Looking for a new DD- Lexus IS300, or BMW 3-Series?


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
A side note on the IS300, have fun trying to find a 5-speed. And if you do, they ask a lot more than it's worth because they are somewhat rare.

As for room inside, I'm 6'1'' 225lbs and had Plenty of room. It is definitely spacious up front. Not so much in the back if you decide to have passengers.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
You can pick up the body style that started in 93 (after E30s, don't know the exact year range) for less than 10k. M3.


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
shaeff;1004173 said:
Whoever moved this, you bastid. I'm not posting pics of other cars, I'm ASKING about them! That's why I deliberately posted in the OT section, as to get more traffic, since I'm only asking opinions, and this section gets little traffic compared to OT...


It's still about Other Cars, come on shaeff :thefinger


New Member
May 8, 2007
IS, 1JZ swap. r154. good to go !

bmw are nice. they have that very nice exhaust note, stock for stock. bmw would take it. but if you would want to step it out.. IS i think would be cheaper ?

and only sexy chicks look good in a bmw :naughty:


Evil Empire
Jan 13, 2008
johnathan1;1004398 said:
Another choice you could consider is the Mercedes C & E classes. Best build quality out there (in my opinion), comfortable, stylish, and reliable. Plus, you can get one for really cheap, since they depreciate like no other. :D Doesn't mean it's a bad car, tho...they are awesome.

Damn, Mercedes must have terrible quality control, every newer Benz I've ever driven or rode in has definitely not been worth the asking price. In fact from what I've seen, I'd sooner buy an American made car than a Benz, at least the shitty build quality has a reasonable price. But I guess we all have differing views on what build quality is.

Back on topic, I don't think theres is a "bad decision" in choosing between the IS300 and the 3 series. Either way you're more than likely gonna get a nice car.


3 laws safe
Oct 4, 2005
johnathan1;1004398 said:
I wouldn't like to have one as a daily driver, the suspension is just too stiff. In my mom's 2004 325ci (sport package) the ride is so harsh

^X2 .... same experience here too. I've driven a 2006 325 coupe extensively and on trips over an 1hr i'd honestly rather take my 90' supra with stock suspension. The bimmer does handle fantastic though .

To each his own though , you gotta test them both .


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Sil;1004192 said:
Havent driven an IS300 substantially enough to comment on it, drove a 330xi last week, which obviously is awd rather than rwd but close enough, I enjoyed it. Its a well built car, quiet and smooth, but its got some get up and go when you need it. If you can afford it, you cant go wrong with a BMW (as long as you stay away from the x5, I don't know what the hell happened there).
I hear more comments like this than I would have thought! LOL.

MassSupra89;1004196 said:
I've driven both and prefer the BMW hands down.
I like the IS300's alot, and think they're a great car, but I've had friends with 325xi's and 330's that beat the hell out of them and still ride as smooth as the day they got them.
Great smooth ride for a DD and even the 325 felt faster than an IS300.
That's another thing, it needs to be kindof peppy. My job might me switching locations, which is why I'm asking this in the first place. My '94 Toyota Pickup rides like a rock, so if it's smoother than that, I'll likely be happy. LOL.

turbojuiced;1004379 said:
From what I have heard from you it seems to me that you want a BMW. I for one would never own one just because they are overrated and its definitely not the best buy for my buck even if I was into luxury.

IMHO id go lexus thats just my .02 .

But everyone has their opinion
I sortof do, but I've narrowed it down to the Lexus and the BMW. I honestly would be more than happy with either. :)
johnathan1;1004398 said:
Well, if you don't care about sportiness because you have the Supra...then you shouldn't really be looking at the BMW's, because they are quite sporty...in fact, I wouldn't like to have one as a daily driver, the suspension is just too stiff. In my mom's 2004 325ci (sport package) the ride is so harsh that I have gotten to the point where I was almost going to vomit and had headaches on long trips... :( Handles like no other, though! It's a TON of fun in the canyons.

As for the Lexus, my aunt just bought a new IS...it's alright, and the ride is better, but it is SO small inside. Makes me claustrophobic.

Another choice you could consider is the Mercedes C & E classes. Best build quality out there (in my opinion), comfortable, stylish, and reliable. Plus, you can get one for really cheap, since they depreciate like no other. :D Doesn't mean it's a bad car, tho...they are awesome.



Sorry, I'm slightly partial to the benzes...but what I look for in a DD is comfort and practicality, with a little bit of power and style, lots of room to move around in, and storage space (big trunk).
Well, I wouldn't say I don't care about sportiness, I still like sporty cars. ;) I was looking into the Benz C and E classes. The only Benz's I've liked thus far, were two door, like CK's. (which I don't even know what that is, I'm retarded when it comes to anything Mercedes)

The roads around here are pretty smooth, as well as most of the places I travel. I mean, as I stated before, if it's smoother than my Pickup, I'll be happy. LOL.

Those are both really nice cars you posted, but something just doesn't appeal to me with them. Maybe it's just the color that's throwing me off. I've always been a fan of black, or dark colored cars. I'll keep looking into them, though, thanks for the suggestion!

