....aaaaand Star Trek is now dead.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
JJ Abrams has now officially killed Star Trek. At least in my opinion. Judging from the latest Trailer, and the new design for the big E, i've given up on the franchise. Judging by the casual fan reaction so far, it's going to be a flop even before it's released.

They've taken something pure and twisted it into something for the MTV Generation to digest. I'm utterly disgusted with the set and ship designs. designs.


This is the abomination they've made:


And this is what it should have looked like:


Gene Roddenberry and Matt Jeffries, Gene L. Coon and the rest will be spinning in their graves.



That Limey Bastard
Staff member
The neck is far too far back, and extends too far, the secondary hull has seemingly been eclipsed by a saucer section thats too thick and nacelles that are suffering from giantism...

Seriously why does this JJ Abrams dude fuck around with stuff that is going to cause fans, the sort of people that are going to watch this film, to have a foaming seizure and subsequently call for his execution for trying to fix what aint broke?


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
I'm somewhat pissed that the series has been turned into something so dumbed down, so horrifically butchered in order to appeal to epsilon semi morons and the lowest common denominator.

And i have been laid. Last year, i seem to remember. I'm working on it for this year :p


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
I really liked the trailer. Simon Pegg appeared to be awesome for the few seconds they showed him. And the young Spock looked great. I think that Kirk looks funny, a lil on the gay side but hey they are supposed to be fricken young and hotheaded and I honestly believe that the guy playing Kirk is gonna nail it. Maybe not look wise but attitude wise.

I think the issue most 'fans' have, is that the timeline is screwed and the ship doesn't look the same, inside and out. This, that and the other thing. Really superficial nonsense IMO. Same with Bond or Lord of the Rings.
Personally I find it silly to compare the 60's show with what they are doing now. If they would have had the budget 40 years ago, don't you think it would have looked a lot different as well?! But no, nobody gave a crap back then and now they're already bitching instead of being happy that they are actually bringing back the whole thing.

I find it really hard to judge an entire movie from one or 2 trailers that are about 1 minute long but to me it looked good. Interesting. Different.
I'm gonna go see it, not only cos the hubby is a trekkie but cos I wanna see Simon Pegg and Karl Urban in action.

Now if all those so called fans would stop bitching about the looks and wait for the movie and see if the story is gonna be good... cos to me that is what Star Trek is about... the story. The way they handle problems and each other, the way they talk to each other, the respect and order... how nobody gives a crap about religion, color, looks etc. That's Star Trek.
The looks are just... well, looks.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
They're already alienating the core fanbase by doing this, which is likely to outweigh the non-fans, which will, in turn, attribute to this film becoming a box office bomb.

Once a year is all i can get...and its enough :p


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
TopSecret - dont forget that Roddenberry himself oversaw TOS and TNG, both of which laid down certain rules to the people that took over the shows, even Enterprise was somewhat cautious in its approach, even if some elements did breach canon.

This film, so far, seems to be throwing those rules out the window, thereby effectively destroying the core of the franchise.

It'll be Star Trek in name only.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Star Trek has been dead for years.
When I was really young I watched the original.
Then I watched TNG when it was on the only English channel we had for the three years I was in Japan. It has never really been that great in my opinion, but to each his own.

BTW, I agree on the similarity of the two ships. "Close enough" seems to apply well in this case.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Kai;1180518 said:
TopSecret - dont forget that Roddenberry himself oversaw TOS and TNG, both of which laid down certain rules to the people that took over the shows, even Enterprise was somewhat cautious in its approach, even if some elements did breach canon.

This film, so far, seems to be throwing those rules out the window, thereby effectively destroying the core of the franchise.

It'll be Star Trek in name only.

<NavySupra Posting>

I too was greatly offened at the sight of the updated enterprise. I also agree that the vektor[sp?] Enterprise is by far one of the most faithful and beautiful updates to the TOS Enterprise.

When I saw the first trailer I was extremely impressed with the new bussard collectors. From that over the saucer picture it did look like it could be a very high quality update. I did immediately notice that the inside intercoolers appeared to be missing.

The picture that trekmovie.com posted of the new enterprise did it no justice in compairson to what I saw in the trailer on the big screen. Definatly the lines are not there to make it anyway believable that it could or would be retrofitted to the TOS or TMP Enterprises. It IS close enough in appearence to imidatly place it as the enterprise, or some form of starfleet vessal.

There are also some "engineering" issues that seem to differ greatly from the real enterprise. I don't like the narrow V the nacelles are placed at or the strut shape and placement.

We both know we could go on for hours listing the differences. The important point is that Star Trek is obviously alive. There is no point judging the quailty of the story against the visual differences. Until I have seen this movie I am willing to give this new enterprise a shot.

Another way to look at it, with the enterprise being so much different than the TOS enterprise there is very little chance of mistaking the two. So those who are not as concerned with the technical details will be able to quickly distinquish between Kirk-Pine's and Kirk-Shatner's.

Star Trek needs our support. If the story is good, forgive the visual mistakes to keep the story alive. Who knows, maybe they will even start to listen to us and correct some of the mistakes next time around.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Hate to be the devil's advocate here, but I've heard the same kind of complaints about every single trek show to date. Seems they've done pretty well, considering this is, what, incarnation six? Find another show that's been that successful.


Sep 29, 2007
Meh, as with the new starwars films, the "core" fans pick appart every little inconsistancy or change and decide they hate it never having given it a chance. Keep in mind this film is in no way <contrary to what they may tell you> being made for the original fans. The idea is to get the original fans to go to the film but more importantly grab a whole new generation and create new fanbase for toys and other crap.

I watched TOS as a kid and the other series that came along after. I enjoyed them all and could care less if they want to do something different. Its just a show. Eat your popcorn, drink your beverage of choice, and watch epic space drama unfold.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
ms07s;1180616 said:
Meh, as with the new starwars films, the "core" fans pick appart every little inconsistancy or change and decide they hate it never having given it a chance. Keep in mind this film is in no way <contrary to what they may tell you> being made for the original fans. The idea is to get the original fans to go to the film but more importantly grab a whole new generation and create new fanbase for toys and other crap.

Really, I thought the prequels were good at filling in the back story, but they did not appeal to me as much as the original trilogy. Ep1 was not too great. Ep2 was so-so. I liked Ep3 for the most part.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Gosh, I am not even into the last series with Scott Bakula ( and I LOVED him in Quantum Leap!).. it just doesn't have that "spark" for me. I LOVED The Next Generation, and still do. and eventually I got into the original, DS9 and Voyager.... but Enterprise is all sorts of BLAH.

I don't think I'll be watching any new ST movies unless they got my man Data in them :p


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
Kai;1180517 said:
They're already alienating the core fanbase by doing this, which is likely to outweigh the non-fans, which will, in turn, attribute to this film becoming a box office bomb.

Once a year is all i can get...and its enough :p

Sorry to break it to you, But this isn't for the trekkies it is for the rest of the world . Seriously , Not one ounce of concern was giving to the "core fanbase"
It is for the masses. Guess if you don't like it don't go see it . I haven't seen the "first" three star wars(sic). and I won't because the suck on every single level and george lucas should be buttfucked with a cattle prod but I digress