MkIIIs Invade Las Vegas (aka - Supras Invade Las Vegas 2005)


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
Have you ever seen more than 70 MkIII Supras in one place at one time? For most of us the answer to that question is no – although the annual Supras Invade Las Vegas event comes darn close.

Each year The Largest Supra Event on the Planet brings together more Supras than any other event in the world for a weekend filled with "…debaucherous rituals, and some car stuff too, in Las Vegas." - Sport Compact Car Magazine March 2004.

This year will be the ninth annual Supras Invade Las Vegas event and we have some really GREAT things planned!

Last year we saw four Supras put down over 900whp on the dyno – with two of them putting down more than 1100whp WITHOUT nitrous. We also finally saw a MkIII top the 600whp mark with an amazing 675.1whp. Those of us that stuck around to help clean up after the dyno was over saw this amazing MkIII strapped back down on the rollers and nearly bring the building down with an amazing 799whp run. I think we have finally shown that the 7MGTE can put out some very serious power.

This year’s event is shaping up to be even bigger and better than ever. The Road Course Lapping Day is back on the schedule and with the expanded track layout we are going to be running on a combined track distance of ~4 miles on each lap. We are also investigating a way to give everyone more time on the track by splitting the track into two segments for the morning sessions. Those participants that are new to the track will have some instructors available to help you learn the track and how to handle your cars on the track. This will allow us to split the beginners group into smaller groups and run more track time giving more in the seat experience. The intermediate and advanced groups will have the second section of the track for the morning session giving everybody approximately one third more track time. In the afternoon we will look to open up the entire 4 mile track to all groups. There are only 79 slots left for the track and these will go quickly over the next few months. If you want to drive fast – and actually DRIVE your car instead of just traveling 1320 feet in a straight line – then you HAVE to get your registration fee in early. We don’t even have to worry about the cop hiding around the next corner – although do watch out on your drive back to Las Vegas from the track as a few guys got nabbed in 2003.

We are also making changes to the Show-and-Shine awards to make it a bit more fun for everyone – not just Ernest and Don. The Best of Show (Mild and Wild) winners will be removed from contention for the remaining awards (Stereo, Interior, and Engine). This will allow us to spread the awards around even more.

Another new activity in the works for this year’s event is the Supra Poker Series tournament. We are still trying to work out the details on this activity but hope that it will be a lot of fun for everyone.

There are currently 31 MkIII Supras RSVPd for SILV05. That’s 10 more than the MkIs, MkIIs, and MkIVs combined. Can we keep this up and finally beat those MkIVs in the number of Supras that show up this year? Two years ago I put up a challenge. If we hit 100 MkIIIs in Vegas (actual cars showing up not just 100 owners flying in) I would buy the first round. We will have to see if I can do that again this year. Heck… we should be able to pull in 100 MkIIIs just from Cali – even if you guys have to push your Supras to Vegas.

Remember… Supras Invade Las Vegas is not about how much power your Supra has, or how well your Supra handles, how quick or fast your Supra is, or how shiny and perfect your paint is.

Supras Invade Las Vegas is a celebration of all of us… and all things Supra. It doesn’t matter if you have a showcar, racecar, daily driver, or a half finished project. We need you!

The Supras Invade Las Vegas event is put together by a team of Supra owners of all generations. I drive a 1989 Turbo and have had the same Supra in Vegas since the beginning. My top three advisors and coordinators drive MkIIIs. The dyno was managed by two MkII owners and the drags were managed by a MkIV owner last year. This event is truly an event of the people, by the people, and for the people. Just because there are more MkIVs that attend than anything else does NOT mean this is a MkIV event. There are MkIII specific awards given throughout the event… just as there are MkII awards and MkIV awards.

Do you really want to sit at home and miss out on the parties that always happen in Vegas?

Each fall I am amazed at the MkIIIs that show up. Some of the ideas that I have picked up there are priceless! Thank you to everyone that has made the journey to Las Vegas in the past. If we each find a buddy and convince them to join us in Las Vegas this fall we will easily be able to top 100 MkIIIs this year.

For those of us that aren’t planning to go up to the Test-and-Tune drags at LVMS on Friday night (unofficial activity) we may try and get the MkIII guys together for something. Do we have any volunteers to help coordinate something for the MkIII guys? We can’t let those MkII guys beat us again by having their BBQ.

Supras Invade Las Vegas
The Largest Supra Event on the Planet!
October 12 – 15, 2005
Scenic Drive – Road Course Lapping Day – Supra Poker Series
Show-and-Shine, Dyno Challenge – Dyno Invitational, Drag Showdown
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Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
yea man, I want to show up but I definitly want a clan of other MKIIIs (or just supras) to join up with me on the trip incase something goes horribly wrong. I'm in N jersey and already RSVP'd


Apr 9, 2005
In an Igloo
I think getting my supra to this event is one of the top challenges on my life's to do list. I'll see what I can do this year, but in october I'm in quebec, which is a long drive away from Vegas. I won't RSVP cuz it really isn't for sure, but in an ideal world I'll show up.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Spring Hill Tennessee
why can't you guys make it just a couple weeks later. that would be great because i would be 21, but o well. i plan on going if the car is running and i can skip some of my classes. we will see.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
suprafanatic really cause i was thinking seriously about going and getting some of the guys who own supras around tech to go, that would kick ass, and it would be a long ass trip too tho.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
jeez... I'm going as a 17 yr old, lol. Meh, it doesn't even matter if all I can do is drool over Supras.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
We can't go much later or people (like me) will have problems getting to Vegas. I've got a pretty hefty mountain pass to get over. Last year's event was a week earlier and even then it started snowing in the Rockies and threatened the Colorado guys.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Probably won't make it 'til '06. The 2JZ swap won't be done for a year, and there's no way the 7M will be fortified and the car up to par this autumn. I'd love to attend, though.


Mar 30, 2005
i am almost 100% sure that i will be attending, but i dont know whether
to drive out there(which would be very cool) or if i should get my car shipped
out there and fly out there. im in nyc so if i decide to drive out there i could join any of u guys in ny or nj.


I failed to catch the date on this event in any of the posts... When is this going on????


Apr 4, 2005
Lubbock, Tx
I should have my car done by the end of next month 100% so I've just RSVP'd. (BTW - Whats involved in getting reviewed and approved? Thats what it said after I hit submit.)