AF1JZ;1004431 said:
A side note on the IS300, have fun trying to find a 5-speed. And if you do, they ask a lot more than it's worth because they are somewhat rare.

As for room inside, I'm 6'1'' 225lbs and had Plenty of room. It is definitely spacious up front. Not so much in the back if you decide to have passengers.
I found a few, but they're the wrong color. :(
Loki;1004612 said:
It's still about Other Cars, come on shaeff :thefinger
LOL. I hope your truck loses all it's rims in a mud pit, poop face!
PROJECT N00b;1004655 said:
Get a V12 Jaguar XJS, you can find a damn good one for a good price, my uncle got his for 6k, and its VERY fast.=]
Not a fan of new Jags.
iheartmx83;1004768 said:
IS, 1JZ swap. r154. good to go !

bmw are nice. they have that very nice exhaust note, stock for stock. bmw would take it. but if you would want to step it out.. IS i think would be cheaper ?

and only sexy chicks look good in a bmw :naughty:
No swaps for the daily driver. I already have two projects. This car will get tint, maybe nice rims, a good stereo system, and that's it other than maintenance.
Sil;1004788 said:
Damn, Mercedes must have terrible quality control, every newer Benz I've ever driven or rode in has definitely not been worth the asking price. In fact from what I've seen, I'd sooner buy an American made car than a Benz, at least the shitty build quality has a reasonable price. But I guess we all have differing views on what build quality is.
That's interesting...

Sil said:
Back on topic, I don't think theres is a "bad decision" in choosing between the IS300 and the 3 series. Either way you're more than likely gonna get a nice car.
That's my dilemma! :(
logan;1004808 said:
^X2 .... same experience here too. I've driven a 2006 325 coupe extensively and on trips over an 1hr i'd honestly rather take my 90' supra with stock suspension. The bimmer does handle fantastic though .

To each his own though , you gotta test them both .
Yeah, I think that's what it will take, is a nice long test drive on several different types of roads.

Thanks for all the comments thus far, guys!


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Not a BMW fan really

Plus, the IS will do great daily duty. Then if you ever turn baller status and can afford an even more baller daily, you can turn the IS into a GTE powered fun toy easily. Or if you just want a power/fun car to mod that's alot newer than a Supra but still under the same umbrella you're already familiar with.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
Another point that should be duly noted should be the fact that the lexus line of vehicles are much more modable and easier on the wallet in these aspects.

It just seems too insurmountable of a cost to mod a bmw especially if you like nice things like Dinan.

Not saying you would mod but just incase if you ever did.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Joe and tj bring up interesting points. It would be easy to mod the Lexus, should I ever decide to do so...

And I am quite familiar with the workings of Toyota. More thinking to do, damn you both!

(What a fun DD that would be with a wee bit of spool under the hood, eh?)


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
IMHO, Toyotas these days are getting kinda cheap, especially in replacement parts. Toyota is trying to cut costs, and at the same time, cutting quality. I have no opinion about BMW other than I LOVE the way they sound.


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
1988SupraDreams;1005711 said:
IMHO, Toyotas these days are getting kinda cheap, especially in replacement parts. Toyota is trying to cut costs, and at the same time, cutting quality.

Seems like every car manufacturer is doing that these days...

Even Mercedes, who used to follow the "cost is no object" line of thinking, and used to make cars that would last forever...are cheapening it up a bit...I'm not saying the cars they make now are bad, I'm just saying that they definitely aren't what they used to be. Especially everything after 1995. I mean, my 1989 300SEL looks almost new...i'd like to see a new Benz looking that good in 20 years. :eek:

I think the same thing is happening at BMW...my mom had a 1999 323i, which was rock solid reliable, and felt super solid. But her replacement 2004 325ci feels a lot more plasticy and a few things have broken on it already... :\


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
Quin;1004472 said:
You can pick up the body style that started in 93 (after E30s, don't know the exact year range) for less than 10k. M3.

Why bother? Due to the US-Spec E36 M3s could with such diluted powerplant, I'd hesitate to even call it an M3...

Unless you're seriously thinking about chasing big power goals (which is probably what the supra is for), I'd go for the BMW. I can only speak from experience as a passenger, but the ride and build quality seemed superior in the BMW, It also looks far, far, far better ;).


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
shaeff;1005643 said:
Joe and tj bring up interesting points. It would be easy to mod the Lexus, should I ever decide to do so...

And I am quite familiar with the workings of Toyota. More thinking to do, damn you both!

(What a fun DD that would be with a wee bit of spool under the hood, eh?)

Yes it would be. You must look into the future not the now cause the now is only here for a short time but if you prepare for the future thats a more formidable decision. I dont care which car you chose but I do care whethor or not you made the decision wisely. If you have all the facts and you chose then awesome but if you dont and you chose then I would worry.

I simply pick the lexus because you dont know in the future you may not be able to afford the expensive maintenance of a bmw nor the modifications if you so chose to do so. However, if you still think it would be no problem and a bmw is in your liking then awesome. Either way you must be happy with your choice.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Thanks for all the opinions, guys. :) They're very appreciated!