i seem to be getting a rotten egg smell coming from my supra once it warms up....the cat is new....so whats up?
HKSupra said:Dead CAT.
TooGoode said:i seem to be getting a rotten egg smell coming from my supra once it warms up....the cat is new....so whats up?
Down but not out said:Cats smell eggy when your engine is over fueling and the cat gets hot.
shaeff said:wow. read the post...
starscream5000 said:Facinating was more of the word I was thinking of...
mk3ftMFw said:sulfur smells like eggs, sulfur is in the exhaust. Break in the new cat... see if it goes away. Freon doesnt smell like eggs... It's almost oderless from an A/C leak, most of the time you just notice it because your short of breathe.