I have a warrant out for me? I don't suppose we have any lawyers here....


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
IJ.;962000 said:
Don't sell the car......

(I will be forced to hop a flight and come kick you in the nads if you do)

Nah...i'll go down to Melborne, get Ian on board with a pass, keep him company while we fly half way around the planet...then take turns kicking John in the nads ;)


^_^ got horespower?
Oct 16, 2006
I wish I could help you out financially - but like some of the others, I am just as broke as a joke.

With that in mind, I will lend you the support of wishing the very best for you in this situation..

- Just tell the judge that you raised enough funds to pay for a lawyer in the matter of only a few days because enough people in your community thought that your county is completely absurd. ;)

But on a more friendly note - this community is amazing - and it is a good thing you are a part of it.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
LOL, I'm just starting out on this learning experience.

To Sumter County, I'm just a name on a list, they would like to scratch off as soon as possible.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Take that engine off of your for sale thread already!

Some more $ heading your way, not much sorry, but i'm an ME major too so $ is very tight. If need be i'll donate a stock IC and ct26 towards your needs, i'll cover shipping.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
i know it's not much, but i hope it helps. good luck!

also posted a link to the thread on azsupracentral, i know we're mostly a bunch of broke ass mk3 owners, but hopefully we can pitch in too! :)


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
I'd love to help, but I'm in no shape to donate atm. :( (broke college kid)

This community is unbelievably generous. I'm not sure I know of ANY other community that would even consider doing anything this nice and helpful. There is no other forum I'd rather be a part of. :)

Good luck and keep us posted, as I'm sure you will, on this injustice.


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
are you coming to texas? Is anyone here coming? I want to make a donation... but currently don't have any access to my paypal. If I give someone some money, can they send it to doward?


Supramania Contributor
Jul 27, 2007
Athens, AL
I sent you alittle. I have been where you are, and I know how it feels.

I was kidnapped and had my ass whooped by three guys over some phyco bitch. The next night I found one of them, and we tied up. Well I ended up with 3rd degree battery charges from the whole deal because I didn't have a lawyer, and figured the judge would "understand". The charges haunted me, and I finally had to get my record expunged...So there was MORE legal fee's.
Moral of the story is SC is right on the money about our system.

Good luck. Aaron


New Member
May 22, 2005
paypal sent. best wishes for u and your family. its not much, but as they say something is better than nothing. i hope everything works out and u can keep as much of your car as possible.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
You guys are too much. I'm humbled by the outpouring I've received.

I'm 99% positive I only need to sell 1 or 2 small(er) parts, and I'll have enough to get this ball going. I'm calling the lawyer today to set up an appointment ASAP.


Nov 9, 2005
Just saw this thread. This breaks my heart. How much more do you need? Someone lock this mans forsale thread!


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
Wills7MGTE;961458 said:
Generally you don't get a warrant for the hell of it, and I'd ask you this, how do you know theres a warrant? let me guess someone you know or are related to has had a visit from the local sheriffs office looking for you perhaps. Since I enter warrants amongst many other talents at my department I can tell you they are not allowed to tell you yes or no in regards to an active warrant, you can go to any local agency and bring photo ID nad be ran through NCIC and it will print off the warrant, if you have one they will take you into custody but you can bond out on the spot assuming you bring your debit card or cash. Failure to appear is a common warrant and thats what I'm thinking your's is, unless you failed to go in for jail time from a driving while suspended, which normally requires weekend jail service or straight 15 or 30 day sentence(depending on the state). Another note too, warrants do not go away, so if you plan to join the military, get a federal job, buy a firearm or a lot of other things they will deny you until you take care of it, even the lame lil 100 warrants for FTA on traffic crimes or parking tickets.

Just go get ran and take care of it, a lawyer won't be able to do a thing for you, and in some cases it makes it worse, if the warrants for daddy and not you they will know since the warrant should have an OLN, SSN or some other identifyer to distinguish between you and your daddy.

Not trying to be an ass but go take care of it, if you don't like sumter county go to your local agency, odds are they won't extradite you if you can post bond within a few days.

That's my lil speech

Just to clear things up a little, since I told him to be hush hush no how he found out. I may or may not of let him know about the warrant. I don't work in sumter county, but nearby. I happen to run his name, like i do with my own and other close friends, because our system just got rebooted and I was testing it out. And, to my surprise I found him to have this warrant. Problem is, is that I don't get a full readout on my little laptop of the whole warrant. Only sumter county has the whole thing. So I wasn't sure what exactly it was for. Now the big thing with this is that I know he has a warrant, and I'm not taking action. This could be my job/career if someone found out that I'm not contacting local LEO where he lives and saying "hey, he's over there". I waited for most of the day to try and contact him because I didn't know what to do, but felt that friendship is more important than this career.

Another thing, this is not an FTA. It is an order to commit, there is no pass go, no collecting $200, this is "go directly to jail". There is no bond. As said before, he already appeared, already was convicted, and was already sentenced. Therefore, by not completeing the weekend courses in their eyes, they decided to throw the full 2nd degree misdemeanor at him. But, as was mentioned, this comes 5 YEARS after the whole incident, and just 2 weeks before the statute of limitations would have run out. What you have to understand about Florida right now is that we just passed amendment 1. This is a tax break on property taxes because of the sudden rise in property value. Our governer Charlie Crist pushed this tax break HEAVILY and stated time and time again that it would NOT affect essential services. Well, no one ever put anything in the amendment to keep local agencies from taking away from essential services. So, essential services are being cut. My agency alone has to cut 1.5 million this year, and about 6.6 million next year. What does this have to do with Doward? Well, people are greedy and nasty as human nature. Doward is just a name/number to sumter county. My opinion is that they went across their system to find situations similar to Doward's. Then they'll put out the warrant for that person, for something they wouldn't have even bothered with because it is so insignificant normally. So now, they're hoping that at least 1/4 of those people lawyer up like he is, and they'll let him off with some fines and court costs....therefore making some revenue in these "tough times". Just my opinion, but I think there could be truth to it.

But anyways good luck to ya doward, i'll be calling you here in a few.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
I appreciate it. Yeah, with Sumter County it's all rural (except the Villages) so I'm sure they're scrambling to 'raise' money.

That's what I love about tax breaks. Taxes go up, more money comes in, and the higher-ups get their raises and bonuses. When the tax breaks come in, remove money, do you really think the higher-ups lose their raises and bonuses?