me and my brothers work


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
thanks to everyone it took mad man hours and craftsmanship...check the charcter.. its one charcter just modified so tis one abse model...anyone want anythign done hehe.:biglaugh: I also do media blasting:naughty:


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
its going to sound dumb on my behalf but I don't know the narrator:3d_frown:. We got to meet him and tlak and chat for about 2 hrs untill they got on are ass to get going on the work cus we had already had ot delay dude to paint arriving late. And caps missing who knows where. and thanks more man hours than i can remember(and no pay for any of it, but its somethign i like to do). I can say since i first picked up the cans i have been loving it many people don't like ti cus of the sterotype it gives us. But i plan on seeting up a photoshoot when i get my next supra done or bought(thinkign of a mk4) and doing a big mural on plywood covered with canvas as a backdrop. and also once my basement is finished i will get pics up of that and the garage is getting drywalled up and going to be doing that soon. My next artwork in training is tattoo artistist. I love tattoos and want to do som of my own. So thats int he works will ahve pics of my tattoos up after they become completed in Winter(wat else do we have to do up here in WI where were snow lays like 6 months a yr besides drink and get tatted)