Check under your hood before driving


Aug 1, 2007
About 5 days ago on my day off a car came into the shop. Nothing special right.. When my coworker opened the hood two kittens hauled ass out of the engine bay and ran through the shop. One headed out the shop door and the other hid somewhere in the shop. A few days later one of the sales persons catches the kitten that hid in the shop. I get into work and see a Penzoil box moving and the guys standing around it. I found out that they capture the kitten that got loose in the shop. Once I found out the history of this kitten I asked if anybody had gave the kitten any food or water. They were afraid to open the box because the kitten was "mean". So I talked one of the sales persons into wearing some hot-gloves to hold the kitten while I put some water into the box with it.

Once we opened the box I see a orange, tan, black, and white flash shoot out and right into the hands of the sales person. Growling, hissing, and trying to bite and claw through the hot-gloves. It was kind of funny to watch as the sales person played hot potato with a rather scared and highly upset kitten. Finally I get a make-shift bowl with water into the box and the sales persons puts the kitten back into the box. Thinking that the kitten probably hasn't eaten in days I go get some soft kitten food for it. Well I get back with the food and realize that nobody wants to feed "the beast in the box". So I try to carry the box full of claws and teeth to the break room. Without dropping the box because this kitten in bouncing off the sides of the box growling and hissing.

I know better than to stick my hands anywhere near the mini-Taz so I got a plastic spork and feed the kitten through a small opening in the box. After slowly feeding it so it would not get sick from eating to fast and too much at once I finally get a good look at it. The kitten was covered in oil and crud from under the hood of the car.

To make this post short The kitten has been named Penzoil and is doing good. He's a real attention hound and loves to curl up around my neck. You would think that giving a cat a bath would be hard. He just stayed still while I washed all of the crud from his fur.

Well I got to go. I just saw Penzoil sneak around the back of my computer so I know my feet are about to get pounced on..... Damn orange and white furball is too cute for his own good. I'm watching him. Tail's straight up and hind quarters are moving back and forth. He's getting ready to attack. Why am I just going to stand here and let him attack my feet?!?!?!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
cute story.........I cut one up one time that fell asleep in my truck. It broke it's back instantly. I hated it, but I never knew they were under the hood. One made it out safely, the other......not so good.


supra is gone
Jan 30, 2006
when my car was recovered from being stolen it had a kitten in it. no idea what the hell they were doing with a kitten but it ended up in a good home.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
LOL, reminds me of this....dunno why though



May 7, 2008
I remember reading a story from some guy on a car audio forum have a rat under his hood and just magically dissappear, he had video of it too, it was crazy!


Aug 1, 2007
I got Penzoil latched to my foot in a death grip. He must subscribe to the "It moved it must die" attack theory. If I stay still he might think my foot has been properly attacked and find another target of opportunity...


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Isphius;1046641 said:
Cats love motors for some reason

They love the heat. A lot of times in cold weather they will sit inside the fans shroud to cuddle up next to the radiator.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
My cat decided to curl up in my engine bay the week after i got the Supe, right under the turbo... Was there for about 8 hours and nothing i could do would entice him out.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
When I was a kid a squirrel got caught in the fan belts of the family wagon while camping once. Ever since then Ive been afraid of the initial start of a car parked in the woods.

Thats a cute story and Im happy to hear it got a good home. Penzoil is a good name. My cat was named 2Stroke for the sound he made while bottle feeding as a kitten no more than a week old.


Permanently Banned
Nov 26, 2007
Hayward, CA
Girlfriend and I headed to Subway one saturday a few weeks ago before taking off to the beach. Before going in, I heard meowing, and it was coming from this guy's Mazdaspeed (the ones with the turbo).

I go in, and since he's the only person there, I tell him that there's a cat under/in his car. He comes out and opens his hood. We see the kitten and he's stuck under the intake box. I go to an auto store and grab a 10MM socket and loosen the undercarriage to let it out.

