized her and that she could go home..My dad begged the doctors to keep her just a little longer.. at 10:45am, she died..

Trust me, there is no amount of "I'm Sorry" that will ever dull the emptiness or the numbness caused by this.. If I can pass any advice to you is this: Tell him every day how much you love him.. Try to keep arguing to a minimal.. And keep things normal.. Dont act weird or try to change things around him.. He's not a different person, he's your dad.. Just make sure that if you have anything to tell him or ask him, to make sure you do it.. Always say you love him and tell him that you support him.. Even though I know he knows you do, sometimes even the slightest word or action can lift spirits and bring a person from the darkest depths..

Just know that we're here for you and if you ever ever ever feel the need to vent or talk to someone without anyone passing judgement, do not feel the slightest bit hesitant to contact me! Just tell your family that you're in my prayers


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
J, I didn't get to know you very well, but I do know that in times of need, family provides some of the best support someone can ask for. You are giving your father the support he needs, I am sure T is giving you the support she knows that you need, and your family here at Supramania is here for you as well.
No matter how painful it may seem for him, just think:
If he passes from the cancer, you know in your heart the he didn't go down without the most vicious fight you have ever seen, and that he was up against odds most unfavorable.
If he survives, he is that much stronger, and that much more the superhero that you always idolized.
His victory or defeat will always be in your heart, and you will always know that you are the proud descendant of an honorable fighter. Be proud of that man.
I wish you and yours all the best.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Best of wishes to your pops. I don't have the eloquence to say anything deep or meaningful, but I'll be thinking of your family's struggle and wishing the best for you and your father.


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
Damn I am sorry to hear this. My Dad died 05/15/05 from cancer . The doctors had no idea where it started but they know it was caused by Agent Orange .By the time he felt any pain it was way to late . It was located in the intestinal (sp) region so he didnt feel anything. Found out on April 22 got the call to fly home on May 12 .I was with him when he died sitting on his bed with my mom . I was the one that closed his eyes for the last time . The hardest part was seeing my hero in a adult diaper He was a hugh man 6 ' 0" and 300 lbs was a Marine and a Nose Guard for a semi pro football team.

Jake I truly hope and pray that you dont have go thru this yet . But if you do you can call me anytime just to talk

Matt 425 244 8575


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
my brother had a malignant tumor at age 4, took him over six years to fully recover but he's made it.

no doubt your dad will pull through just fine, just a little rough patch right now.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
You've got my number Jake. I've told you that you can call me anytime, and I mean it. In fact, I might just call you tomorrow. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


Fears no evil!
Mar 31, 2005
Lancaster, PA.
I can very easily relate Reign!

Two years ago I last my Father to colon cancer. It was his second time fighting it, and He had been given a clean bill of health four years prior.

It sounds like you have the best attitude possible given the situation. Just remeber that something like this effects everyone around the person who is really suffering. That includes you. At some point you have to give yourself time to heal. This will difinately bring your family closer together. That will be the suport that you will need most.

God Bless!


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
All things considered, I'd say you're lucky to have a father that you so selflessly stand beside through something like that. Not only does it say so much about you, but also alot about him; and what kind of father he is.

You are lucky to have a father that you can hold such high regard for... when you can refer to him as a "super hero". Those are the dad's that are revered and remembered long after they're gone; their values will be instilled in many people for many generations to come. Those that know him well and understand those values will feel honoured to know him, to have known him, and to remember them until they themselves are remembered.

You're one of the lucky ones Jake, there's good men left in this world and I'm glad one more is staying with us for a while.

My best wishes to you and your family.


Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Cancer is a horrible thing to deal with, especially coming from a man that you envy and look up to all your life.

I'm glad to see that you held up strong and supported him throughout all of this.
Sticking by his side through his struggle, like I said, says a lot about you, Jake.

I'm glad to hear things are looking up, and you better believe he's in our prayers.

Keep us updated on the progress he's making. :)
