Seriously?!?!?! Stay away from NO-Xplode


T-virus infected
I wouldn't take the stuff.. Few people I know in the gym say it works wonders. But this feedback here is why I dont.
Every now and then I'll have a premade muscle milk in vanilla or cookies and cream. But I usually just it small portions of food. Usually when I do lift to build I usually stick to high protein red meats, fish, and chicken. Puts on a little pounds but gains are alot. Jumped in heavy lifting fairly fast. Now when I start to cut weight I usually dont hit the weights as hard because I wont be able to gain as fast and do not want to hurt myself.
Rule of thumb when it comes to supplements is to start off with small doses first.

Lovesick Siren

Ice Princess
Sep 30, 2005
I take something like this for women. . . a much, much milder form of it, apparently. It has potassium in it, and one pill that's just a fatty acid complex, both of which I like, and all it does when taken together is give me a boost before working out. I work a little bit harder and a little bit longer than I normally would (say, if I'd normally row at 30 pounds, when I take these, I row at 40, and it feels like it did when rowing 30, or if I'd normally speed walk for 30 minutes, on these I'd speed walk for about 45).

I've never had a reaction to it like this. It has mostly positive reviews, and I wouldn't say a bad word about it, because I've seen its results in myself and it hasn't, you know, tried to kill me yet.

The only time I had a negative response was when I first started taking it, while also trying to wean myself off of coffee. Coffee is a habit, so I thought nothing of taking these pills, then washing 'em down with an oversized mug of the shit. THAT was a negative response.

Taught me a lesson, though. :p

A lot of people judge "weight loss" supplements pretty harshly, or assume that if you take them, you're doing something wrong in the fitness/diet department, but I watch what I eat, I make sure I eat ENOUGH, and I exercise every day. Maybe you should consider switching to the girly brand, OP!


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
tower_of_ego;1494637 said:
I take something like this for women. . . a much, much milder form of it, apparently. It has potassium in it, and one pill that's just a fatty acid complex, both of which I like, and all it does when taken together is give me a boost before working out. I work a little bit harder and a little bit longer than I normally would (say, if I'd normally row at 30 pounds, when I take these, I row at 40, and it feels like it did when rowing 30, or if I'd normally speed walk for 30 minutes, on these I'd speed walk for about 45).

I've never had a reaction to it like this. It has mostly positive reviews, and I wouldn't say a bad word about it, because I've seen its results in myself and it hasn't, you know, tried to kill me yet.

The only time I had a negative response was when I first started taking it, while also trying to wean myself off of coffee. Coffee is a habit, so I thought nothing of taking these pills, then washing 'em down with an oversized mug of the shit. THAT was a negative response.

Taught me a lesson, though. :p

A lot of people judge "weight loss" supplements pretty harshly, or assume that if you take them, you're doing something wrong in the fitness/diet department, but I watch what I eat, I make sure I eat ENOUGH, and I exercise every day. Maybe you should consider switching to the girly brand, OP!

lol thanks but i'm about to get a full sponsorship full anything and everything nutrition (excluding normal food of course). supplements are an important part of a workout program you just need to be taking the right ones. In fact they are important enough that the military has now changed there workout to include them(not that it is required but they do see the helping sides of it). As i said this is not something i would normally take, my brother just had it around. normally its just protein, diet, and i've tried supplements here and there but never liked most of them.

most people think all supplements are bad and are going to kill you when in fact most don't realize that multivitamins themselves are a supplement. I think most people get this feeling like they are just a legal form of steroids and get into the hype of steroids are bad illegal drugs...

and I would in fact agree that steroids are bad when used to much but if they where so bad then they wouldn't be giving them to AIDS and cancer patients. I think most of this hate come from the fact that most view it as cheating. In fact a europian study showed that people gain more muscle going about their normal lives on steroids then someone who hits the gym like a religion. That seems alot like cheating to me lol

to be clear i do not do them nor have i ever or do I intend to I just did the research trying to convice my friend that it was not a good idea and had an open mind enough to take a step back and think to myself "well i really have nothing to say to my friend besides its illegal" (he doesnt care) "and that if he does them to make sure to do them right and safely"

NO-Xplode stands for the fact that it adds nitrogen and oxygen atoms into your blood both of which are used during exercise

In the end I am still awake mainly because by the time it finally wore off at 8am i had work to do and i have learned this is not something i will be trying again.


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
Justin727;1495152 said:
I had to do a report years ago on steriods and HGH. Niether of them are actually dangerous but it's the abuse of them that can damage.

I am agianst either or myself. I just stick to diet, multivitam, and good ole hard work

yeah wouldn't touch them myself i already loose enough hair naturally lol