Overheating Nightmare !!



:1zhelp: Still looking for help here. All suggestion really appreciated and being relayed to my mechanic who is scratching his head hoping not to have to tear the whole engine apart again. Love my Supra but this is really stressfull. More stress from not knowing where to look next than anything else. Thanks again for all the responses.....TT :1zhelp:


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
SNut: You can get them at an auto parts store.

I hope you have the car running when you're adding the coolant as this is probably the fastest way to anneal the Head if you don't! :(

I'm not sure just what temp the Red zone is but I know my car at 77c is about 4>5 bars up from C which is about 1/4 of the gauge.
(read directly from the Handcontroller for my standalone ECU)

It could be even without getting to the red zone the damage is already done....


"The Boss"
Apr 1, 2005
To clarify, a Block tester is what Ian is refering to.
It looks like this

The cone shape on the bottom of the cylinder rests in the rad neck, and with the motor running, and the test fluid in the cyl, you squeeze the rubber bulb like a turkey baster and if pulls the vapors from the rad through the test fluid. The test fluid will then change color if there is any exhaust gas (hydrocarbons) in the coolant. If it changes color, then you have a BHG, or a cracked block, or cracked head. If the test fluid doesn't change color, then your supra is cursed. ;)


:1zhelp: Thanks for the replies everyone. It looks like I'm running out of suggestions for this nightmare. Maybe my supra is cursed. It's too bad Toyota runs thier business like they do. Unless you have a lot of money to throw there way it's pretty tough. Thanks again for all the suggestions and when I do get this problem solved I will post what it ended up being. Until then if anyone else has an idea let me know please.......TT....... :1zhelp:


As promised my reply concerning my overheating nightmare!! After my mechanic almost having a breakdown trying to fix my problem he put in a Mopar dual electric fan system which has worked beautifully. Any time the temp starts to get higher the fan system comes on and the tempeture guage moves down to it's proper level immediately. At higher speeds of 150 plus the temp. doesn't move at all. So nice to watch my rpm's instead of my tempeture guage. Thanks to everyone who contributed your posts to help with my dilema which has now been put to an end hopefully for good. Have a great day all........TT


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
I am really suprised that no one mentioned that the head could be cracked. Hope for the best for ya man i know how it feels to have to baby this sports car just to keep it running. I just put a new motor in mine and i am finishing up all the connections as i type.


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
GrimJack said:
, it is possible to blow the gasket between the water jacket and the outside atmosphere, and unless you were looking in the right place, you'd miss the dye in the engine compartment.

This (to me) makes the most sense and seems the most likely source of your problem. I've had this exact situation and my head gasket was rutured in a way that caused a leak to the atmosphere rather then an internal leak. As a result the engine would pass the block test yet ran terribly. I would suggest doing another pressure test on the cooling system and very, very carefully monitoring how long the pressure takes to escape the system. I think you're going to find that you have an external leak of coolant. Good luck.


The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
Did you replace the water pump with a Toyota one.
Water pump veins can wear out and cause cavitation.
If the faster the engine runs the hotter it gets than this could be your problem.


New Member
Sep 26, 2005
do you have good heat in the car or does it come and go, if it comes and goes then he did not get all the air out of the system and that will make it over heat going down the road. you have to us vacuum type system to pull all the air out right. just putting coolant threw the radiator will not work.