Got my first ticket today.


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
Kirkland, Wa
As stated I got my first ticket today, and well half I agree with and the other I think is complete bullshit! I'm also seeking advice sense I have never delt with a ticket and also do not know how to better my situation.

Ok the story:

So I was coming down a road called Nine Mile in Spokane, Wa and I was beetween the 35 to 50 speed change. So he pulled me over, and within 10 feet being on my motorcycle I politely pulled over and got my license out along with registration. Now about 8 feet infront of me there was the sign stating 50mph. I could see the 50mph sign before he pulled me over. He told me that I was doing 45mph in a 35mph I politely said ok and took the ticket and went on my way. Also what really pisses me off is the fact I was not even 20ft from my front door. I can exept the fact that I was technically speeding but was I? I was under the influence that once you see the sign its that speed? Or is it when you pass it?

So what's the best thing I can do for myself at this point?

Thanks for the advice in advance!



Feb 7, 2006
That sucks man, at least it's your first one though

rs4rush;1071051 said:
I was under the influence that once you see the sign its that speed? Or is it when you pass it?

lol that first part threw me off a little, under the influence..? :biglaugh:

I'm pretty sure the speed limit change applies after the sign, not when it is in sight... BUT i'm no lawyer I could be wrong

Good luck sorry I don't know enough about this stuff to offer any real advice


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
The speed limit does not change when you see the sign, but rather when you pass it. As far as being close to your front door, the officer didn't know that at the time he initiated the stop.


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
Kirkland, Wa
Dunckel;1071060 said:
The speed limit does not change when you see the sign, but rather when you pass it. As far as being close to your front door, the officer didn't know that at the time he initiated the stop.

I completly understand, just kinda well a bitch to say the least. I understand I broke the law and got a ticket. I'm just curious as to the option I have?

Ps: Not to mention the cop was being a real asshole! He ran out of his car before I could even get my helmet off he asked me where my keys were and I told him the igntion and he told me to put them on the ground and stay on my bike? If I was going to run I would have done it long time ago. I didnt give him any lip and just did what he said.


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
Kirkland, Wa
Jaguar_5;1071054 said:
That sucks man, at least it's your first one though

lol that first part threw me off a little, under the influence..? :biglaugh:

I'm pretty sure the speed limit change applies after the sign, not when it is in sight... BUT i'm no lawyer I could be wrong

Good luck sorry I don't know enough about this stuff to offer any real advice

Hahahaa ya driving a car under the influence is a horrible idea but a motorcycle is like setting youself up for some horrible things to happen! :nuts: If I was a cop and pulled over a motorcyclist that was under the influence it would go "WTF were you thinking with a big :slap:.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
Options? Not many to chose from.
Op 1: Pay the ticket.
Op 2: Choose to fight the ticket. In other words, plead not guilty. (Not Recommended)
Op 3: Choose to mitigate the citation. Admit what you did was wrong, explain the reason, and tell the judge you won't be back in his/her courtroom again.
Op 2: You can choose to defer the infraction. The way a deferment works is, you pay the entire amount of the ticket, go to court, and tell the judge you wish to defer. If you qualify, (and I'm sure you do being this is your first infraction) as long as you don't get pulled over within the next year, the infraction will be taken off of your record. Here's the catch though. You can only defer one charge every seven years. So I would save it for something more serious, like a DUI, traffic accident, racing, etc.

I would recommend option 3. You will still have to pay, but the amount will be lowered.


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
Dunckel;1071060 said:
As far as being close to your front door, the officer didn't know that at the time he initiated the stop.

I got pulled over once as I was about to turn into my driveway. I might of even had my signal on.


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
Kirkland, Wa
Loki;1071107 said:
I got pulled over once as I was about to turn into my driveway. I might of even had my signal on.

To add to it a cute girl that lived next to me walked out to get her mail and smiled and laughed. Yeah just made my day that much better.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I once got a DUI parked in my driveway, and I wasnt even sitting in the car...:nono:

The sign marks the start of the new speed zone, so technically you were in violation, but thats a pretty weak stop on the cops part. Fines are generally reduced whether you show up in court or not. I paid a ticket by mail once and they reduced the fine and sent me a refund.

sucks, but it happens.