Cat goes running and we try to surround it as to not let it go out into the busy street. He ends up jumping up under my girlfriend's 350Z. Spent another 45 minutes trying to get it out. Poor cat was probably driven around to Subway. We cleaned him up, gave him some food and he's all healthy again. We think he was abused as whenever you put his hand toward him, he would cower. Now, he's very affectionate and playful as any 8-10 week old kitten should be.

Girlfriend + kitten


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Wow some cool crazy cat stories. I have one as well, taken from my cats myspace made by my gf lol ( So it's in first person told by my cat ). BTW I love cats so I'm happy to see your stories end up nice, as well as this one :

"My name is Skids Brenner. When I was two months old, I took a long trip on a scary truck to a warehouse. I ran off one night when the third shifters were busy at work. A few of them saw me and started chasing me. I was scared. It was really cold in the cooler where I was hiding. One of the guys there, Matt, he looked for me for a long time. Then three days later, I let him find me. He took me home with him. I scratched him a bunch of times and acted really tough so he'd know I'm not one to be messed with. I stayed in the bathroom for awhile because God only knows where I had been. "

I might add it was a real PITA to catch him since he could hide under/in the pallets. This warehouse I worked at was really really active so after the first day when I lost track of him I just assumed the worst. I touched him the first day but he just disappeared after that. 2 days went by and I see a little kitten running in the cooler I worked in along the wall ( 34 degree's in here I might add ). I ran after him and again he disappeared real quick. I spent my entire lunch looking for him with a co-worker and we thought we had trapped for a bit but then again, disappeared. After work I stuck around and had a friend help me out... when I finally heard a bunch of little meows because I'm sure at this point he was just starving. Finally tracked him down, had my friend cut him off when running, and we cornered him and got him. I brought him home in a cheese box and took him to the vet the next day ( My ex was a animal clinic worker so I got a good free deal ;) ). I might add when he ran off the truck the first day, that truck I believe was sitting outside for days and it was literally -10 out all week ( Winter ). It was so cold out that week that 75% of peoples cars would NOT start after work, including my own ( Frozen gas lines! ).

Anyway, I still have him to this day and he is a great fun awesome big cat. I named him Skids since he would hide in the skids/pallets. It's amazing how almost no one at that warehouse seemed to care like I did... and I had my bosses yelling at me for looking on work hours but I just didn't give a fuck.

Anyway, pics:



New Member
Dec 31, 2007
New Smyrna Beach Florida
D34DC311;1046637 said:
LOL, reminds me of this....dunno why though


I live at dead end street with about 500 acres of woods around me... I come home one morning from staying at gf's all night... Im sittin on shitter... look and see this tail behind tolit...i look litter harder and holy crap its a posium.. came in threw cat door...

was funny.. after i took broom to him/her and got out door...

Love the cat story ... need pics of penziol...


Nov 4, 2005
One time at work, we had a stray roaming around our lot. For the longest time it was being elusive, only showing up at night and running through shadows. More and more we started seeing it during the day. Eventually we found out that there were two, one apparently a mother. Most of the time separate, but always around our building (not Toyota next door lol). Well we all got used to seeing them and some of us fed them by leaving food out. It got to the point were one would curl up under a heater vent on the front corner of the building near the showroom. haha

Well one day, we were putting a new Accord in the showroom, so we had the big door open. It was kind of chilly out, and the cat was near the door. Apparently about that time, one of the cats slipped in unnoticed.

So, we got the car parked in the middle of the showroom. A little later someone notice the cat under a sales desk and tried to grab it. It got spooked and ran right toward the Accord. The cat decided it'd hide up in the undercarrage. Long story short we had to jack the car up and take the wheel off to get the cat out. Sadly Animal control took it.
On a side note the other cat has a new home with a fellow co-worker and it's doing well.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
I ran over a possum on my dirtbike once and the fucker was totally fine. They are some tough MOFOs. This thread makes me want a kitten again!! a manly way