No Brakes!!!!


Broke Supra Owner
Dec 26, 2006
South Houston, Texas
And the story begins....

The other day I decided to get new break pads because mine were starting to squeal. I lubed the new ones up and put them on and called it a day. The next morning I drove to school and realized I barely had any brakes; Like I had to mash the brake all the way down to get the car to stop. So I went home and bled the front two brakes [but not the rear] and added more brake fluid. However, when I went for a test drive I had absolutely NO brakes, I had to use the Emergency brake to stop the car. I talked to my step dad and decided to buy some new calipers, but after putting the calipers on and bleeding the front 2 brakes again I still have NO brakes.

I feel pretty stupid but my 2 questions are:

Do I need to bleed the back brakes?


What else could be wrong? My BMC?

Thanks for looking!


Broke Supra Owner
Dec 26, 2006
South Houston, Texas
iwannadie said:
You have to bleed all brakes, start with the one furthest from the MC. Otherwise it could be your MC that died...

Ahh. Alright. As soon as I can get a helper, I'll go bleed everything again.
Thanks for the tip!

The guy at Autozone told me to lube everything [including the pads]. And even though I lubed them, I would think just the pressure from me pushing the brake all the way down would slow the car down.

As you may have guessed, I know 100% nothing about brakes :(


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Sounds like lubing the pads was the 1st issue, then you pressing excessively hard on a dieing master cylinder finished it off. Pending a proper bleed of course.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
That's why I HATE Auto Zone. Knuckle heads don't explain anything, and are usually going off information they don't understand. You can use Brake Quiet, but it goes on the back of the pad, between it and the caliper. If you lubed the pads between them and the rotors, that's your problem. Take them back off, and clean them and the rotors with some brake clean.

(You shoulda called, I can get you much better pads, and only a little more expensive)


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Ouch! Lubrication on brakes is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE!

Some people will tell you to put some heavy grease on the BACK side of the pad to create a little insulating layer between the caliper and the pad to reduce squeal, but I personally never liked the idea of getting any kind of slippery substance anywhere near my brakes. Brake quiet, which is more along the lines of a form-a-gasket type substance, is a better choice anyway.

If you used ANY kind of lubricant on the friction surface of your brake pads you need to take em back off and THOROUGHLY clean them, and your rotors with brake cleaner. Actually, you may end up having to buy new pads altogether as the pads are porous and may be ruined now.

Any further attempts to do your own repairs should be preceeded by a reading of the appropriate section of the TSRM. Your safety as well of those on the road with you may depend on it.


Broke Supra Owner
Dec 26, 2006
South Houston, Texas
Update: After cleaning the rotors and pads multiple times and reassembling everything....and bleeding it again, I still have NO brakes.

I checked along the lines and I don't think I busted any so I guess the only thing left would be the Brake Master Cylinder?


Sep 29, 2007
If everything is clean, your pads are new, and you bleed the system from right rear to left front and still have no brakes... You may have a bad line, check for brake fluid leaks. Have someone pump the brake while you inspect each line. If there is no leak you may have a dead Master cylinder.... and stay away from vatozone....those people are idiots.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I wonder how long lube would last on the pads, I mean theres alot of rubbing, heat and friction youd think it would clean off pretty fast...

When my MC went out a local brake shop wanted like 1200$ parts and labor. I bought a reman MC from napa for like 30 bucks after core refund. Then took it to a local small shop and they put it in for like 30 bucks.

Id have tried it but I didnt want to hassle(bench bleeding and all that) and 30 bucks was a good price I think.

Oh, look into getting Speed bleeders, they make bleeding your brakes easy by yourself.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Dragk913 said:
If you don't have anything helpful to say, fuck off.
I posted here for help because I'm still learning.

easy there.........

we all do stupid stuff.

I know of one member who used PS fluid in his brake system. :sarcasm:

that being said, i would recomend new pads. when you push the brake pedal down, does it go straight to the floor?


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
yes I suspect the pads were ruined by the grease. The heat from the braking probably liquified it and helped it to soak into the pads. If you still have pedal pressure but no braking, I would say replace the pads again.


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
What kind of brake pads were they and did they have a slit down the middle?I know it sounds dumb but if you get pads like with out that slit there for drilled and slotted rotors and if theres not slit there theres no room for the brake gas to vent out.

Also when you bleed your brakes start with the line thats farthest from the master cylinder and work your way to the closest and as your doing this inspect all your lines and you should be good.

good luck


Broke Supra Owner
Dec 26, 2006
South Houston, Texas
Ok, I checked each of the lines and everything seemed alright; So I bought a new MC and bled it, then hooked the lines up and bled the rest of the system [starting with the wheel farthest away and moving up]. Now I have decent brakes but it kinda feels like only the front ones are working, and they're slightly delayed.

Does that sound like I didn't bleed the system well enough?

Also, the pads have a slit and they're some crappy duralast ones.

CKAnderson: After I hooked up the new MC, the pedal does not go straight to the floor, but it still feels a little mushy.