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
Kirkland, Wa
theWeezL;1071120 said:
I once got a DUI parked in my driveway, and I wasnt even sitting in the car...:nono:

The sign marks the start of the new speed zone, so technically you were in violation, but thats a pretty weak stop on the cops part. Fines are generally reduced whether you show up in court or not. I paid a ticket by mail once and they reduced the fine and sent me a refund.

sucks, but it happens.

Didn't even know that was possible?


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
Did you pass any intersections or driveways going above the posted speed? If there are any ways to make that section of road more dangerous or risky to drive at elevated speeds when compared to the road after it, I'd say stopping you wasn't lame at all.

I know a "safety zone" near me where the freeway speed is 50mph, but I think from the 50mph sign I personally can see and read the 65mph sign further up, as the saftey zone ends. It would make the last bit of the safety zone pointless if i sped back up to 65 before it was over. This is mainly because there are still onramps in that section of 50mph that the zone was initiated to make safer. (bad, short onramps that cause issues at 65)

I've never had a ticket but it sounds like going in and paying a hopefully reduced fine is the best bet, and whatever you can do to keep it off your record.

So without seeing the actual road it's tough to say if the cop was just being an ass... and as for the keys thing that could be routine? i dunno.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Well I had just been driving the car and they could prove it, but I was in my garage with car in the driveway when 3 cops pulled up to arrest me, lol.

I had a buddy who was arrested for DUI sitting on the curb in a cul-de-sac 20 feet from his parked truck. Same deal, he was drunk, there were no bottles around to get drunk from so he MUST have driven there drunk...pretty thin but it stuck.

slow down a little and avoid getting a second anytime soon.


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
Kirkland, Wa
Figit090;1071139 said:
Did you pass any intersections or driveways going above the posted speed? If there are any ways to make that section of road more dangerous or risky to drive at elevated speeds when compared to the road after it, I'd say stopping you wasn't lame at all.

I know a "safety zone" near me where the freeway speed is 50mph, but I think from the 50mph sign I personally can see and read the 65mph sign further up, as the saftey zone ends. It would make the last bit of the safety zone pointless if i sped back up to 65 before it was over. This is mainly because there are still onramps in that section of 50mph that the zone was initiated to make safer. (bad, short onramps that cause issues at 65)

I've never had a ticket but it sounds like going in and paying a hopefully reduced fine is the best bet, and whatever you can do to keep it off your record.

So without seeing the actual road it's tough to say if the cop was just being an ass... and as for the keys thing that could be routine? i dunno.

No, and no. Its a four lane highway, and over 2miles behind me are no driveways, and no sidewalks, or turn in's. The place I turned into was the only right turn you can take for quite a ways. after the turn I took it takes another mile before any other turn in's. I will take pictures in a few.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Does your state offer Defensive Driving? If so, just plead guilty, pay their fines, take the class, present a certificate of completion and then the ticket will not appear on your record and your insurance will not go up.


in reconstruction
May 9, 2005
alpharetta ga
if you can find a way to prove you were on the other side of that sign..... the judge might drop it.... does your ticket have a mile marker on it?? or how about the intersection of streets where you were pulled over?? if so ask the solicitor if he can look up the MPH zone for that and ask what happend....

being that its only 10 over, you wont/shouldnt get any points on your license and the fine shouldnt be all that big.... anything 15+ will go down on your record

and dress nicly, dont over dress but dress as if you were going to a nice restraunt... i have noticed more people dressed like slobbs get no leunience(sp?) just remember appearance is everything!!


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
boosted1jz;1071310 said:
if you can find a way to prove you were on the other side of that sign..... the judge might drop it.... does your ticket have a mile marker on it?? or how about the intersection of streets where you were pulled over?? if so ask the solicitor if he can look up the MPH zone for that and ask what happend....

being that its only 10 over, you wont/shouldnt get any points on your license and the fine shouldnt be all that big.... anything 15+ will go down on your record

and dress nicly, dont over dress but dress as if you were going to a nice restraunt... i have noticed more people dressed like slobbs get no leunience(sp?) just remember appearance is everything!!

Good advice... the guys putting up the signs might not have been heavy on the brakes, and the sign may be a ways ahead of where it should be.

And dressing well is good too.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
ehh just go to court I always got my fines reduced, 91 in a 65, exhibition of speed and some other shit with a 550 fine... ended up with 225 fine and 1 point.

in your case you can do traffic school so the point doesn't go on your record.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
the hell out here in cali a you get a speeding ticket regardless of how fast and you still get a point.